Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1010: Master Leilong, don’t move

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Leilong's footsteps mentioned, a fire arrow passed by his waist.

"There is nothing good about shaving the hedgehog's head."

Lei Long scolded, and was attacked by the magic of Kotzes. He already knew in his heart that the hedgehog head mage had turned back.

"Hey, Master Leilong, don't move."

Xu Zhi's dagger was screaming behind Kotzice, and a magic fist waved out of his hand.

"I **** your uncle"

After evading the Fire Arrow, and not evading the Magic Fist, the damage of this skill is not high, but I can't stand it when I shout at the face.

Lei Long wore a special armor and a helmet. He was still punched in the face by a magic punch, his nose suddenly sour, and tears began to fall. His heart sank, and he felt worse under his heart. The state was affected and he could not effectively dodge , He may be caught by the other party's magic.


As soon as Bob's staff was lifted, Leilong felt that his footsteps were heavy. It was harder to be quicker than before, and the speed was nearly 40% lower.

At least it is the eighth-level slow magic, the second-order eighth level, he only slightly dispels the magic involved to release multiple times, in order to completely dispel this layer of influence.

When the mage was fighting, he was most afraid of being accused of being influenced by Kotzes and Xu Zhi. Lei Long did not interrupt Bob to release this magic.

"Magic Arrow"

The lower the level of magic, the easier it is to release. Without the advance preparation, the situation where the wizards release high-level magic is not too much.

Lei Long was difficult to move and shot a magic arrow in his backhand. He wanted to use the geographical advantage to delay the time and slowly remove the effect of the slow magic. However, the opposite Bob was obsessed with words and completely ignored the magic attack.

"Oops, the magic of the heavenly shield on his cloak reappeared."

He is proficient in chaotic magic and has the ability to fight for a long time. However, if he wants to target a versatile mage Bob, Lei Long can’t think of a way at all. The best way is to consume a lot of Bob’s magic value. The opponent does not retreat.

But now it seems that it is not going on that route.

He is very familiar with the magic that Bob played,'preemptive attack', this is in preparation for the next release of magic, the body is affected, and the opponent's next magic he can't hide at all.

"Stop your attack, I admit defeat, the flashing ring belongs to you."

Leilong raised his staff and shook his hands. This was a gesture of obedience, giving up his magical resistance.

If you fight against magic, third-order fireball magic, and fourth-order hellfire magic, you may have a certain chance of turning over, but for a treasure, Leilong feels worthless to complete this magic.

Serving is a better choice.

Seeing Bob put down his staff, Leilong felt a little nervous. He was about to take out this flashing ring that caused countless troubles. Suddenly he heard a sound of thunder, and in the sky, a golden lightning bolt split straight down.

Lightning magic, the fastest magic hit after successful release, there seems to be no magic running faster than lightning, at this moment he can not avoid.

Leilong's fiery red face instantly turned gray, and the golden energy helmet was completely unable to defend against this kind of magic. At this moment, instead, it was some of his burden. He was struck by lightning, and the conductive golden helmet flooded the lightning with everything in his head. .

The spell behind him turned to a magical shimmer of cloak flashing to reduce the layers of lightning, but the remaining power still made him vomiting blood, and his head was a mess.

"You are not a master apprentice."

Looking at the excited Kotzes in the distance, Lei Long's voice shivered. For Kotzes, he looked away. This hedgehog's head like a bludgeon was hidden deep. Under the bad appearance, it had the strength of toughness. .

Golden lightning, which is at least level 8, even above the level.

Third-order eight-level.

This is enough high-level magic to make him suffer a lot.

Chaos magic expert-level peak, even master-level chaos magic level.

The other party wanted his life.

"Your chaotic magic is really amazing."

Xu Zhi whispered that he had seen Bob release lightning magic, which was not as fast as this hedgehog head, and the colors of lightning released by both sides were different.

The most important thing is that this hedgehog head has not yet used a wand, relying entirely on his hands to rub magic.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, Lei Long, do you still remember Sanya Babbab? That poor old mage, burned into coke by your fireball magic."

"For a ring, you slaughtered the entire caravan of our Sanya family."

"Go to hell."

Kotzes muttered in his mouth, and the second lightning magic began to brew.

"It turns out that you little **** is messing up behind," Leilong cursed in a low voice.

He bit his tongue desperately, trying to wake himself up a bit, and his body got rid of the effects of lightning magic.

Let's take another lightning magic. Even if he has a spell-turning cloak, his body is unbearable, and his condition will be worse.

Unable to interrupt Kotzes, then kill Kotzes before releasing lightning magic.

"Fire Arrow"

The second-order magic rhythm is much faster than the third-order magic release. Syllables, spell gestures, and the construction of magic circuits, even though Lei Long's body is still trembling, can't stop him from completing the release of this magic.

As long as he can kill, no need to worry about the level of magic, Leilong is very sure that he can hit the opponent before Kotzes lightning is released.

An arrow of fire erupted from his staff and directed at Kotzis' throat.


"Blink, you don't hide, when you are immune to fire magic."

Kotzes was unwilling to move the spell. He was about to die and release the lightning, and he was kicked by Xu Zhi.

A mirror greeted the flying fire magic.

This fire magic came quickly, and it rebounded extremely quickly.

An explosive force had just penetrated the mirror of revenge, and the blazing flame power passed over Xu Zhi's face, and then a phantom of fire in the mirror surface emerged ~ reflected back at the same speed.

"Me, slightly, slightly..."

Lei Long made a strange noise, shooting at the fire vector of Kotzes' throat, and also bounced back to his throat completely. He was almost similar to Kotzes, and the angle of the revenge mirror Xu Zhi lifted was very precise. It bounced back almost straight.

Not a high probability, this is the reflection of the original position of the single magic, and it is too late to be prepared.

A fire vector that caused death, weakened the reflection, and reduced the damage through the protective gear on his body, which made him unbearable.

Leilong's eyes were desperate, and he clutched his throat sorely. It was hard to cast a complete spell in his throat, and he wanted to fight back with Jedi.

"help me……"

Leilong reached out his hand, his eyes flashed with pleading, and looked at Master Bob, if anyone could save him, none other than Bob, the president of the Kingdom of the Master Association of Casa, Bob was proficient in five-line magic, and in the wizarding world, they How much I heard.

The other party will surely release the life magic treatment, as long as Bob is willing to help, he will survive.

"Cough cough, Master, don't save him. He's a wicked man, full of wickedness, and killed many unknown people."

Kotzes lay on the ground, a violent cough in the throat, kicked away by Xu Zhi, escaped the fatal blow of the fire arrow magic, but the backlash of the lightning magic spell made him very uncomfortable, his face blue and white, if not He practiced lightning magic to an extremely high level, and this magic backlash would be more serious.

"The letter from the Sangya family entrusted to you is issued by me, as long as you don't intervene, the flashing ring belongs to you after all."

Bob's legs and feet had just been lifted, and after listening to Kotzes, he retracted it.

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