Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1011: thank you

   The chaotic zone is very chaotic, and the chaotic Bob doesn’t want to come. Kuangsha Literature Network

  In addition to the worse dark areas, maybe these places are difficult to survive.

   Burning and looting, weak and strong food, the rules of the strong in these areas are popular, Leilong's prestige is naturally played, and it is difficult to determine how many people are killed.

   is engaged in business in a chaotic zone, and the Sangya family may not be as good.

   The original sin is difficult to determine. Kotzes took the opportunity of fighting with Lei Long, but also gave a good name.

   At least, the flash ring will come right.

  Depending on Leilong's strength, Kotzes wanted to take revenge, which was very difficult.

   Lei Long does not trust anyone. He never thinks of relying on those students who have come to trust, or shouting at teachers loudly. When the disaster comes, these students are running without a trace is the best proof.

   Kotzes wanted to follow the path of a friendly sneak attack, which was almost impossible.

   But Bob and Lei Long's fighting method gave him an excellent opportunity. The first two fights caused many low-level warlocks to escape, and there were only a few outsiders who could watch the two men fighting on the spot.

   He was not expelled, but he also served as soy sauce nearby.

   is good at sharp chaotic low-level magic and has a strong physique, ensuring his safety in several battles.

  The snipe clams competed, and ultimately the fishermen benefited.

  In spite of accidents, Lei Long finally had little resistance, and he was still alive.

  Ketzes struggled to stand up and was repulsed by lightning magic. He would be difficult to release his magic in a moment and a half, but as the eighth place in Kudlows underground fighting field, his melee ability is indeed good.

   couldn't beat Xu Zhi, beating the seriously injured Lei Long was more than enough.

   "Lei Long, you damn..."

   Kotzes raised his fist in the sandbag and slammed it into Lei Long.

   Perhaps inspired by Xu Zhi, this hedgehog-head guy also uses his claws to catch people weakly and tortures people with great pain.

   "Ho **** ho **** ho"

   Leilong twisted his body, and made a strange noise from time to time. It seemed to miss the moving spell, but he couldn't release the magic successfully.

  He was strong, but he was struck by lightning magic and hit by a fire arrow in his throat, and the remaining strength could not be exerted by 12 times.

   Now all he can do is struggle.

   This is the time that makes him desperate to the end of his life.

   Even if his strength reaches the top, he will eventually grow old one day, and he can no longer raise his sword, wield his staff, and survive in the chaotic zone. It is difficult for everyone to escape this day.

   Leilong did not expect that this moment came so early, his chaotic magic guru dream, his immortal dream, shattered at this moment.

   "Master, that person begs you, look at his poor little eyes, you don't help others."

   "Although I have similar feelings and rivals, but they are private enemies, it is not convenient for me to intervene."

   "You're a bad old man, you can really talk."

   An opponent of the same rank is about to fall in front of his eyes. It's a shameful thing. Even Bob couldn't bear to watch it and simply passed it.

   This behavior made Lei Long completely desperate.

   "It is really embarrassing for your majesty to give me this mirror. I fought with the mirror for the first time."

  Xu Zhi looked at the mirror of revenge in disgust, this treasure could only be used as a funny prop.

   "Magic mirror, who is the most handsome man in the world."

   "Your squeak."

   Xu Zhi squeezed his nose boringly and made two very different sounds.

   "This is a good baby. Thanks to this treasure mirror today, don't break it. It's a pity that I don't have room for immortality, otherwise I will collect it."

   "Thinking about beauty, this is for your majesty to play with me, although it is useless, I still like it."

The mirror of revenge can be regarded as a reward for refined salt and sugar. It is impossible for Master Bob. The thing falls on his hand. It is not easy to take it out. It is better to play for the jungle goblins in Dongfang Village than to throw it to Bob. This old man.


  Bob's fingers were trembling, and he hit Xu Zhi's stick angrily.

   "This is a great treasure, a rare treasure. If today, without this mirror of revenge, you think Lei Long will only release the magic of these single attacks."

   "The first two fights, as long as there is no restriction, his fireball, hellfire magic is smashed into pieces, and there is no distinction between enemy and me, making me difficult to resist."

   "Hey, this is also regarded as self-contained, just two fights, so that the following master apprentices almost ran clean, and the remaining one was still an enemy."

  Bob shook his head, explained the role of the mirror of revenge a little, and recounted Leilong.

   However, Lei Long’s deeds did not care at all, and even included the grievance between the other party and Kotzes. He was only a errand in the lower bounds to do a contract task, not a neighborhood aunt.

   "So, the biggest role of this mirror is to deter."

   thought that he had reversed a fire arrow and played the role of a mirror of revenge. I did not expect that this mirror has other functions.

   "Yes, deterrence is the purpose of this magic weapon. Once Lei Long releases the group's attacking magic, he will take the mirror holder into the attack range, and will inevitably suffer the retaliation of the mirror of revenge, and I will be caught."

   "This mirror made him shrunk, and there was no such violence as before."

  Bob explained proudly that this is His Majesty's collection, and somehow gave this green leather to help, this is the remote timely rain, just came.

   "Sounds good, but if people don't know this mirror, how to deter?" Xu Zhi doubted.

   "Don't know the mirror of revenge, then he can only be a low-level mage, without deterrence, he can be killed directly."

  Bob suddenly remembered that the situation of this green skin in the elemental world seemed to be different from the lower realm.

For example, the water element in the elemental world is very good at magic. As for whether the water elements know the mirror of It is really difficult to say, this situation is complicated. If you carry the mirror of revenge to deter, probably you are I don't know how to die together.

   "You slowly explore it yourself, and good babies will have to use it on the right occasion."

  Thinking a little bit, Bob just suffocated a sentence and watched Xu Zhixing rush toward Leilong, grabbing Kotzes' fist.

   "Don't fight, don't fight, he is going to die."

   "I, I am vengeance, just want to kill him and smash him to pieces."

   Kotzes looked at this green skin, and Da Qiu was about to report it. He didn't want to be surprised at all, but he really hadn't beat this green skin just now.

   is quite restrained against the magic weapon. The magical battle is very easy to cause both defeats and defeats. The melee can not be beaten again. This is a thing that makes him very frustrated. If the other party prevents him, he is completely unable to resist the injury.

"help me……"

   Watching Xu Zhi hurried, Leilong's eyes suddenly flashed a little hope.

   "I'm sorry, I can't save you, I don't want to save you, but it will make you die a little bit happier."

   Xu Zhi took out the dagger, made a slight gesture, and waved it gently, and a dagger penetrated Leilong's body.

  The technique of patching is as fast, accurate and deadly as before.

   "Also, thank you, thank you, slightly~"

   Leilong issued a few words in his throat. The power in his body quickly drained away. His eyelids were suddenly heavy and closed tightly. There was no more breath in his nostrils.

   "You're welcome."

   Xu Zhi inserted back the dagger, and for the first time appeared to kill someone, and the other party said thank you. This is somewhat embarrassing.

   "Succeeded in killing the great wizard Lei Long, obtained x1900 gold coins and 8600 experience."

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