Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1012: Stolen

   Rarely kill a big man, in addition to the experience of holding a knife, the wealth left by the other party has also become the target of everyone's envy. Kuangsha Literature Network

   Xu Zhi and Bob are picking up the corpse, and Kotzes growls on the side, ‘Finally avenged, and the enemy is finally dead’.

   The only thing that is not interested is the wind relative sheep, this wind element is constantly hovering around, acting as a guardian.

   The flashing ring was broken by Bob, and Xu Zhi pulled Leilong's cloak.

The other party's treasures are all good treasures. For example, there is a damage staff similar to Hexis, which can increase the power of chaos magic by 40%, which is much worse than Hexis's best damage staff. , But still a rare treasure,

   also has a golden energy helmet owned by Xu Zhi. The original effect may be very good. It was struck by lightning and dropped to a defective level.

   Chaos Armor: +18 melee and long-range defense, and get seven levels of orderly defense.

The opponent is also wearing good-quality armor, and the lawful defense can effectively reduce the lethality of lawful magic. It is similar to Xu Zhi’s bright ring. The protection status of this type of armor is very strong. There is no power to dispel magic, which is a headache.

   What Xu Zhi liked most was the emerald green cloak that belonged to Lei Long.

   Spell-turning cloak: +60% resistance to magic.

   is a very simple genus, but it is a rough effect. A magic blow can directly reduce the damage of 60%.

  In addition to his ability to resist magic, Xu Zhi felt that if he brought this cloak, even a chaos master would be hard to hit him.

   Leilong has no magic resistance skills, relying on this cloak can resist a golden lightning, Xu Zhi feels that he can carry at least three similar lightnings.

   may also play a role in resisting magic within the ruins.

   "Good baby, good baby" Xu Zhi praised.

   "Yes, good baby."

  Bob nodded. Even he, he had to admire Lei Long's family, the characters who could occupy the side, it is impossible to get a few treasures.

   Lei Long's collection is obviously equipment that enhances the ability of chaotic magic while avoiding magical damage. This is a common match for mages. After all, there are very few mages who pile up.

   "Master, I like this mile."

   Xu Zhi whispered that he wanted to take this cloak. Bob had to nod his head, and he had no ability to transform the contract. He couldn't take the spell and turned to the cloak, just like working for Doug Wug.

"and then?"

  Bob peeled off the chaotic armor on Leilong unusually quickly, thought for a moment, put on himself, and ran back and forth.

The weight of the armor obviously made him a headache. He didn't have the ability to practice combat. The wearing of armor greatly affected his movement speed and evasion ability. This armor is better than the robe he wears, but he can only look at it. Look, or use it at the right time.

   "Help me transform into contract goods, you have a powerful cloak on you."

With the help of the angel feather cloak, two levels of magic can be released. Even Xu Zhi is envious. The level 10 shield of heaven is quite powerful and can withstand multiple injuries. The weak mages instantly become resistant. This is any mage. The ability to envy.

  The shield of heaven is a magic that is extremely difficult to practice, and the master of life magic, Elita, has a headache.

   Although the spell-turning cloak is precious, it is obviously not up to the level of the angel feather cloak, and Bob does not need to replace it.

   "This is my booty, for you, haha, impossible."

   "You are a bad old man, really a bad person, and I will help you across the space."

  Xu Zhi looked dissatisfiedly at the master-level life magic theory series after the completion of the contract. The contract product was successfully obtained, but the rest, he was also very greedy.

   There is no shortage of armor and staff, he has not yet the cloak.

   "Your green skin, I have not been very active in responding to the contract recently. I called you at least ten times and played two games with Leilong before reaching the lower bound."

Bob hummed for a while. In the early days, this green skin responded positively to the contract, but he could face Leilong. This green skin could not survive. This made him very depressed. The summoning words changed and changed. It was only in the end that the master-level theory of life magic theory was cut off that this green skin was drilled out.

   is an army without Violet, this green skin is not reliable, and it still dislikes the bad contract products. Such a summoning method, few masters can bear it.

   But this green skin's repeated lower bounds made him gain a lot. Bob thought so, and he felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

   It's rare that the other party sees a treasure, he doesn't need it, which is just right.

   "I'm working for your Majesty Ruiou, but it's an important event, more important than yours."

   "You cheat, you cheat me like an old man."

   "What I said is true, you give me another agreement, and I will give you a sample to look down, that is a big project, a big project to improve the quality of life, Casa can be a good one in the future."

   "The Kingdom of Casa has always been a cow."

Bob’s dissatisfied correction, as an old power in the western continent, the Kingdom of Casa has existed for a long time, far slower than the change of the human kingdom, and the accumulation of years and months. How much Casa’s heritage is in the outside world. Difficult to confirm.

   In short, it is very good.

Seeing this green skin drilling back to the elemental world, Bob thought about it and re-depicted a special contract, far away, he lacked understanding of what happened in the Kingdom of Kasa, and he also had the big project Xu Zhi said. Certain interest.

   Of course, he also has some small purposes.

  Straightly holding the sugar, he looked at Bob's contract and hummed for a while. Knowing this, he wouldn't show interest in the spell-turning cloak.

  Bob's agency contract: This treasure armor is stored on your side When you need it, you must remember to transfer it to me.

   Contract: Chaos Armor

   The old man apparently took him here as a warehouse. The chaotic armor weighed 15 kilograms. Bob was very inconvenient to carry on the road. It was a good idea to store it with him.

   Unfortunately, the weight of the spell-turning cloak was too light, and Xu Zhiran thoughtfully, the old man would not necessarily be stored on his side.

   "Young man, you have a good level of chaos and magic, join me in helping justice and protecting the people."

   "I happen to have a heavy duty to protect the world..."

  When Xu Zhi went down again, Bob attracted the hedgehog head Kotzes on the other side.

   Kotzes magical skills are very good, and there is not much contact with the Kingdom of the Mage of the Kingdom of Kasa. Bob saw it at a glance and wanted to pull the other party into the camp against Hexis.

   "Master, just like me, what else can I do to protect the world, I can't even protect my family."

   Kotzes shook his head again and again, and Bob's ambition was rejected by every young man. As an egoist who grew up in a chaotic region, who can have such high consciousness and ideals.

  Even if the other party is very powerful, but of course this kind of free part-time job, then of course must be rejected.

   "It's a pity, I thought this damage staff left by Leilong is very suitable for young people like you, as long as you are willing to..."

   "Master Master, after hearing your words, I was deeply touched. I feel that protecting the peace of the world is a very great thing. I Kotzis is willing to work tirelessly for this. Please let me follow you."

  Although he didn't understand what the guardian world was about to do, Leilong's staff of damage.

   Kotzes was drooling to see and protect the world. This chicken soup must be dried.

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