Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1042: Heaven and Earth

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Life Tree Fruit: Food Effect: Health. The upper limit of taking effect: 50 health.

The peculiar fruit that contains the energy of life. If eaten correctly, it is good for health and prolonging life. It can also be used as a natural altar offering.

Sacrifice to the altar of nature, Xu Zhi has not yet such an idea, he has not yet understood how to set up the altar.

But twenty-five such small fruits can increase the life index by fifty points. This is a large bonus. Everyone likes the attribute of free reinforcement, and Xu Zhi is no exception.

Moreover, this is an item that can be brought into reality. The consumption of jungle goblin can increase the life value, and what will happen to the body in reality.

Whether it is a ruin or this world, there are many objects that Xu Zhi has not yet understood, and there are also herbal materials that are not well understood. They are not even very useful for the life of this world, but they are great for humans in the real world. thing.

The difference between physical and cultivation makes the needs of each other have certain differences.

He needs the fruit of the life tree, and it is a large amount of need. The jungle goblin eats it. In reality, it is taken by the body, and it can even benefit others.

If the effect is good, it may be able to derive some real-world transactions and turn them into real wealth.

"This is the fruit of the tree of life in the natural shrine, which is very rare."

San Theo grumbled, adhering to the fair principle of the contract, it seemed that he had to come up with some exchangeables.

The druid who is good at summoning, the more summoned, the poorer the consequences, the combat power added from the air is very cool, and it is uncomfortable to consume.

However, compared with the corresponding combat power of cultivating summons, the corresponding cost is so low that it makes people smile.

Xu Zhi's existence of these summons is, in a way, quite similar to a shared series. It only requires them to pay a certain fee for use, and they can be recruited. As for the deposit, it is probably an individual's repair in natural magic.

"Enough enough, enough?"

Fruits of the tree of life were taken out of San Theo's pockets, and one was asked. It was accompanied by the expression of San Theo's liver pain.

"These are the contract items I used to summon the Phoenix. You can save it. The standard is already very high."

"Do you still want money?"

"miss you"

San Theo replied sullenly and continued to fetch it in his pocket.

"Don't you bite the fruit of this tree of life?"

Xu Zhiqi said that the constitution of San Theo is inexhaustible. With the variation of his attribute panel, the physical attributes of the high priest are also completely seen in his eyes.

The guru of the magic department is so messed up with bad physique. Xu Zhi felt that the high priest should learn some combat skills.

"Oh," San Theo grumbled painfully before saying: "I don't have that good mouth yet. Would you like to try it first, and then decide to take a few less."

"Good mouth?"

Xu Zhi questioned, grabbed the fruit of a tree of life, and bit it up.


The sound of broken teeth rubbing.


The tenacity of the Life Tree fruit was almost speechless. Xu Zhi exhaled and bite hard, and his mouth suddenly shed blood.

On the fruit of the tree of life, a white tooth, mixed with a little green blood, fell on the fruit and did not even bite off the skin, which made him speechless for a while.

This edible level is a bit high. Crushing is one aspect, and it is also a matter of consideration for the body to digest and absorb. If it is swallowed directly, it will be discharged like this.

"Let's just say, ordinary phoenix can't bite this fruit, really need teeth."

San Theo laughed twice, the fruit of the tree of life was precious, but if it is not used, it is also very painful. It is extremely difficult to eat this fruit. For the druids, this is to summon some Items only needed for certain higher-level creatures.

"I don't have any fruit that I can't bite. You can give it more. I will definitely eat all of these things."

"It's gone. Sixteen of them are all taken out."

San Theo turned his hollowed pocket over, and the natural magic guru's long bag was quite long. The fruit was pulled out, leaving a few wooden sticks in it.

"what is this?"

"The branches of the tree of life, the fairy dragon likes to use this to build a nest. This is what I called the fairy dragon, let alone you want to bite."

"Hah, how come, give me a commemoration of the root, I helped a lot this time."

"Give to give"

Branches of Life: Strange branches of trees containing life energy, which can be used as sacrifices in the altar of nature.

Xu Zhi's eyes turned, and this tree of life seemed to be all treasures, fruits, branches, but how to use it to figure out a way.

"Are you going to live with the tree of life? Did you pull out a tree?"

"How come, I just picked up the fallen branches and ripe fruits," San Theo smiled dryly, and added: "Our elves love the environment the most, and they love the trees very much."

"I believe in your evil."

These two summoned items should be relatively scarce, and the collection conditions are harsh. Except for this, it is probably not difficult for San Theo.

The other party gave a lot of fruits and a branch of life. Xu Zhi felt that today was a day of great harvest.

"Do you think the Lai Fen Maze can be swept completely once?" Xu Zhi asked.

"This is the road of wealth you said?"

San Theo squinted his eyes and asked back, seeing the green skin nodding hard.

"You give back my life tree fruit."

"Basil Lei is dead, but now is the best time to attack the Lai Labyrinth."

Xu Zhi clutched his pocket hard. If he didn't use some means, San Theo would definitely not be able to rob him. It was just that San Theo needed a lot of things like transforming the Theo agreed.

"As long as you let the news out, those robbers and thieves will definitely be in civil strife, and they will have much more treasure to hide."

"Fighting is going to kill people, and a lot of people are going to die. I can't fight like this for the sake of wealth."

San Theo didn't think about it, and refused.

"But this is the time for you to pay the least price. The City of Rain has been fighting against the Labyrinth of Labyrinth for many years, and many have died."

Xu Zhi argued that the robber force hovering in the Lai Fen maze has grown into a poisonous tumor. The strength of Basil Lei and the looseness of the elven kingdom have made this force more and more powerful.

In the city of rain, Xu Zhi rarely sees caravans. This elven city is not as prosperous as a barbarian town.

Conquering the Labyrinth of Labyrinth has become a dead task that the middle and lower nobles have to perform, ranging from spending money to eliminating disasters and losing lives.

Xu Zhi participated in the crusade several times, and it is clear that the comparison of the war. If San Theo's combat power of this level participates, many powerful enemies against the little nobles will be destroyed and razed.

"In addition to Basil Lei, there are three leaders of their maze in the maze, each with their own strengths, their strength is not weak, we are many, there are many powerful and monsters, Hydra, Fire Monster, Cyclops."

"This is indeed the best time for us, Your Excellency San Theo. I want to inherit my mother's last wish and put the Labyrinth Labyrinth to an end. I also ask you and Your Excellency Clonis to help me."

San Theo's words were not over, Geralt came over, the madness and venting in his eyes faded away, and again he was as clear as before, even with a trace of perseverance.

"A long-lasting defense is not as good as a simple attack."

He pondered for a long time, and added: "I want the city of rain to be more peaceful, no blood, no."

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