Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1043: Fruit condensed in emptiness and reality

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The way of wealth is not counted, but Xu Zhihao said that he still took the life tree fruit back to the elemental world.

"Are you sure you can break it, and I can eat it?"

"No problem, you should believe my credibility. If it can't be broken, it's useless to put it in the elemental world. I'll share it when I get it right."

After persuading San Sio with a doubtful face, touching the broken tooth gap in the corner of his mouth, Xu Zhi didn't believe in many modern craftsmanship in the real world.

However, in reality, he is also a little stuffy at the moment. The juicer cannot turn up. Gu Yuxi used to cut the medicinal materials. The crusher blade used for the medicinal bath was also damaged by him. The fruit is quite hard.

"Are you crushing stones?"

The banging sound was quite noticeable, Gu Yuxi looked at his almost scrapped shredder silently, and Xu Zhi was struggling to catch the life tree fruit that died inside the machine.

"This is baby, my new baby, eat it."

Despite the toothache, Xu Zhi still had to correct it. This fruit of life tree should be regarded as a good drug variety, which is also effective for the real body.

"The smell is very fresh and unique, it seems to belong to some kind of fruit, and it is also very light, well, it is not a stone, you want to break it into pieces to eat?"

"Having this idea."

Swallowing in pieces and swallowing whole pieces cannot be the correct method of eating. Xu Zhi felt that only the powder is the way to eat the fruit of the tree of life.

"You can go to the Huangpu tutor. She has small and medium-sized crushing machines there. It is more powerful than our family-type crushing machine. The stones can be broken into slag. It seems that there are hydraulic machines. It is super powerful."

The mentor of Huangpu is Huangpu's tolerance, the dean of the School of Toxicology of Yunling Academy, and the official position of the inspection department Shaofu. The positions and authorities are extremely high.

It's just that she doesn't seem to like power and prefers to do research on poison.

Named in the inspection department, if necessary, they will cooperate with the trip, with Zhao Mu's match, but the official position has risen and the ship has reached the limit of official positions that can be repaired.

In the inspection department system, Xu Zhi had to call her Huangpu Shaofu, who needed to be honored as a master in practice.

Of course, at this moment, Dean Huangpu's complexion is not too good-looking.

"The dean, I really don't complain, it's not a machine."

"Little Xu, this is a high-end machine worth 200,000 yuan."

Huang Pu looked at the shredder with a messy instrument index. Xu Zhi obviously lost something that should not be broken in. The ghost knew what he had lost.

"Bring it out, um, either, you buy me another one, you don't want to lose money anyway, right."

"No, I'm very poor."

Xu Zhi simply handed over the fruit of the tree of life. After many tossing, he wanted to understand that this fruit either had some variation in reality, or the research method was wrong, and the physical process could not complete the crushing process. .

With his little means, he has not been able to complete the steps of absorbing the fruit of the life tree. Huang Pu Duan, who is very good at researching various drugs, may give him a way of thinking.

Perhaps, with the drug of Longshencao, it may have to be matched.

"It smells good, a little fragrance."

Holding this tossed fruit several times, the dark yellow fruit whose color changed like Gu Yuxi smelled it first. Huang Pu looked at the light and bit it down.

As long as it is determined that it is not toxic, it seems to be human nature to bite with teeth. The high-speed rotating crusher has no help for the fruit of the life tree. Xu Zhi does not feel that Huangpu Durong can bite it.

"How about it, Dean."

"It tastes a bit bitter and a bit bloody. Of course, it's hard and hard to bite."

"That's not it."

Xu Zhi looked worriedly at Huang Pu's cheeks, his teeth creaking, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Otherwise, let's try that big machine. Sister Gu said you still have a hydraulic machine here."

"Maybe you are right, this fruit is really peculiar. My talent with gold mouth and jade teeth can't help it."

Huang Pu's eyes were getting weaker and weaker, half loud, and the quail egg-sized fruit was pulled out again.

"It's impossible. My bite was deformed."

Looking at the freshly cleaned Life Tree fruit, it was still intact and without any changes. After the mouthwash, Huang Pu's face was very good. She encountered the fruit that she could not bite for the first time.

"82 grams, 2.2 cubic centimeters, even the metal material is not available, there is no possibility that it cannot be shredded and bitten."

"Xu Zhi, are you sure this is really a fruit, can you eat fruit?"

Huang Pu was a bit skeptical of life, holding the fruit of the life tree, the curious color in her eyes grew thicker. In her knowledge, the fruit of this kind of material seems to have never been seen.

"Sure, I don't believe you crushed it, I will eat it immediately."

The judgment of the property panel can't be wrong, the only problem is that it can't bite, otherwise many people in the nether will hit their minds on this fruit to strengthen themselves, and it is not his turn to pick up the cheap.

"Turn on the visual screen, I want to see how this fruit resists crushing, and science cannot explain it."

The small fruit will not toss Huangpu's tolerance, she gave up another more powerful crusher and fixed it directly on the hydraulic press, which is the most violent machine in her laboratory.

The hydraulic machine used to crush the material is only one of the effects. Huangpu is extremely seldom used. I did not expect to use it to grind the nuts today.

"The nominal force of this master cylinder is as high as 100 tons, and the nominal force of the ejector cylinder is as high as 20 tons. The material of the blue steel and treasure blade level is directly a poke."

It sounds awesome and has a sense of killing chickens with a sabre, but Huang Pu is willing to accept, Xu Zhi is no Even if it is crushed, he still has fifteen, in his pocket Also carrying a branch of a tree of life, which can be pressed together into a powder.

Under the pressure column of the hydraulic machine, the fruit of the life tree is like a plasticine being pressed, and the fruit body slowly deforms. It only takes a few seconds for the pressure column to bottom out.

"Look, this fruit must be broken into slag, and it really works with a big machine."

"Then I will eat it."

Xu Zhi stared at the container, waiting for the pressure column to rise, and the life tree fruit, the size of a quail egg, reappeared in sight.

"This unscientific."

Huang Pu wiped her eyes to make sure that what she saw was correct. She tried hard to play back the recording. Xu Zhi stared at the fruit of the tree of life. The color of this fruit seemed to be a bit darker than before, and it was the rhythm about to be destroyed. ?

The way physical violence is eliminated is undesirable.

"Strange, you see, this fruit disappeared when the pressure column was pressed here. When the pressure column is released, it seems to appear in the same place again."

The recorded pictures reminded Xu Zhi of the fact that Aikens introduced the tree of life when he first saw the Temple of Nature. This is a peculiar tree that grows in the void, between the void and the real.

Could it be that this fruit also has the ability to convert between virtual and real.

This transformation in the face of malicious attacks should be a means of protection for the inheritance of the tree of life.

"Press a few more times, there is no limitless conversion."

In the real world, the rules of space are different. This kind of self-carrying ability, like the effect of treasures, can be released, but there must be a limit to the number of times.

After more than ten times of hydraulic pressure, Xu Zhi heard the sound of cracking eggs.

The light yellow hard shell of the life tree's fruit cracked, and a fruit the size of a lotus seed appeared.

The layer of protection outside was eventually destroyed by violence.

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