Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1077: War slave

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For outsiders, the black in the Kudelos area cannot be described by words. This is a place where negative emotional groups such as scammers, thieves, robbers, and violent people gather to survive.

Countless desperates rush into this area every year, and countless people are buried every year.

This is the grave of the weak and a paradise for warriors. In this area, you can always find the right war madman.

"That is to say, our little partner was abducted by you as a war slave?"

"Poor, almost."

Kotzesnana replied: "Recently, the underground commander said that there is a great need for tactical personnel. That guy's attire is a graduate of the tactical department of the seminary, which meets the requirements."

"Very good, how much was Allenville sold by you?"

Doug Wuger grabbed Kotzes's head and carried the Frost Warhammer in his right hand. The boy answered slowly, and he would hit it with a hammer.

"Five hundred, no, three hundred gold coins, you know, there is a lot of money, but there is not much money actually in our hands."

In the face of irresistible violence, Kotzes was very acquainted. He had to answer all questions. He had abducted Alenville's eyes. He didn't expect that the other party had a few ridiculous associates.

"Only five hundred gold coins, God, my poor Allenville, you are really worthless." Elita was chattering on one side.

"Red hair, find him, you will be free."

"What if I can't get it back?" Kotzes murmured.

He knows the rules of the underground world better than anyone else. There is never a possibility of returning goods. The chance of returning Allenville is zero.

"Have you ever slept with a strong man, one after the other, sandwiching you in the middle."

"No, no."

"It will be there soon. If I can't find Arunville, I will take out ten gold coins. I will ask the two strongest orcs to sleep with you for ten hours. I hope you can hold your mouth and ass."

Doug Wug made a slight gesture, and Kotzes' face turned instantly white. This kind of thing hurts more than guarding the world.

"Then, then we may be quicker. There is a large undead figure who recently lacked a commander and shouted in the underground world. They have never lived."

"The commander will surely transform these tactical commanders into death knights. If they delay too long, that Allenville may not survive."

Rescue Allenville is an extremely difficult task to rush into the underground world. It was a nine-death thing. Kotzes' eyes rolled several times before he saw Xu Zhi watching the drama on the side.

"Master, I'm still young and strong, and suddenly I don't want to retire. I'm willing to save the world with you. Come out, I'm kidnapped. I was beaten badly. Help me."

"What's in your mouth?"

Kotzes inexplicably shifted the subject to make Doug Wuger's heart tight. He glanced around for a while and found nothing unusual. He slapped it back to Kotzes.

"Destroy people, Master, look at me with a nosebleed, I'm going to die soon, help~~~"

Kotzes dragged his voice, sharp as if he were a desperate young woman, and his realistic performance made Doug Wuger, Elita, and Agrinaire so alert.

The clues that were finally found, if they were rescued, then it would be difficult to find Allenville.

"I have seen the jungle goblin you summoned, aren't you, sir, sir?"

Xu Zhi's characteristics are quite obvious. Once he has seen it once, it is difficult to forget this robust jungle goblin.

"I haven't seen the teacher for a while. This time it wasn't the call of His Excellency Bob, hedgehog, why did you die everywhere, and now you are still on the job of buying and selling people."

Xu Zhi looked helplessly at the red-haired plane in front of him, and clearly a powerful chaotic mage was reduced to the point of human trafficking.

With the certification of the Solifen Giant Wolf, this guy did not run away from human trafficking.

However, it is said that this guy changed hands and sold Leilong Wizard, which may indeed be better at selling people.

"You know?"

Agrienale's eyes kept turning around Xu Zhi and Kotzes.

"I've seen it a few times. Kotzes, the Chaos Mage, can release the third-order and eighth-level lightning without a staff. It's a great man."

Xu Zhi said a few words, but completely wiped out Kotzies.

"With red hair, this kid is not a good thing at first glance, and even more powerful is a scourge."

Doug Wuge pulled out a rope and untied Kotzes.

"I'm not a ghost in my mind. I'm a good person. I've saved the world with big people. Really, you have to believe me. I'm also helpless in doing this job. Saving the world requires money. I'm Master Bob. Sent to fight autumn..."

"speak English."

Doug Wurg slapped, and Kotzes was honest in an instant.

"I am sick and need money to cure it."

"Regarding my bird affairs, get me back first, and then find a place to treat the disease yourself."

The cross-examination at the scene was extremely confusing. Kotzes asked for help, but the backing hadn't come yet. As for other passers-by, it was a blessing for others to stay in the Kudros area.

There is very little road in front of him, either find Allenville ~ ~ or revel with the two half-orcs, Kotzes did not want to choose either.

The first item is nine dead and one life, the latter one is ten dead.

Of course, he still has a choice, and he will die now, after a hundred, he will be in trouble.

Everywhere is a road to death, Kotzes's desire to survive is still quite strong, he thinks a little, he said: "I take you to the territory of the hand of death, that is the base camp of the dark chieftain sect, what Alan must have been transported there. ."

"Boy, don't play tricks, as soon as we find you fooling, you're dead."

For the traffickers, Doug Wuger is not polite at all, punches and kicks are indispensable, Rao Kotzis has strong muscles, and is also screamed with beatings.

"Sir, you help me to beg for help. I can't fight it anymore. The magical conflict between ice and fire in my body is uncomfortable."

"I was beaten, and I was beaten if I didn't. I didn't interrogate so much."

Kotzes lay on the ground, his eyes white, and a mixture of white foam and blood foam spouted out.

"Coco, no matter what, you won't do bad things next time."

With the existence of a master of life magic like Elita, Kotzes didn't want to die so easily. Of course, it was not so simple to want to survive peacefully.

This guy is doing things this time, and Doug Wug hates the people who disrupt his treasure-winning steps. Accidents that happen unexpectedly mean that many uncontrollable factors will come in.

The black sword of Prattland, which was originally only the kingdom of the lunatic asylum, is now inexplicably going to provoke an underground sect. No more life can be spent.

Compared with the big king to be dealt with on the bright side, the complexity of the underground sect, coupled with the particularity of the Kudelos region, the danger will increase dramatically.

"This kid is so broken that he should be killed."

"I'm actually a good person, at least Kudros's good person," Kotzes argued diligently. 2k reading network

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