Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1078: Magic conflict

   In this world, there have never been pure good people and bad people. Kuangsha Literature Network

   The change of mind is only due to the interests.

  As long as the interests are sufficient, the worst person will do good, and the best person will also do bad things.

  As Kudlows grew up, Kotzes is more immersed in the word interest.

  Which one is good for him, he will choose which way.

   Three hundred gold coins, cheap enough to let Elita Tucao, but this is the price of Kotzes to sell his life.

   abducted and sold Allenville, just to extend his life to a period of survival.

  As he said, he is sick and needs money to cure it.

   "The magic of ice and fire in my body is out of control. When the fire system is out of control, I must drink a bottle of cold potion, and the ice system out of control needs to drink fireproof potion."

   "If you don't drink, I will die."

   "Sorry for the greed at the beginning, I only saw the power of ice and fire, and did not listen to Bob's advice."

   Kotzes looked at the light blue left hand and fiery red right hand in his sleeve, not only the left and right hands. His body has appeared in two different colors, and the spreading situation has spread to the whole body.

   is in a state of extreme imbalance. On the one hand, he releases the powerful power of these two types of magic; on the other hand, he is completely unable to support this situation.

   The price of potions in the Kudelos area is several times the normal market price. Purchasing magic potions in this place is tantamount to drinking thrush to quench thirst.

   But Kotzes had no other place to go. As a local aborigine, he could only go to other places as a traveler or become a refugee, and it was difficult to find a suitable way to buy at one time.

   Spend money like running water, sell everything you can sell, like a drug addict, Kotzes is in a difficult position to fill.

  People have done things one by one that they dare not do and cannot do.

   He is excusable, but no one will go with him.

  Does not hurt when the knife falls on himself.

   Even Elita, who was so kind and kind, looked at Kotzes with full of anger.

   "I don't care what you do. The ice conflicts with the fire. If you don't drink the potion for three days, I will die. I just tell you that if you don't cooperate well, you will die now."

   holding a small whip, Doug Wugg kept whipping Kotzes walking in front.

   "If you can retrieve Arunville intact, I will tell you a message to resolve the conflict between ice and fire, at least you can survive from the potion in the future."

  Doug Wug's big stick was just swung out, and Agrinael delivered another radish. Her words were like a stimulant, and Kotzes' eyes were straight.

   "Beautiful, no, great bard, you can really solve my problems."

   "That's right, you should know that there are more than you as a fool in this world, thinking of fellow initiates."

   traveled many places, and was good at collecting all kinds of bard information. Agrienaire had far more insights than Kotzes. After a few words, this aircraft head guy cooperated a lot, and vowed to be willing to help.

   No one wants to die as long as they can live.

   "You guys, if you have any difficulties, please call me. I have recently been interested in higher-level healing magic. If you can, I hope you can help me find a piece of magic parchment like that."

  Followed by Doug Wuger and others to run errands, Xu Zhi didn't do it. As a qualified thug, he only appeared when he needed it, and he didn't waste time on itinerary.

   "If your healing magic is above level 6, you can try to practice medical magic. This is advanced magic in the healing department. It is more powerful, requires more magic, and is more difficult to practice."

   "Thank you for the help you brought this time. I have parchment with medical magic here and I can send it to you."

   Elita hurriedly drew in her pocket, several gold tickets and magic parchment fell together, and the amount on the gold ticket made Kotzes swallow several times.

   "I can't see how much you carry."

   Kotzes stared at the gold ticket, while Xu Zhi set his sights on the falling pieces of magic parchment.

   "It was engraved when I was idle before. These are the magic parchments I have learned. If you like, you can send them to you."

   "You are very generous, I am inexplicably crazy about magic parchment, I like everything, thank you."

  Compared with other masters that Xu Zhi contacted, Elita was generous, money was thrown away like running water, and several pieces of magic parchment were also sent.

   knew that this master of life magic was so rich, Xu Zhi felt that he should open a little earlier, holding the four pieces of magic parchment in his hand.

   "Don't learn magic magically, I am a real case of a victim" Kotzes muttered.

   "Well, take care of yourself, I will never practice conflicting magic."

   Life magic conflicts with many magic sequences in death magic, and there are also magic sequence conflicts in lawful magic and chaotic magic. Inadvertent practice can easily lead to magical hidden diseases. Only natural magic is independent, and it is not afraid of the two matching each other.

The more you practice, the more Xu Zhi understands magic.

  Xu Zhi now has the three major magics of lawfulness, nature, and life. The death magic from sacrifices seems to be independent of the panel, and has no additional impact.

   On the way of death magic, Xu Zhi developed quite little, and the practice of death magic was quite difficult. The necromancers were in the underground party practice mode, which was quite secret. There was no training institution such as the necromancer college.

   Want to get more advanced complete practice theory and death magic is very difficult for Xu Zhi.

   "Big **** song, little **** song."

   "Oh, it's holy singing and holy word."

  Elita's magic parchment, a healing, a medical treatment, a holy word, a holy singing.

  Xu Zhi has seen Bob release the chanting. This magic is quite unfriendly to the undead. It is good to learn it. After all, Dongyue has many small remains of the undead. A life magic that can be attacked in a range is suitable for matching.

   Can't resist at all like last time, can only be beaten with his head, can be avoided next time, mouth singing, low-level undead must die in batches.

  Holy Word is a single magic against the undead. After practicing to level 6, you can practice chanting. The rules are not much different from healing and medical magic.

   In the elemental world, Somra took the parchment and looked lonely.

   "I didn't expect that my violent mage actually had a day to practice the healing magic. This magical style may not be able to go back in the future."

   "This holy word and holy chanting are a little bit more interesting than the old world's undead killer magic. Not only are they divided into singles and groups, but the creatures they target seem to be not limited to the undead."

   "Not only the undead?" Xu Zhi asked suspiciously.

   "As far as the magic sequence is concerned, it seems that it can also attack demonic creatures. According to the division of this world, it should be a restraint for all death creatures."

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