Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1079: balance

   Overdone too much, even if there is a thick soil Xuan Jing constantly running on its own, Xu Zhi is still uncomfortable and can only squat at home.

   "The three-headed dog is hot and rests a lot. Your big cousin also had a nosebleed today."

   Chen Jingsi's words gave Xu Zhi a little comfort. Li Duohuang ate a lot more than he did. It is really good to have this kind of ending.

   Seeing the same bad luck, Xu Zhi was in a good mood.

   "We also need to eat braces, we also need to make up for nosebleeds."

   Aoao called a few times, a few friends went to the wild area to fight the autumn wind, Lv Guoyi and Chen Jingsi were recuperating, and the trip to the Naika Sulphur Cave corridor made them feel terrified and traveled again. They decided to choose a good day.

   "I really want to go out and jump."

   Xu Zhi had been there for a while. This experience is temporarily unavailable. He can only look at the side of the dream world.

  Allenville was trafficked, and Doug Wuger and others rushed into the underground world, there must be times when there is no way to fight.

  Xu Zhi put on the power scale armor, and carried the agile war halberd, wearing an energy helmet, an ugly mask on his face, and a badge of honor on his chest.

  Except for the horn bow, the Bright Ring is temporarily not suitable for seeing Elita, the guardian's robe is not suitable for large-scale fighting, and his equipment has reached his upper limit.

   "Who are you going to kill and kill again," Somrach said.

   "I am preparing to rescue the hostages and do good deeds."

   "Be careful, don't be beaten to death."

   Somra's instructions made Xu Zhigan laugh a few times. He is also a strong thug level anyway. As long as he does not touch the super oss, a trace of resistance, or he can still escape, and it is not so dangerous.

   The last time I rescued Allenville, I earned nearly a thousand experience. A bunch of battle five slags are just ordinary people. I was confused by my mind, and Xu Zhi was a little embarrassed to reap.

   But this time it was different. This time it was the underground party. There was not a lot of blood on the hands, even if there were humans, there was no psychological pressure to kill.

   was summoned by Agrinael to act with Doug Wuger and Elita. Xu Zhi felt that each other was more of a cooperative relationship, each taking what he needed.

   can get something, Xu Zhi also mixes a piece of soup, if not, he has the right to run a leg in the lower realm.

   At least he still has experience.

  On the portal, Agrienaire’s contract re-emerged, Xu Zhi glanced at it, and went straight to the past.

   "It's a little dark."

   "That is, this is drilling holes."

   When Xu Zhi squeezed over, these people were carrying a torch, and the not-so-bright light made it difficult to see clearly more than ten meters away.

   "As long as you follow the markings on the wall, we can definitely find the dungeon, and the dark spots are no problem."

   Kotzes whispered, using the light of the torch, he carefully distinguished the direction of the instruction.

   "Did I come a little early."

   Xu Zhi sullenly put away the halberd, who had come to fight, but the result was still running errands, how long has it been running back and forth, still running.

   "Not early, not early, just came, squeaky lord, you do not have that lamp, lamp lamp lamp, very bright kind, come one chant."

   Agriline looked at Xu Zhiyi's pocket with a frowning eye. The energy lamp is a must-have item for Xu Zhi's adventures. This naturally exists.

   With the gradual adjustment of the light, the underground space suddenly brightened up.

  Doug Wooger will burn half of the torch and throw it on the ground. If there is light, there is no need for fire.

   "This baby is good, this baby is good, squeaky lord, let's come here to sell lights and lights, we can make a fortune."

Kotzes's eyes lit up. Compared to the luminosity in adventurous magic, holding a lamp to move forward is too convenient. For the convenient light source, everyone in the underground kingdom is lacking. As a veteran of business, Kotzes is the first Time thought of selling lights.

   "You still want to buy some magic potions, survive first and talk about it."

  Xu Zhi looked at this guy, the red and blue color on his body almost rushed to his neck, according to this guy's introduction, when the whole body is in this state distribution, he is almost the same.

   "That big brother and two sisters let me go."

   Kotzes hummed for a while and was kicked by Doug Wuger, and led the way honestly.

   "This kid just owes a beat and doesn't work without a few strokes."

  Doug Wuger pointed at Kotzes in front of him, and everything fell into one. Bob Kotz was miscalculated. He was subdued by Doug Wug's dress and worked very actively.

   "Coco, how did you sell Allenville?"

  According to Kotzes' description, this place is not far from the city of the hand of death. Xu Zhi thought about it, and lazily returned to the elemental world. It was no problem to walk with him for tens of minutes.

He was also curious about Allenville being trafficked when he was bored. After all, the young man looked like a shrewd man, so he was tricked into selling.

   "Oh, the guy sighed that he was useless when he drank, and I said that there is an underground war school here that can learn good things."

"The results of it?"

   "The result is that he begged me to take him to chant, and then I sold him easily, and he thanked me when I got on the carriage."

   Kotzes's reply made Xu Zhi speechless for a while. The process of trafficking was simple and could not be simpler. Allenville suffered a demotion.

"It's an imbalance, an imbalance in ability," Agrienaire glanced at Elita before continuing: "He grew up with Elita, and now Elita is a master of life magic, and Allenville still It’s just a senior commander. The longer he gets along, the more he desires to increase his strength, and then makes some unexpected moves."

   "Everyone has different abilities, different opportunities, and different growth. When they meet again, this drop will make people uncomfortable and bring great pressure."

Agrina’s words made Elita silent for a while, and half-sounding, she said: "I originally wanted him to follow the horizon and make the seminary lessons learnable. I did not expect that I was wrong. ."

  Master of life magic, senior tactical commander.

   Two distinct and equal ranks, Alita and Allenville are now facing quite similar situations as Xu Zhi faced in reality.

   Xiuwei's far ahead, that is, Yan Jinbai, who was first to win Xu Zhi, also felt great pressure, not to mention Gu Yuxi, Wang Zhongwang, Shang Qianqiu and others.

   It's just that Xu Zhiyao has too many Accidents are endless, and now he has practiced the thick soil mystery and fell into the big pit. Everyone is mostly sympathetic to Xu Zhi.

   There is no jealous mind.

   In this situation, they really have nothing to envy.

   is not a grandpa, who dares to practice the Thick Earth Profound Scriptures, can't catch up now, there will always be a chance to go forward in the future.

  In the early days of cultivation, the speed of spiritual practice will be relatively fast. It will take years or even more than ten years to break through a level when you move higher. The confidence of everyone in catching up with Xu Zhi is not enough.

Besides, there are many cultivators. Why bother to find people around you and like to compare, then compare with Tuo Guhong and get angry, and compare with Piduo Huanhuang, you must be angry again. Comparing with the Grand Masters, that mentality should not collapse immediately.

   There are so many talented people in the world. If you don’t correct your attitude and position, if your mind is chaotic, and you want to catch up and surpass, it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing.

   "I think that the child is undercut, and if he beats twice in three days, his head will be sober."

   For Doug Wurg, there is nothing that violence cannot solve. If it is not resolved, it is just that the level of violence is not enough.

  His words made Kotzes shivering.

  Walking for a while, the ground suddenly opened up, and Kotzes pointed forward, only to see that far away, there was a dim light flashing.

On the other side of the exit, several carriages squeaked and ran over.

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