Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1085: Elita's Dark Cloak

   A demon wants to run away, which is the helplessness of many creatures. Kuangsha Literature Network

   Unless it is a powerful control magic, or a powerful samurai cut off his hands and feet, he can subsequently destroy these creatures.

   As a top-level creature, even if it is a common species, it has not learned all kinds of magic and martial arts, and has gone to the self-reinforced boss route, which does not affect the tough evaluation of these creatures.

   Assembled Xu Zhi, the thugs, the bone dragon Malasha's relay strike, the demon body was incomplete, but it did not affect its ability to run.

   Two flashes of teleportation are almost two hundred meters away, and it is extremely difficult to chase after the change.

   Even the bone dragon Maratha can only say cruel words, flapping his wings sideways.

   "Oh, Lord Cardonis will turn you all into pathetic undead, wait for death, bugs..."

   The devil was breathing heavily, and the deep words echoed in his ears. At the next moment, a huge pain in the neck came, which was far more severe than before.

   As a demon, he never expected to be successfully attacked by someone. This time, he did not make enough defense, but his head was too late to turn around.


   Waving the halberd, Xu Zhi exhaled and uttered a sound, the blade of the halberd more than two meters long was cut into the devil's neck, stirring hard, pulling, the other party's neck had been cut by him nearly half.

   When he made up a foot, the demon body fell obliquely.

   An unknown fire appeared in the demon, and the huge body ignited the fire.

   "Big Brother Real Cow bī)."

  Maratha was not far away.

   "Speaking that he is not your eldest brother, Lord Bob said, it is a jungle goblin, a jungle goblin in the elemental world."

   This skull dragon climbed relatives. Nags used his bone hand to shake Malasha's head, thinking about shaking off some water, so that he could be sober.

   "Magic with melee, this is His Majesty's route, not right, this guy will be far away."

   The first time I saw Xu Zhi's ability to fully release melee, Bob looked at the green skin with an ugly mask in the distance, and felt that the other party's ability was messy, but it was all on the scene.

   can now chase to kill the demon and put it in the legion of Kasa, this is also a general with a high rank.

   "Perhaps His Majesty Leo's idea is really possible, but at least he must be the lord."

   "Jungle Fairy Lord."

  Bob shook his head and smiled dumbly. This was more difficult than the one he was responsible for killing Hexis. In the spirit of knowing the sea, several gray mice appeared and a bit of bite interrupted Bob's thinking.

   His face was pale, and suddenly a warm light came from his body, which was far deeper than his medical magic practice.

   "Thank you Pastor"

  Bob looked at the woman who was not very old from afar, there seemed to be an impression in memory, but there was some blurry and unclear.

   For a long time, he tentatively asked: "The Bright Lady, Elita Evanta?"

   "I am not a saint, you admit the wrong person."

  Elita shook her head, eyes flashing vigilant.

   "I'm not a member of the Bright Holy See. You don't need to worry. Speaking of which, I still know your father. I met a few years ago, but then you were young."

   "Oh, don't talk, the skull is still alive, pretty lady, help me get rid of these **** mice, hurt~"

  Bone dragon, shaking his head constantly, a good twist, he was affected by the plague effect just now.

   Shersin, who was holding a staff aside, had a strange face, and nodded again and again, and it took eight lifetimes for him to get into this kind of battlefield.

   Now he doesn’t want to care about it, he just wants Kadonis to get away, then he removes the plague curse, and he starts to roll out of this area of ​​Kudros, and never comes here again.

Fourteen of the slave guards, six or seven of them were sluggish. They were lying on the ground after being struck by counterattacks and plagues. They took a breath without breathing, and the other bow and arrow saw the stretching force became smaller and smaller, and the legs and feet went from time to time. This place runs.

  As he drove away Cardonis, he asked the priest to release medical treatment to expel the plague.

   In addition, Shelsin also had to guard against the other person's green skin. That guy was going to be a black hand thief. Whoever was about to die, he wanted to poke a halberd, which made Shelsin feel very tired.

   Cardonis is not far away, and moves by hundreds of meters around the crowd by the devil's maneuver.

   Watching the fire of the demon burning, the general under him died completely, and the nostril master's nostrils burst into white air.

   "You sinners, you all have to die, you have to die."

  Cultivating a demon is not easy. High-level creatures are extremely powerful, and the corresponding auxiliary conditions are also very harsh. Only a few people can control them.

   Cardonis is not a ghost-god-career profession, and has the natural favor of demons. It is very difficult to attract a demon with long-term cooperation. It is not a small blow for him to die a demon.

   The other party had somehow found the elder ancestor of the bone dragon and suffered mental suppression. The bone dragon mass under his command could not be dispatched at all. The four bone dragons are still lying in the city of the hand of death.

  In addition to some brainless blood slaves, the vampires also obviously have problems, and fighting with this group of people seems extremely negative.

  Controlling hundreds of elite legions, Cardonis feels that he has raised a pile of waste, and is confronted with two demons with no fear of influence. Now he is still slaughtered.

  If you want to kill these people in front of you, the first prerequisite is obviously to kill the great priest guarded by layers. The ghost knows how to mix a bright priest in this underground space.

   "Destroy, the beginning of a new life, hatred, the power of life, when I cross the river of time, the soul of revenge is about to return."

   Kadonis kept mumbling, and far away from everyone, the Skeleton Staff waved for a while.

   "At such a long distance, what curse he is Xu Zhigang wants to replace Doug Wurg, seeing that the opponent's curse is released, and he cannot withdraw from the body for a while.

   It is difficult to guess how many abilities the lord of an underground city hid. If he studied some weird spells like San Theo, and once again made a move, he would not be able to escape doom.

   "It is the fourth-order magic, the call of death, pay attention to release the dispel magic, to prevent him from temporarily resurrecting something."

  A preemptive attack magic was released, and Bob muttered in his mouth, staring at Cardonis in the distance.

  With enough knowledge, he recognized the death magic released by the other party for the first time, and did not appear too panic.

  Nargs had to follow the mantra and began to make preparations. At such a long distance, Rao was so mentally strong that it was difficult to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting.

  In the venue, the flame of the death demon had just extinguished, showing a pile of black powder, and the fire suddenly ignited again. Among the flames, a gigantic huge shadow stood up again.

   "Kill the woman first."

Cardonis jumped from the demon body and pointed towards Elita. The demon nodded slightly. The body shuttled several times in a row and appeared on the side of the resurrected demon. They just swapped positions and it was difficult to tell which one was. Just came out of resurrection.

   "You will all die."

   Cardonis murmured, facing the barbarian and the old vampire who came after him, he shook his cloak behind him, and the figure suddenly escaped into the darkness, with no breath.

   "It's the dark cloak."

  Elita's eyes lit up, and thousands of people couldn't find out where they were. Unexpectedly, the treasure was worn by Cardonis.

   She uttered something in her mouth, a piece of armor was thrown into the body, and two bright shields appeared immediately before and after, which made the self-defense strict.

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