Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1086: Cooperation in chaos

   "As far as I see it, all death will be hit by light. Kuangsha Literature Net"

   The light priest who originally supported the medical treatment in the rear shot himself, making the thugs very depressed. They all hoped that this curse of the plague would be lifted. They all started to fight against the undead.

   Cardonis couldn't get away, and gave the two demons another command to kill the priest.

   can't let the priest wait for death on the spot, always solve the curse, not to resist.

  The chanting landed instantly. The huge impact range caused several undead in the venue to suffer. Even Cardonis, hundreds of meters away, did not escape. A bright light fell on his head, shaking him out of the darkness.

   "I hate big **** songs."

   Bone Dragon, who asked the younger sister to relieve the plague, this younger sister kept pouring feces on the top, this dragon's choice was really difficult.

   "The level of this chanting is a little high, where is such a ruthless murderer."

  Nags shook his head, Bob and others were fine, but they were real undead creatures, as if their bodies were splashed with oil.

   Powerful chanting, no less than the magic attack of fire arrows, ice arrows and so on.

   hurriedly Bob just jumped from the bone dragon, Maratha lifted off in an instant, the bright light fell again, and the powerful range strike came again.

   "The power of chanting seems to be not small, even demons can strike."

Seeing the demon shuttle between the two spaces did not escape, Xu Zhi finally murmured, if the more than ten priests who can master high-level chanting, only need to hold on to release the chanting for several rounds, these demons have to be turned into ashes .

   "Whereever I see it, all death will be struck by light."

   A spell came out of Bob's mouth, and a slightly smaller circle of light formed, and two chants came one after the other.

   No need to lock, range hit.

   For the creatures of the death department, the life magic is almost the ultimate, but this magic range is extremely wide, even if the level is extremely high, the power is only in the low-end grade, and it needs to gather many people to form a huge power.



  The two demons rushed into the back one after the other. The red giant claws and triangle forks swept in a burst, and the mage and distant hands that remained in the rear suddenly ran into chaos.


  Xu Zhi's agile war halberd just held a demon, and in the blink of an eye, another demon struck, and the triangle fork hit the power scale armor. The heavy blow made him want to vomit blood for a moment.

   "The pastor is dead, none of you can live."

  Doug Wooger roared from afar, prolonged plague curses and chasing, even the barbarian, his body began to bear, and he had to shout and move to help.


  Shirsin pointed a staff at a demon, a green light came out, and then he was slapped by the demon, and he lay on the ground for a while.

   "Ice Archery"

A huge ice arrow rubbed out, facing a demon only a few meters away, Kotzes shot this magic out with a blue face, and then came the scolding of several Shelsin guards. Obviously, he The power of Dao ice archery is too much. When hitting the demon, it also affects the people nearby.

   "Ah la la la, oh la la la..."

  Agriline started singing again.

  In addition to summoning, swarm magic, this bard's attack is mostly singing.

Nowadays, the mandala will be used to beat people. The combined artifact has an additional ability. As long as the mandala is smashed, a small white pigeon will always fly out of the devil's head. The body is difficult to control, only Can run around for a while.

   Everyone in the field made moves, arrows, potions, magic, weapons, slashes and chaos.

Xu Zhi mentioned the halberd and climbed up with a painful expression. Shersin, who was pretending to be dead, jumped immediately and immediately bounced. He looked at the nearby demon with a dreadful look, and then looked at the halberd carrying the halberd. For him, there is no difference between these two creatures, they are deadly guys.

   "I can still fight."

   looked at Xu Zhi in a disturbed manner, Shelsin raised the staff, and chanted the spell on the side.

   looked straight, the guards of Shelsin were extremely messy. The previous batch of melees lay in the distance and died after being tossed by the plague.

   This batch of long-range ones is also not good. Except for one of the long-range hands that lifted the plague, the remaining few people were lying on the ground. One of the ice **** was mixed with fractured bone fractures and heavy bleeding.

   There are Kotzes masterpieces, demonic strikes, and crossbow strikes in the chaos. These people are bad luck. Xu Zhi wondered if he would make up the knife in front of Shelsin.

   The two mages with the shield of heaven were the least injured and released to others. Elita’s shield of heaven was just a goggle, released to himself. The shield of heaven almost covered the whole person.

   withstood the devil's three blows, her body just retreated several steps, and in a blink of an eye, the chanting waved out again.

  Bob possesses a tenth-level shield of heaven, and he has released the plague magic. In addition to the chanting, he is also releasing and dispelling.

   The first-order dispel magic strikes the fourth-order death call, which is obviously very difficult, but compared to the life blow, dispel is the quickest way to lift the death call out of the devil.

   And this magic will not cause accidental injuries.

   It's just that the two demon bodies are constantly shifting in the venue, making it extremely difficult for him to distinguish, and it is also difficult to lock.


   finally locked, facing a demon, Xu Zhi magic instantaneously, as long as the demon is expelled, the battle is obviously very good, and the scene will not be as chaotic as it is now.

   The dispelling magic of the tenth level turned into a glimmer of light, which seemed to have no effect. The two demons in the fast fight seemed to exchange their positions again, making Xu Zhi difficult to distinguish.

   "Specially, I'll give you an anti-devil. Thank you for leaving."

Compared with dispel, the demon also has the ability to remove the death summoning effect. The third-level magic and the sixth-level level can make illusions and corpses below this level disappear instantly, and can also make higher-level illusions and corpses. Substantially shorten the time of summoning.

   But Xu Zhi’s larger purpose is obviously just to mark, this green magic shell will be very obvious on the surface of the demon.

The demon bearing the anti-magic effect was a little surprised. Obviously, he felt the blessing from the enemy. This magic can make him immune to most low-level magic. Even the magic of the disintegration line that he had been on before was also directly affected by this anti-magic. get rid of.

   "That one is a resurrected corpse."

   In the dark shimmer, the greenery gives everyone a strong discerning ability. The demon is good at bringing a heavy blow to the resurrected corpse. Bob and Elita, who are very familiar with magic, can obviously distinguish directly.


A white void bone hand grabbed from above the demon's head, and then two blue shimmers fell one after the The Yinying demon called out by the re-death can no longer support, mixed in the two demon In the middle, the body began to fully withstand the magic blow, and instantly turned back into a black powder, even the flame did not ignite.

   "Nags, stare at Cardonis to prevent him from releasing the call of death again to disrupt the battlefield."

   Bob yelled, a dull mental response from Nags came in the air, and the gesture was clear.

   "You are the only one left."

   mentioning the agile war halberd, Xu Zhi looked at the demon that was constantly striking, looking for a chance to enter the battle.

  Several weak and dead chickens, dead and crippled, can't move on the ground, and the rest are stubborn.

  Bob couldn't move, Elita couldn't move, Agrienaire didn't dare to fight. This woman reacted extremely quickly. Once she was counterattacked, she couldn't control her body within seconds.

  Ketzes lay dead on the ground after playing ice archery, the breath was extremely slight.

At this time, he even preferred to sleep like this, claiming to be the son of Bob, now people are here, what to do, then did not finish his work at that time, also took someone to hurt the staff to run the road, will Bao be Bo killed.

  As for Allenville, this guy was so stunned that even though his body was stained with a lot of corrosive agents, he hadn't woke up yet.

   The other undead trio stared at Cardonis.

  Doug Wuger brandishes the Frost Warhammer and freezes his body.

   Xu Zhi's history of killing the demon was vividly remembered.

   The demon fought frantically for a while, his eyes red, and he looked at the nearby Master Mage Shelsin.

In the    field, except for the remote hand who had escaped early, it seems that this is the only one left to kill.

   Shelsin: Ha?

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