Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1102: Calf cave

  The meeting place in the ancient Belvedere, Chen Jingsi, Lu Guoyi, Xu Zhi, three eyes widened. Kuangsha Literature Network

   "You are in trouble."

  Chen Jingsi glanced at Xu Zhi, and the other party's late spies and dark spies were treated fairly well.

   They can see that there are four detectives and four dark detectives. If there is something beyond their ability that is not proved, Xu Zhi is followed by ten people.

   What makes them a little headache is how to quietly go to the ruins.

   took a group of spies to the ruins. They had not made this plan yet. This was not in line with their original plan, and they had to reconsider.

   "There is a deep misunderstanding between them and me."

Xu Zhixun looked at some blatant spies, and greeted him at ease. The men of Jingmen Damu were similar to him in training and practice, but he was very good at kung fu. Without using flying and teleporting magic, He is difficult to escape.

   Now with the help of Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi, this kind of suffering will probably end early.

  The difficulty of tracking the two master cultivators is obviously different. The two differ greatly in speed and physical strength, and adaptability to the terrain environment.

  If Xu Zhi quietly releases the pathfinding technique, he didn't enter the state of battle, and the group of people only followed to eat dirt.

   "Your misunderstanding is really big enough."

  Luo Guoyi vomited, they usually end up causing trouble, or hide it better, of course, this year is not good for the year, and the exception is the thunder stepping on Jingmen.

  In their eyes, it was even more obvious that Xu Zhi and Jingmen were killing each other, and even the reporters of the ancient Licheng garrison were dispatched.

   Speaking of Jingmen Damu, it was they who provoked it and threw it to Xu Zhi, which caused a guru to think about it.

   Xu Zhi was very surprised. In addition to the Jingmen Grand Head, there was also Kyori Doron, the leader of the Hatut alliance country, and even Grand Master Qingchuan Shenhuo was also concerned.

   Connected constantly, and also included a king bomb.

   When I first came to Nan'ao, I just didn't see it for a month. Do you want to cause such a big deal?

   This misunderstanding is too big.

   "Let's go, get rid of them and talk."

  Chen Jingsi whispered, wanted to get rid of the tracking, in terms of time, obviously the sooner the better, it is best to make Jingmen Damu unable to respond in time, as long as he went to the wild area, tracking was not so easy to hide.

   "Can you use that balloon's ability? I happen to know a precarious place, as long as it flies over, even if the master-level tracker is hidden, I must look at the daze."

   "No problem, this weather is hot, my ability can be turned on for a short time."

  Xu Zhi nodded happily, with Chen Jingsi and Lv Guoyi covering, his flying magic can be used with confidence. The spies want to record and shoot, they want to shoot, they don’t hinder.

  In the Nujiang Canyon of Jinsha, several spies gasped and watched the three people passing by like birds, and they couldn't help but groan, this man, they chased them down.

   In the dark, there was a sound of anxious corruption.

  When Dongyue's master cultivator is so good, he can take people to leap over hundreds of meters of canyon.

   This can't be traced. Jingmen Damu is almost in person.

   Like them, there are no training aids. Jump one and die one.

   Want to record videos and pictures of Xu Zhiqun's killing and jumping, and confirm the final situation. This task is far more troublesome than they thought.

   "About sixty kilometers from here, there is an underground karst cave, where there are dark rivers, and some aquatic snakes. It is difficult for ordinary people to get into it. It is a cultivator, and few people go."

   "I have talked a lot with you about the inside of the ruins, so I won't say more. After all, I may encounter different things after entering."

   Chen Jingsi looked at the rear, and when he saw no one was there, he was a little relieved. Their ruins were very mild in quality. If they would not be used in the future, they would of course be reserved for some Dongyue's descendants.

   "I haven't visited the ruins of mildness, which is really great."

Xu Zhi thinks about his battles in the regular ruins these years. It is not easy to play around. If it is as Chen Jingsi said, he only needs to explore some underground passages to find the strange minerals and genius treasures. That is a wonderful thing.

  Xu Zhi thinks about a treasure mine similar to Yanyang Stone under Huohu Lake. There is a little bit of excitement. For this place, as long as one spot is found, it is an inexhaustible wealth for individuals.

   As long as the positioning is good, there is always the possibility of returning to the same place again.

   Of course, Chen Jingsi and Lv Guoyi have not become rich yet. The possibility of the existence of treasure mines in this ruin may not be very high.

  Straightforward to suppress many thoughts, followed closely by the two sides, and constantly shuttled in the mountains or the Gobi Desert.

   The sixty kilometers Chen Jingsi said, the distance is not long, but it has taken a lot of time for three people.

  In addition to the raid, the three are also responsible for removing some of their own marching traces, even walking through the water to avoid being traced, or revealing the hiding place of this ruin.

   "This hole, I named Xiao Niu Dong."

  Luo Guoyi proudly said: "I have seen two-legged cows walking upright, quite strange relics of civilized creatures."

"Can you imagine the kind of cows we usually eat, they can stand up and talk, they can also repair houses, cut people with a big axe, I have also seen tauren who can throw fireballs, but I was beaten to death Now."

   It is not strange to Xu Zhi for the tauren civilization that ordinary practitioners can't believe. He has dealt with a lot of heterogeneous life, not worse than the tauren family.

  In the Ruins of the Luo Family, there are a large number of tauren guards under the dark elf's main Ilya. In the dream world, he also worked with Minos, the tauren with the strongest nickname.

   "If there is a conflict with Tauren, it must be resolved as soon as possible. Tauren seems to be crazy about The blood will make them more courageous and brave, without pain."

Chen Jingsi commented a little bit, pointing to this dark and nearly half-person deep water channel: "I have seen some tentacle monsters here, a very disgusting creature, some have only one head, and all are tentacles below, Some are full of tentacles on their heads."

   "Why don't you say that some guys with long tentacles on their heads look okay."

   "But, Lu Guoyi, you took the wrong medicine, is it that you are talking about the kind of arrowhead-like snake with a pile of green and yellow snakeheads on your head, how disgusting it is."

   "I think it's okay, the head is second, the key is that they are cruel."


  Xu Zhi saw Lu Guoyi made a few gestures, only to understand the meaning of this saying, this one's aesthetic taste is quite strange, that is Chen Jingsi, and Lu Guoyi is also a face of disgust.

   "Don't you think that when you walk through the dark underground caves for several days, you suddenly see a big headed snake, will your eyes suddenly light up?"


   "That's actually scary."

Chen Jingsi and Xu Zhi successively expressed no to the snake, which made Lv Guoyiton regret. After all, there are really few fun in the ruins. Like him, it is also a bit of fun, but these two people are actually inconsistent with his aesthetic. Not big, it is a shame for men.

   What makes Xu Zhi slightly vigilant is that, according to the words of these two, this human snake seems to be like the Medusa of the dream world, with terrible remote petrochemical capabilities, and belongs to the relics of the best dead hands when meeting.

   This gentle ruin also has some deadly creatures.

  Xu Zhixin sinks, and he has made many preparations in his mind.

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