Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1103: Ruins of mild nature

   sandwiched between Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi, the three of them marched in the dark calf hole for a long time until the roar of the water flow came from their ears. Kuangsha Literature Network

   The speed of the underground river suddenly increased.

   In front of them, there seemed to be a cliff, and the dark river torrentially fell from time to time.

   On the cliff, several boulders lined up, with a place for everyone.

  Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi jumped gently with Xu Zhi, and the man had fallen on a boulder.

   The three people paused for a rest and this place was their entrance to the ruins.

  Just wait for the time to pass and the time for the ruins to come, then you can enter.

   "Brother Chen, Brother Lu, this place is so secret, how did you find it?"

  Xu Zhiqi said that in South Australia, drilling into a hole is common, but if there are only two or three people, it is just like a card that appears at a spot in the ruins. It is not that difficult.

   is like the ruins of Jianmen Mountain, if you want to go in safely, only a few people know the passage.

   appeared in front of him without a hall. In these holes, it is difficult to know where the godstone grinding disc is. The secret is even stronger than in the sea of ​​clouds. When the relics suddenly come, they will only be passively involved.

   "This matter is simple. We used to track a master-level strongman in the autumn wind. This is where he accidentally found the remains."

   "He wanted to kill us, and then he didn't die. He was stabbed to death with a sword from the boss of Sheng'an, and it was just a bargain for us."

  Chen Jingsi replied faintly. He looked around the scene with his eyes and opened it for several years. This time, he was afraid that it would be difficult for them to enter this place next time.

   Either they broke through to the guru and had no reason to come to South Australia, or a few years later, they no longer need to enter the ruins to live such a life-and-death struggle, and feel at ease to support the elderly during the master's cultivation stage.

   For this stage of their cultivation, the remains that can enter the master-level cultivator are very precious.

  The chance of life is limited. This is a place of opportunity for them on the road to the master. Only when they have accumulated enough, even if it is only wealth, can they have a chance to sprint.

   It was only a moment, and Chen Jingsi's eyes flashed, his fighting spirit rose, and he gently patted himself, and a pale red sword hidden in his clothes flew out.

   This is cast using the ore in the ruins, which is slightly worse in the real world, but the wear in the ruins is quite low.

  Luo Guoyi wiped his palm, the original fist contracted back, and put on a pair of crocodile leather hands.

   Seeing that the two elders were careful, Xu Zhi narrowed his eyes and took out the relic long iron gun that was commonly used.

   "Take a drop of blood from you, and after entering the ruins, I will follow you first, and then take you to Guoyi to converge."

   "Run away when encountering force majeure factors, or hide in a place, I can get your approximate condition and position according to my perception."

   A light red long sword flicked slightly on Xu Zhi's finger, a drop of red to black blood poured out, and Chen Jingsi took it away and read a few words, and the blood suddenly blended into his palm.

A sense of peeping emerged from Xu Zhixin's heart. He knew that it was Chen Jingsi's secret tracking technique. The closer the distance, the more obvious this perception was. At hundreds of miles, this feeling is so weak that it is almost difficult to feel, and only Chen Jingsi can respond.

  The killing crystal ball obtained from the dark knight leader Mograine also has this effect. It is good at tracking. The more magic value, the larger the tracking range.

   has Chen Jingsi's secret technique, as a junior, Xu Zhi also saved this procedure.

   The three people finished their preparations and waited for nearly two hours. A thick fog poured out instantly. In front of the three people, a yellow magic stone grinding plate sank up and down in the sea of ​​mist.

   "Expert cultivators, master cultivators can enter, no age limit, can accommodate 22 people at a time, large-scale formal remains, open every August three years on August 11, lasting 192 hours."

Touching the Shenshi grinding plate, a lot of information poured into Xu Zhi’s mind. In the lit area of ​​the Shenshi grinding plate, it was just a small piece. The number of people entering was too small. Even if it was a master cultivator, there are still many places in this ruin that have not been expelled. Some areas are dark areas.

   After looking at Lu Guoyi, Xu Zhi nodded slightly and lifted his leg into it.

   The world changed, Xu Zhi's eyes had just become a flower, and there was a sudden feeling of coldness.

  With the light of the energy lamp, Xu Zhi's eyes widened and he vigorously looked at where he had entered after entering the ruins.

   is moving along with the black wave, entering from the dark river in the real world, and Xu Zhi's landing point is another dark river.

  Under the high energy lamp, this dark river barely saw the margin.

   This made Xu Zhi breathe a sigh of relief. If it fell somewhere in the inland sea, without confirmation of the direction, he was afraid that he could only find a foothold, just like in the ruins of Hushan, lying in the middle of the lighthouse.

   Wear very little. The waterproof backpack only stores a few emergency items. The only heavy thing is the long iron gun in his hand.

   Seeing several large snake-like creatures in the dark river swim, Xu Zhi's scalp looked a little numb from the huge sucker, and he began to wave his hands with a wave of arms.

   Even if he had an internal air shield, he didn't want to be bitten by these things at all.

   If this kind of big frog is on the number, it must be said that he has to encounter a lot of trouble.

   The ruins, which were quite mild in quality, were given to him at the first sight.

  Xu Zhi was a little embarrassed about the gentle relics that Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi said.

   No matter how powerful he is, he is only an expert cultivator, and he is not at the same level as the master cultivator of the other party.

During the paddling, a sound of "Wow Wah Wah" came, and the sound of puffing flapping wings made Xu Zhi's heart tighten. He looked at the dozen or so giant frogs that followed, and his arms waved fast and quickly Approach the shore.

   "Is a person."

   "God, I haven't seen this good fishing bait for many years."

   "It seems that people can eat."

   "Catch people first or catch water bugs first."

   When he was straight, he saw that several heads on the bank kept shaking.

The huge one-eyed erected in the center of the head ~ ~ almost occupies the size of a half of the head, below is a mouth with fangs, constantly biting the lips in consultation, several dark red tentacles Swing up and down to let your head float on the ground.

The height of    is nearly two meters, which makes this combination of creatures look weird.

   Seeing the big ants behind Xu Zhi, these creatures seemed very excited, and their tentacles kept pointing.


  The disgusting monster Chen Jingsi said.

  Xu Zhi didn't expect that as soon as he entered the ruins, he encountered it.

   Listening to the meaning of the words, the big ants behind him seem to be the food of the other party.

   Xu Zhi's eyes swept, and saw that the big birds in the heads of the tentacles were flying around.

   Eagle Banshee.

   Giant-clawed human-headed eagle can fly and is also good at wrestling.

   As long as she doesn't meet the extreme eagle banshee, Xu Zhi doesn't fear these birds.

   But these birds have a very annoying, extremely noisy, the report will be very fast.

   For the prevention of eagle banshee, Xu Zhi's mind is still above the tentacle monster.

   His feet had just touched the bottom of the dark river, and he was about to kill the birds first.

   saw that the eagle banshees flew high, and they all started to mumble together.

   "A gust of wind, come on, there are people here."

   "Late night is gone, I see the saliva of those evil eyes are flowing out, and I will definitely not leave you a live mouth."

   "Master is coming, we can't grab the evil eye."

   "The monsters created by Ai Jiete are too troublesome."

   "Don't say Master Ai Jiete, listen to my mother, our ancestors are also artificial monsters."

   "So, are we also little monsters?"

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