Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1105: Gunner

   Due to the limitation of the ruins, Gunnar is most likely to be at the top level of this ruin, which is stronger than the master level, which is a guru-level creature.

   is extremely good at speed. For strength, it is probably the weakest link of the other party.

   Xu Zhi's eyelids jumped, facing the black wave, he possessed his flying technique and immediately walked on the waves.

   Even if it fell into the dark river and resisted hundreds of long snake-like big ants, it was far more comfortable than facing an immortal.

Xu Zhi now prays that the opponent will not be able to fly. In addition to the natural ability to fly, the remnant creatures can only fly with the help of magic items, or like the caveman mage Jean that was originally seen in the ruins of Meishan. Flying magic of air magic.

   "A strong gust of wind, a strong gust of wind."

   "Ah, sir, Lord Gunner, is this the magic of Lingbo's micro-step?"

   "Lingbo micro-step?"

   The enraged chees of the Hawks were also accompanied by some knowledgeable questions, which made Gunner a little confused. He raised his eyes and looked far away. The dark surging dark river was extremely difficult to reach the opposite bank.

   The other party's magic is extremely secret, but he hasn't noticed for a time, when this place comes a water magic master.

   Takes an iron spear, it doesn't seem like a mage.

   "Can it be alien creatures?"

  The head of the tauren suddenly remembered what the tauren mage, who had been chattering about, said that interest came immediately.

   "Fly with that person, don't stop, just do tracking and positioning without entering the fight."

   gave a commanding gesture to the Hawks, and Gunner stared at the bull's eye and started running in the opposite direction.

Above the dark river, Xu Zhi stepped on the waves, and a few eagles behind him began to breathlessly sing. He ran fast, but these big birds seemed to be not bad. When the wings continued to stir and catch up, there was also Sing the song of the little eagle bird freely.

  Single flight, with a straight amount of magic, enough to run for more than ten minutes, relying on the physical body to run for thousands of kilometers, even to the distance of nearly ten thousand meters.

The water area of ​​the dark river is beyond Xu Zhi's expectations, and the terrain is beyond Xu Zhi's estimation. After running for nearly a thousand kilometers, the opposite bank was actually a dark place. When I stepped on it, I heard a soft feeling, completely Impenetrable.

  Occasionally, I saw some strange rocky places that could not settle at all, making Xu Zhi's brow furrowed.

   "Yeah, you can't run away, here is the end of the world."

   "No matter where you are, a gust of wind is waiting for you in front."

   "No one can escape the chase of Lord Gunnar."

   The noisy voices of the Hawks make Xu Zhi want to kill these human birds.

   Said the good nature of the ruins, come up to touch immortality, which is far more than any previous experience of the ruins.

   doesn't know where Chen Jingsi is, can he carry this tauren.

   was duped into a fool by these two masters, Xu Zhi felt this was not the first time.

   However, it seems that not many people who followed their own ruins were comfortable. Xu Zhi thought so, and his thoughts were normal.

  Everyone is a gangster, and the eldest brother will not laugh at the second brother.

After running for a few minutes, I saw a clear space in front of it, seeming to be free from the influence of the edge of the ruins, and there were trails, a straight jump, and fell directly, whether it was waiting for the recovery of the magic value, to make my card more fulfilling, or to avoid the bid Gunner's tauren are good.

   The most important thing is that Xu Zhi had to get rid of these noisy Hawks.

   had no way at first, now he is running fast and has a time difference.

As for the attacking style of the Hawks, Xu Zhi can no longer be familiar with it. The pure flying melee creatures have no magical means and cannot use the ability of long-range strike. I like to grab the human brain, the softer head, they are There are three holes to catch.

   He has more than ten seconds to adjust and enter the dream world to take out his firearms, which is used to remotely deal with these human birds.

  It was only three seconds of effort, and a submachine gun with a range of 250 meters appeared in Xu Zhi's hands.

   A blue magic light emerged, and a round target-shaped magic symbol fell on Xu Zhi's head.

   First-order precision magic.

  Improve long-range attack power and reduce the impact of long-range attacks on distance and obstacles

   Xu Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shot a half-air into the slight light.

  The attack power is second, the firearm is enough to kill these Hawks, Xu Zhi needs some correction ability when shooting quickly.

  The dark environment and the range of the Hawks's flight when flying are all tests for long-range shooting.

   "Sakurako, what's wrong with you."

   "Oh, Sakurako's wings were broken, so hurry her."

   "Wow wow, help, my wings are broken, I am going to die, I am going to die, where are you in a gust of wind?"

   "Admiral Gunner saves his life."

   is just a seven-headed succubus, and she has exerted the ability of dozens of middle-aged and elderly women to see the noise, seeing these succubus hovering in mid-air, pulling the injured succubus to fly away.

   pressed straight down to shoot again, and the body ran back quickly.

   Such a friendly cooperation, one wounded person is enough to drag the other party.

   For him eager to get out, this is a better situation.

   Just a few minutes later, Xu Zhi looked at the front with a vigilant face.

   In front of him, the figure of a tauren reappeared in the darkness.

  Xu Zhi did not expect that the other party ran over through another channel and was still in front of him.

   He was greatly pitted by the terrain of the Underground River.


   Gunner opened his mouth, hehe smiled, the big axe and shield collided with each other, making a harsh metal contact sound.

   A trace of sparks is particularly conspicuous in a dark environment.

   "What a coincidence."

   Borrowing the other party's words, Xu Zhi replied cautiously.

   At this time, if he flew the magic possession again and ran across the dark river, he would also be chased by the tauren.

   The opponent cannot fly magic, but he also does not know the terrain and cannot make the best escape.

   This is a bit embarrassing.

   "Won't Tiantian speak the language of our Tauren tribe? Which tribe are you descended from?

   Geng Na looked suspiciously at Xu Zhi, only to realize that the other person's image was unusually strange, and the clothes he wore were also different from ordinary people.

  Recalling the speculations of the Tauren mages about the outsiders, Gunner felt that he might have recognized the wrong person.

   "Which tribe are you from?"

   "Your dad is Tauren, your mom is human, or your mom is Tauren, your dad is human?"

   "Long looks like a There is no tauren at all, the image is a bit weird, but somehow inherits the powerful magic talent of our tauren."

   "Your magic is good, I haven't found out, which door is the magic stick of Jeddt? Or the female liar of Safiros?"

   Gunner's words were very fast. After long bombardment by the Hawks, he spoke very quickly when he stopped.

   "Magic stick? Female liar?"

   It seems that there are not many human mages in the underground world. Gunner may be talking about what he heard, but he is not particularly familiar with it.

  Xu Zhi would like to make one blindly, but he can’t speak the Tauren language of the other party at all, and can only intercept a few of them.

  If the other party speaks the official language of Elasia, he can compile the background of several teachers. Sandro, Vedina, Nags, Heath, Caitlin, Jean are all teachers.

  Jean in particular, the opponent seems to have some connection with the Tauren family, if he can, he also wants to use Jean as a shield.

  Good for a **** stick, or a female liar.

  It doesn't seem to be a good choice.

  Thinking a little, Xu Zhi stubbornly said: "Safros."

  Compared to the disciple apprentice who needs the language of the gods to pretend, Xu Zhi thinks it is easier to be a disciple apprentice.

   After all, he is fooling Gunnar.

   takes for granted.

  As long as he gave so little time and information, he wanted to stay away from the Gunnar who might be the immortal.

   is not a special terrain. It is difficult to get him stuck. He fled under an immortal who can't fly. He still has a little thought.



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