Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1106: Mass migration

   "Are you an illegitimate child of Safiros, she turned the dizzy head of a few tauren fans in our tribe."

   "Tell me who your father is?"

   Gunner's gossip psychology suddenly came up.

   "Where are the rare clothes on your body, I have never seen this style."

   "It must be Seferos sewing it for you, she is very particular about clothes."

  I don't know whether it is self-confidence in one's own strength or whether he succeeds in thinking that Xu Zhi belongs to a descendant of a tauren. Gunner put down his guard.

  Xu Zhi thought about it, and inserted both the long iron gun and the submachine gun back.

   As far as his current level of combat power is concerned, it makes no difference whether he takes a weapon or not, he can't beat it anyway.

   is just a fight, Xu Zhi understands the gap between each other.

   This distance is difficult to make up for by martial arts, and even the aid of magic is difficult to fill. As for firearms, it is not necessary to say in this environment.

   The only advantages are probably flying and teleportation magic, which can give him the opportunity to move away from the terrain.

   At this time, he was unable to vomit this ruin.

   only hopes that Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi can be safe. If they can, I hope these two can come to rescue him. Under the watch of an immortal, his pressure is also quite great.

   "Maybe you are Daxdor's child, I have long seen that the magic cow is abnormal, and Days seems to be possible."

   "Oh, it's really irritating, you give a message, who is the child?"

   talked to himself for a while, Gunner looked at Xu Zhi, trying to get some gossip information on Xu Zhi.

"Ha ha"

  Xu Zhi would not admit this stupid topic, borrowed a master, if he recognizes another parent, he is properly to help.

  The first two are human mages, and the relationship with Gunner, a physical warrior, may not be well known to a certain extent. The latter seem to be tauren, Gunner certainly knows the chest, and if the topic is extended, it will be finished.

  With a laugh, he decided to miss this topic.

   As long as it can wash out the identity of the outsider, or the outsider said by the other party, or even avoid becoming a food, there is nothing else, Gunner can think whatever he wants.

   laughed, even silenced, and occasionally interjected, perhaps his best response at this time.

   "You boring gourd is really boring."

   "By the way, what are you doing here near the dark river, does Severus want you to send a message to whom? Is it your father?"

"It's enough for me to report to the Medusa family. When we finish this big retreat, we can enter the new world and enjoy the refreshing sunshine, clean spring water, green grass, forests, and countless others. Delicious food, fruit, food, delicious meat, ah..."

   Gunnar's words seemed to bring a lot of information. Xu Zhi laughed a few times, nodded and shook his head from time to time.

   "Oh, what do you mean by shaking your head a little bit?"

   "Am I talking too fast?"

   "I tell you, we command the legion, we speak faster."

   Gunner's head of the cow kept shaking, slapping Xu Zhi's body with a slap, and the heavy force made Xu Zhi stagger.

"A little bit of our Tauren's thick, this is a good inheritance, the human brain, the Tauren's physique, the Tauren's magical talent, do I have to find a rare human woman to try, and then make a semi-human and half-Tauren The tribe came out."

   "Your work is done, if it is done, let's go back together."

   The work must be done, Xu Zhi nodded hard, even if he followed Gunnar, it was better than he said that he hadn't done it.

  Whether it is leading the way or acting, it is clear that Gunner can only dominate the situation at this time. Once he dominates, it is very bad to recognize the direction.

   "Yeah, Lord Gunnar, Sakurako was injured by this human being, you see, the wings are broken."

   While the two were talking, several Hawks with a gray spotted feather fell on them.

   "To die, to die, a gust of wind, I will die soon."

   The Hawks were all babbling for a while. Even if they were facing pain or even death, these noisy human head birds did not stop their mouths.

   "Even if you kill the brains of Lao Tzu, this Hawk Banshee is a descendant of me, a familiar bird. If you know water magic, then heal."

   "What's your name? The Montenegro Eagle is your grandfather."

   "That's my grandfather and grandpa. In a gust of wind, my name is Xiaoyingzi."

  Her head languished, and the Kitty Hawk went to the old man again. If the old guys didn't have many memories or the like, this made Gunner depressed.

   "You guys, live fast, die fast, where do I remember so many names."

   The wings of the Kitty Hawk were penetrated by the cartridge case, leaving a blood hole with a strong penetration. It does not require much additional surgery, just release the healing.

   looked at Gunner, Xu Zhi took two healing magics, and let the little eagle body's wings suddenly scab to recover most of them.

   "Although you saved my life, I will not appreciate you."

   Xiaoyingzi hummed for a while before lowering her head and saluting Xu Zhi.

   "It seems that he hurt you, of course, no thank you."

   "But if he doesn't save Sakurako, Sakurako will die directly. Lord Gunnar is just a warrior, and he doesn't have any treatment except to command the runner."

   "Let's just barely thank you."

Beside the Hawks and Gunnar, Xu Zhi felt that it was very difficult to intervene. His head was full of the sound of a bull and seven But thank you for the seven-headed Hawks, Gunner's topic was finally transformed.

   Now everyone is preparing to return to the camp.

   From the mouths of Gunner and many eagles who like to be humorous, Xu Zhi roughly learned that the creatures in this ruin seem to have some means to use space to complete the transfer at a specific time.

   Xu Zhi once thought that these creatures were going to invade South Australia, but Gunner said that the world they sent seemed to have some connection with the dream world, but it was not within Xu Zhi's familiar scope.

   "Is it going to the eastern mainland?"

  Xu Zhi thought, the world of the four-element master god, this is roughly a run of the dream world, but the world that Gunner learned from the masters is not the western continent that Xu Zhi is familiar with.

   Shannon, Casa, Northland, Apollo, Corrison, O'Reilly...

  The countries that Xu Zhi knew did not have the name of the chaotic kingdom mentioned by Gunner.

   For Gunner and others, the more chaotic worlds and regions are likely to be suitable for them to survive.

  A well-ordered country. Faced with their large-scale population transmission, it is definitely not the first to build a house for them to live, but it will enter the state of war the first time.

  Whether it is to compete for the resources needed for the survival of a region, or to control the rights, there are many problems to be faced.

   Compared to Gunner’s worries, the Hawks are very happy and full of longing for the new world.

   There is sunshine and a wide world.

   They can fly higher.

   The most important thing is that chatting under the lazy sun is really a happy thing for them.



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