Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1107: The ship turned over

   Xu Zhi felt that there was a dim sum. He was always looking for opportunities to escape from Gunner, but his shape seemed to be getting worse. Kuangsha Literature Network

  In Gunner's team, nearly one hundred snakes followed.

   This is the ruthless creature that Lu Guoyi likes. With a very delicate appearance, he has a very sharp fang, full of green or yellow snake hair on his head. The upper half is almost the same as humans, and the lower half is a huge colorful snake body.

   For the mermaid, there may be many people who can accept it. For the beautiful snake, this is a bit of a psychological obstacle.

   Xu Zhi also has no feeling for this creature, no matter how ruthless, how exposed it is, and there is no evil in his mind.

   The long bow, quiver, and the petrification ability mentioned by Gunner, all prove that this is a very powerful relic creature.


   is named after Medusa who is ugly to Xu Zhi in the dream world, but the form is completely inconsistent.

   These Medusas, aside from the snake hair on their heads, are somewhat like the snake demon of the Kingdom of Kasa.

   This is a group of people who admire snakes very much. They believe in the **** of snakes and regard snakes as beauty. They are also good at raising snakes and driving out snakes. In the team, the Medusa are more or less wrapped with several poisonous snakes as decorations.

  Hundreds of Medusa, carrying hundreds of fierce vipers.

   is so large that Xu Zhi's scalp numb.

  Medusa leader body is extremely large, nearly eight meters long body, ruthless with a straight head, from the shape of a half-human half-snake, the shape of the other party is perfect, especially eye-catching in many Medusa.

   But even Gunner, who has a complex taste, is not interested in this Medusa leader because they are not at the same level in body shape and form.

   What makes Xu Zhi secretly vigilant is the strength of the Medusa leader, the strength of the Medusa leader in the lowest dream world, and even the strength of a certain low-level biological lord.

   Creatures of this level are extremely talented, and their petrochemical ability has entered a considerable level, which can take effect on most creatures.

   originally wanted to use the terrain to use teleport magic to complete the disengagement. In front of the hundreds of Medusa hands, Xu Zhi's face was cancelled with this complexion.

   no escape, no escape.

  Even if Chen Jingsi came over, he would be turned into a hedgehog, and under petrification, Gunnar might be broken into stone fragments.

  How to spend eight days in this ghost ruin safely.

   What kind of temperament is mild.

   stepped into the base camp of the relics, Xu Zhi's full of bitter water could not be described.

  Chen Jingsi couldn't count on it, and became self-reliant.

   walked through this underground ruin for three days, Xu Zhi didn't even see the shadow of Chen Jingsi, I don't know where this big man traced.

  Is it secretly waiting for the opportunity, or is it too far away, I can't find him at all.

   Mysterious ability is strong, but there is also a range of release at any time. When Xu Zhi thought about his first entry into the ruins, he crossed the dark river and reached the edge of this small world. His landing site was endless.

   Gunner not only travels extremely fast, but also has extraordinary skills in commanding the legion. His personal ability can also be applied to the marching legion.

   is like some kind of legion magic possession, when traveling, Xu Zhi's speed is several points faster than usual.

  This allowed the team to travel an extremely impressive distance in three days.

As the progress continued, the team began to be mixed with tauren, more eagle banshees, a few evil eyes, and some humpback cavemen Xu Zhi had seen in the ruins of Meishan. There are also two red venomous scorpion lions joining the team.

   This made Xu Zhi lose his thought of escaping, and could only take one step at a time.

   He is no stranger to the poison scorpion lion. In the last battle of the Luo family ruins, he also killed several scorpion lions.

This creature runs, glides, and flies at low altitude very fast. It also has a huge and sharp poisonous scorpion tail. One tail sticks down, and people die or not. In addition, the venom injected when it pierces will cause instant paralysis. It is extremely trouble.

   These two poisonous scorpion lions are far more powerful than the group of Ilya under the body size.

  Without taking the cultivation route of intelligent creatures, the boss-type evolution route can be recognized at a glance according to body type.

   Even the jungle goblin in the dream world can't get rid of the change of body shape.

   is huge and perfect.

   This is an extra effect of body shape that is constantly evolving and getting stronger.

  Xu Zhi's stuffy head was mixed in the team, and the slightly conspicuous clothes had been rubbed and discarded by him long ago.

   But the whole team is just as human as him, and it is somewhat embarrassing.

   In this underground world, humans may be relatively rare, especially those living outside the city, rarely see humans, Xu Zhi from time to time to be visited by these creatures.

  The monkeys in the zoo are just such treatment, and continuous investigation keeps Xu Zhi under constant monitoring.

  Even if Gunnar ignored him, it was quite troublesome.

   Until the third day, far away, Xu Zhi saw a giant city, and then got rid of this kind of onlooker treatment.

  Under the city, there is an underground river flowing, and there are many trees to survive. I also saw reclaimed farmland, planting some crops that do not need much sunlight.

   Around the city, countless luminous mushrooms are scattered, and the cliffs have a little gem light, giving the whole city a light blue light.

   Near this city, Xu Zhi felt that his weakened vision was normal.

   Perhaps, you have a certain chance to escape.

   can even get so little benefits in this city.

   Xu Zhi thought secretly.

   "If you can't write, then report your name, go on, and I will write for you."

At the gate of the city, several Tauren clerk kept registering the names of these newcomers.

Seeing Gunner, these clerks began to bow their heads one by one. In this city, Gunner's status is obviously very high.

   "You are my eighth-generation great-grandson, what is it called?"

   "Ancestor, my name is Thomas."

   Gunner touched the head of the tauren, and then slowly walked towards the gate.

   "Right, what's your name? The illegitimate child of is you. I have to find out which cow eats the old melon of Saferos."

   Xu Zhi hummed twice, and returned angrily to Gunner, from apprentice to illegitimate child, Gunner's name was really uncomfortable.

   "Thomas, Thomas."

   This eighth-generation great-grandson's name was used by him instead.

   "Hey, we have the same name, this name is easy to write, I wrote the most, so happy."

   Tauren Thomas was very happy to register with Xu Zhi. For the people brought back by his ancestors, he had no doubt in his head.

   entered the giant city, Xu Zhi did not encounter half a point of resistance.

   "Thomas, come with Lao Tzu."

  Since the same name as Gunner's eighth-generation great-grandson, the great-grandson was called the Thomas by him, and Xu Zhi was called the Thomas.

  Codename only, Xu Zhi doesn't care, he can also take a look at the various buildings and terrain in this giant city.

   But as Gunner walked into a building, Xu Zhi's expression changed suddenly.

   "When did you find out?"

  The steel fence fell, and Xu Zhi made an unquestionable inquiry in Dongyue.

  The building that Gunnar took him into was obviously an ancient prison.

   has not been used for countless years, this place does not have any smell, and there is no prisoner.

   Some obscure words in the prison were ignored by Xu Zhi's subconsciousness.

   He didn't wake up in an instant until Gunner pressed the mechanism.

   came to South Australia several times to deceive people successfully, but these three days, he was actually deceived into the prison by the tauren immortal in this ruin.

  Jiang is an old and spicy after all, Xu Zhi also began to overturn.

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