Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1111: Queen's Palace Council

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A person who wants to complete the construction of a crystal dragon in five days also needs to hide information so that a few immortals in the city will not know. Kuangsha Literature Network

A person who wants to hide his share, avoid Gunner's search, and even take advantage of this huge city.

Safiros and Xu Zhi each have their own needs, and they are very happy to match.

Some people are very unhappy, Gunnar has started to smash things.

In the Queen's Palace, various objects in the palace were smashed around by Gunnar.

Everyone can also feel that the tauren is mad and depressed. Anyway, he left this place every few days. It is difficult to take these table and chair appliances in the Queen's Palace.

Looking at the passage of time, everyone slowly let go of their thoughts about finding outsiders.

There are obvious shortcomings in terms of time. Finding outsiders and obtaining the coordinates of the external space through the other party also requires a lot of calculations and is difficult to complete in just a few days.

The two-for-one project becomes a single choice. They have no choice but to go to the world of the four-element main god.

"Only those who enter the city, no one leaves the city. The kid must be still in the main city. Where is he hiding?"

"You said, can the water magic of the outsider turn himself into a mouse, a fly."

"Special lady, who is used to Lao Tzu, and then ran to the new world and became a grandson. How can he live this way."

What Gunner said was precisely the worry in the hearts of many immortals.

From high to high, from now on to a little stronger than ordinary creatures, Rao is that they have a long years of experience, this drop also requires extremely strong psychological preparation.

Knowing it was a pit, but had to jump.

Just like the great cultivators in the Grand Master's realm, once the cultivation is exhausted, the practice of Qi is turned into nothingness, the martial arts cannot be opened, the mystery is difficult to urge, and it can only rely on physical instincts, and its strength is hovering between the basic and advanced cultivators.

This gap is not only unbearable for the creatures in the ruins, but also the external world. Some people have been frustrated or even mad because of it.

How difficult it is to fall into the dust and want to climb to the top again.

"You are a warrior, it's better than us anyway."

Halfway through, a tauren in a red robe replied. The countless flames in his eyes circulated continuously, and his expression was obviously extremely unwilling.

"Warrior, hey, after I passed, my body must be aging. Even if I am fortunate to rush into immortality in the future, it will easily fall from that state."

Gunner squeezed his fist, and many predictions are a fact that will become possible in a few days.

"That's right, it's too difficult for the warrior to return to the top, it's not as convenient as your magic bull."

A tauren with a giant axe in both hands nodded in agreement. He agreed with Gunner's words.

"Magic, after we go to the new world, we can't even release a magic arrow. What's so good, Days, you have to envy the magic bull, you can also try to practice magic."

Another Tauren spoke. He was wearing a yellow robe and holding a earth-colored magic wand in his hand. An orange yellow awn flashed in his eyes from time to time. Zhou’s magical power emerged from time to time. Obviously it was also extremely powerful.

"Sorcer Tima, General Gunner, but the ability is reduced. For our future generations, it's worth it, isn't it?"

The giant caveman sitting in the corner of the palace whispered. This sentence silenced several tauren. The black robe mage in the other corner nodded slightly.

"There are no immortal people, no matter whether we climb to the top of the immortality again or not, we will eventually become a cup of loess. The only thing that can last for a long time is our race and our civilization."

"The strength of the individual is only slightly insignificant in the face of the continuation of ethnic civilization."

"There are no offspring and no civilization. What is the difference between us and this small world, even if you are at the peak of this spatial strength, do you feel that life is boring and confused."

"That kind of power doesn't make any sense."

The giant caveman's speech made many tauren, even humans, who were unwilling to reconcile, calmed down, diluting many helplessness to the new world.

"King Shakert, if we can go to that world of aliens, will it be the best of both worlds? I have seen him release Lingbo microsteps and healing magic. The effect of releasing magic is almost the same as our magic system."

Gunner stopped his irritability and asked Salkette as a salute.

"When we were trapped in that small world, we had also seen the bodies of some outsiders, and had communicated with one outsider. The world outside the world was not as beautiful as you imagined."

"No matter where you go, obviously there will not be exactly the same world rules, and our strength will inevitably be reduced."

"This is the price we must pay, and it is the price we need to integrate into other civilizations in the future."

"Please put your mind on the integration of the ethnic group after entering the new world, the environment adaptation, and even, we still need to solve some of the curses released by the four elemental gods on the souls of our world."

Before entering the new world, even the best mage could not guess what means the master gods had released.

The elemental gods had a war with the gods of this world.

Divine warfare even caused the creatures of the two worlds to be affected by the invasion of the strongest Elemental City under the command of the main gods, counterattack, and even the guardians forcibly penetrated the world of Elemental Lord God and destroyed the Elemental City.

Many events and rumors in the history have continuously turned around in Shakert's mind.

The elemental gods are not surprised about their prevention of this world.

In Shakespeare's mind, he actually still has some words that he dare not say. The main **** who created their world seems to have drawn the divine power from the four element main gods, and used it to make up for the defects of the world rules. The degree is very similar.

This extraction of divine power also led to certain loopholes in the elemental **** world that could be drilled, and even used by them to be transmitted into that world.

For them, although there may be risks in entering the world of the four elemental gods, that is the world most suitable for their survival.

Shakert's speech was finally settled. Whether it is the Tauren Immortal, the Human Immortal, or a few tribal clan leaders sitting outside the Chamber, all started to figure out.

Since there is no turning point, they need to make the best preparations, count the number of ethnic groups, plan what to do after entering, carry all materials that are beneficial to future survival, and many things need to be the most perfect before they can There may be a good starting point.

"Oh, why didn't the beautiful Safiros come?"

A blue-robed tauren looked around, and small lightning flashed from time to time. As long as he looked carefully, he even had lightning in his eyes. The powerful magic power continuously transmitted his tracing words to the inside and outside of the Queen's Palace. .

The key meeting didn't come. The woman of Safiros was so unique. Everyone was quiet for a while, and suddenly heard a tauren moo.

"Moo~, there is a man with a sword outside the city gate, chopping cows, so fierce, fierce, ah, moo~"

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