Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1112: Sicheng

   This is the fifth day of entering the ruins. Chen Jingsi is full of anxiety and plans to deviate from his established early in the morning. Kuangsha Literature Network

   usually takes up to half a day to reach other entrants, but he ran for four days before approaching Xu Zhi.

  When he first entered, Chen Jingsi knew very well through the secret technique that the three were too far apart.

   is almost a distribution of equilateral triangles, with three people on each side, and the distance is almost equal.

   This kind of distribution made Chen Jingsi very suspicious. They must have committed a too old age, which way of immortal they collided, it is impossible to enter this way.

  Where to go to Lu Guoyi, it takes him about two to three days, and to Xu Zhi there is no more, no less, it is also a countless run.

  Compared with the confidence of Lu Guoyi's strength, Chen Jingsi is worried about Xu Zhi. Xu Zhi's strength is obviously not enough to face the various dangers in this ruin. They must be taken care of to avoid various risks.

   The first meeting must be Xu Zhi.

When    was attacking, Xu Zhi's position had been moving, and his speed and time were extremely long-lasting. This caused a lot of trouble to Chen Jingsi.

   Fortunately, Xu Zhi stopped still on the third day, so Chen Jingsi was able to keep approaching.

   But Chen Jingsi's joy did not last long. When he saw the giant city, he knew what was going on.

   Xu Zhi is bound to fall into this city, the current state is just alive.

   is extremely strict, and the continuous defense and search of the city gives Chen Jingsi the opportunity to penetrate into the city.

  Chen Jingsi is not sure whether this situation in the giant city is normal or brought by Xu Zhi.

If he is someone else, he probably has no extra ideas, but Xu Zhi and Chen Jingsi think about Xu Zhi’s killing with Jingmen when he first came to South Australia, and he has even let the Hatut Alliance pass the highest guru leader even in person. Grandmasters such as Chuan Shenhuo ran over.

   This kid is a character that stirs up the wind and the rain. If there is any movement in the ruins, he is not surprised.

   This ruin, they have only entered three times, together with this time, a total of four times.

  In the exploration, there are very few creatures in this ruin. They spend most of their time looking for valuable minerals and medicines.

  For those who have experienced several times, this place is indeed of mild quality, and it is difficult to encounter other relics.

   Except for the occasional encounter, the two had very little blood on their hands.

   This made Lu Guoyi feel excited to see a wild Medusa.

   Now, Chen Jingsi looks at the hundreds of Medusa bows and arrows in the giant city, and he feels bitter for a while, and there are so many monsters.

   This is a monster nest. There are not many other places. They are all concentrated in this city to survive.

   How to fight this, how can this be sneaked in.

   The only thing I can feel at ease is that Xu Zhi is still alive in the induction, nesting in a place in the city for more than ten miles, and has not moved at all.

   "Perhaps, Xu Zhi must be given a chance to escape, at least let him know that I have been here before it is possible to escape from here."

  Chen Jingsi lightly touched the ground with his toes, the shadow storm came out, the long sword came out of the sheath, and the three tauren warriors who were constantly guarding the gate of the city fell in the throat.

   "Someone killed the cow, moo~"

   "Humans are humans again. Look, humans who are different from us."

   "Arrows, arrows, don't work on you stupid snakes, just look around."

   "Don't let him run, grab him."

   The sudden violent attack caused many creatures still at the gate of the city to turmoil. Without strong command, the scene became chaotic.

  Chen Jingsi's eyes swept the Medusa in the giant city, seeing the other party preparing to pull the bow and arrow, and the long sword slashed again.

   Several thin cavemen were pushed forward by the turbulent crowd, and they immediately greeted the wave of sword rain.

   "Don't squeeze me, we don't want to watch this kind of trouble."

  The caveman's voice is still not over, the body has been stabbed out of several holes, and a lot of creatures have been bloodied.

   "The camels were also killed."

   "Six blind people died, ah, seven."

  For Chen Jingsi, he didn't understand any of these messy words. Seeing an arrow rain hit him, he burst back and forth and ran out.

   "What the hell."

   "Don't touch those cows, they will really die if they are crushed after petrification, and they can't be resurrected."

   Medusa's arrow rain fell on Chen Jingsi, and even came to a large group of creatures gathered at the gate of the city.

   There have been no wars for countless years, and it is difficult to have opportunities for large-scale cooperation. Although these recruits are not bad in their personal strength, they have initially merged into the collocation and many incidents have erupted.

  When Gunnar rushed to the city gate, he watched this messy scene, and his nose was blowing straight.

   "Which way did he escape?"

   On the attack, no tauren can run over him. In fact, as long as he works hard, the dragon may not have the speed of his running.

   "It is useless to keep this strength, keep one."

   was pointed in the direction by the heads of two calves, Gunnar stomped his foot hard, a little light flashed over the body, and the person disappeared like a wind.


  In the giant laboratory, the construction of the crystal dragon has entered a key step, and Saffiros is covering the magic crystal that drives the energy device.

   She was especially careful about the crystal coverage in this area. The crystals she took were much smaller than her body and the combination was more delicate.

   For dragons, this position is the reverse scale, and protection is particularly important.

  Xu Zhi lost his stick with boredom, and Safiros was very careful, which meant that it would take him more than ten minutes or even tens of minutes to count the stick.

   This job is simple, but it is boring, especially after two consecutive days, he has counted the number of crystals on the crystal dragon three times.

   As a dumb, he had difficulty communicating with Saferros.

   Apart from slightly admiring Xu Zhi's ability in counting, Safiros put his thoughts on the construction of Crystal Dragon, and he had no time to talk to him.

   The atmosphere of the laboratory seems a bit Every Xu Zhi of the laboratory is familiar with it, but Safiros does not rest, and it is difficult to carry out some unclean things.

   For example, he is very interested in a piece of black mineral. Although he can't identify the material, he instinctively told him that the ore may be sold at a good price.

   Magic sulfur, magic crystal, magic gem, mitral silver, and various materials in the laboratory of Safiros, if Somra sees it, he will be very happy.

   As for these magic materials placed outside, it is not very valuable. Most of them have only ornamental value and are difficult to use.

   Valuable to the outside world is often those materials that can be made into weapons, or direct weapons or treasures with some beauty.

   After Xu Zhi lost a wooden stick, he suddenly heard a thunderous knock on the door. Even if there were several wooden doors across, the sound could come in clearly.

   "Beautiful Safiros, you did not participate in today's parliament, I will read the news for you."

   "Oh, open the door, we have a brutal outsider here, and several cows have died."

   "Are you okay, I can't see you appearing safely, I'm not at ease."

  'S repeated voices made Safiros frown for a while. The disgust on her face had just flashed, her smile softened again, and she put the magic crystal down gently, and she stood up.

   "Don't move in the lab, I'll go and blow away Daxdor's color bull, and I'll be back soon."

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