Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1113: familiar person

Xu Zhi learned that Chen Jingsi's message was nearing the evening.

In the evening of the city that never sleeps, all kinds of mushrooms that emit fluorescence enter the natural adjustment time, and the light emitted is slightly dim.

Like the sun, the light of these mushrooms is strong or weak, and even turns into a weaker light at night.

"The errand cow caught a foreigner, and will have a public trial to see if it can find some reference information."

"Annoying, Dax Dortmund came to notice, this time he can't hide."

"It's really delaying me to build a crystal dragon, so there is only a little left."

Safiros let down the magic crystal helplessly, and then recruited Xu Zhi to let him follow him out of the laboratory.

The other party's words made Xu Zhi's heart tight. Tianwai, if there were no accidents, he and Chen Jingsi and Lu Guoyi entered the ruins.

It was definitely one of these two bigwigs that was caught.

If it weren’t for Lu Guoyi to bump into here blindly, it was Chen Jingsi who was chasing him. This captured foreigner had a great chance of being Chen Jingsi.

The Nightless City gathers a bunch of immortals, the strength of which is even on the guru, even on the guru, how Chen Jingsi fought.

What's more, Gunner, the unusually fast tauren, even if Chen Jingsi has the ability to fly briefly, without a good terrain, he can't get rid of the opponent at all.

Slightly pressed the gray cloth cap on top of the pressure head, followed directly by Saferos.

In the city that never sleeps, houses are built on the mountain. There are even a lot of huge buildings built after digging out on the giant rock mountain.

The roads in the city go up layer by layer. If the ordinary person climbs these steps, they will be tired and panting.

Some cave people who like to live in the ground floor are breathless for a while, and they are still very interested in people who catch an outside world in the city that never sleeps.

Like gossip, watching liveliness is a characteristic of each race, and no one can avoid it, even if they are blind.

"Dear Lisa, this huge city is really good. Listen to the king, our ancestors lived here before."

"Dear Stoke, King Shakert is our ancestor."

"You're right, I really like the environment here. There seems to be a little light in the darkness, we can still eat a lot of delicious little mushrooms."

"That's no, now it's much more lively than before. I like it here. The foreigner doesn't know if he will be hanged."

"Why hang him? We have met a very good foreigner before and helped us a lot."

The two hunched cavemen in front whispered together, and Xu Zhi listened carefully, only to hear the sound familiar.

Just like the caveman, it is extremely difficult to tell who is who, but Xu Zhi is very sensitive to the sounds he has heard. As long as he has heard it once, he will have a long-term impression in his mind.

The memory continued to deepen, and when Xu Zhi suddenly remembered the Meishan ruins, the two cavemen he followed seemed to be the same voice.

"King Shakert, could it be Shakert? Did they come here, Jean?"

The relics can be transmitted between them. Xu Zhi had experienced it once in the werewolf ruins. The werewolf ruins went in and the lizard man ruins came out.

If Shakert and others use the power of the portal to enter this ruin, he would not be surprised.

Just not knowing how much the other party has a say in the city, Xu Zhi thought about it. If he could not rescue Chen Jingsi, he might have to find the two cavemen leaders to see if there was a turning point.

The biggest square in the city that never sleeps is not in the Queen’s Palace, but in front of the college.

In the square, there stood five giant statues.

A serious-looking Tauren mage holds a magic wand and extends the other hand, as if to release magic.

With a long sword in his hand, he smiled slightly in front of him.

Another caveman holds a spear. Even with a hunchback, the caveman tries to straighten his body.

Xu Zhishun looked at the past. The fourth statue is a tauren warrior with a battle axe in one hand. An empty finger points forward, as if pointing something.

The last statue holds a huge shield, and the body is hidden behind the shield, so that people can not see the appearance, but the tail exposed below may prove that this is a Medusa.

"I heard that this is the tactical academy of the Everlasting City, and all the people who came out are talents."

"Talent is not as good as a small mushroom, and it cannot be eaten."

"Fool, talent is very powerful, at least speaking is very good, unlike you who are no brains."

Lisa and Stoke's two cavemen's voices were getting farther and farther, until they disappeared into the crowd, and Xu Zhi also saw Chen Jingsi who was tied up.

It seems that because of his smooth escape, Chen Jingsi enjoys less favorable treatment and is not held in prison.

His face was purplish-gold, which was an extremely weak condition. According to Xu Zhi’s understanding of cultivation, Chen Jingsi must have exploded some kind of stunt, or the secret technique of the bottom of the box, etc. Serious injury.

His body was embarrassed, there was blood everywhere, and there were many swollen pieces of meat in many places. This was beaten to the puffy body, which was far more serious than the kind of injury with Li Duohuang.

All limbs are tied tightly by ropes, hanging directly on a round wooden post, according to Chen Jingsi's physical fitness at this Without help, it is impossible for a single person to escape from this place.

Want to escape, unless waiting until the time of the relics comes to be sent out.

Xu Zhi calmly pulled the brim to hide himself a little deeper. If he was found, there would be no difference from Chen Jingsi's end.

"Kill him, kill him."

"My second son was killed by him, old ancestor, you want to avenge us."

"My cowgirl, ancestors, can you come back to life soon."

A bunch of tauren men are very powerful, and a group of blind cavemen are also beside them, but they are a little bit unclear who died in the ethnic group and can only coax with them.

Chen Jingsi narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were swollen, his eyes were now a little blurred, and there was a trace of chaos in his consciousness.

The air inside the body is extremely scarce and has reached the point of weakness.

Lightning speed, the opponent is the fastest opponent he has ever encountered.

The speed of traveling on the ground is much faster than the gusty wind, and even when it bursts like lightning, the distance of tens of meters can be almost instantaneous.

As soon as it becomes a limit, the power of terror can erupt.

The opponent in the memory is not a ghost, but the extreme speed, even if he goes straight, also makes him miserable, smooth and powerful blows, each blow requires his internal energy to be stubborn.

Such opponents, at least, need to be master cultivators to resist.

It must also be a guru who can target the velocity stream.

"Outsider, tell your origins, how many people have entered this place, where are the coordinates of your breaking through this space?"

When Chen Jingsi's consciousness was blurred, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and an unreasonable consciousness burst into his mind, and a deep voice like a deity sounded.

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