Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1114: trial

   From the moment of entering the ruins, countless practitioners bet their lives.

  How people in the small world of the ruins get along with people in the outside world is a matter that no one can be sure of.

  Individuals, teams, and even in such a main city, there is often a lot of surprises in communication.

  For outside entrants, unless they encounter the relics like the existence of elves, in order to avoid the grass and startle snakes, they will often make some ruthless decisions to avoid falling into the beating of the relics.

   From the moment of ruthlessness, many people did not complain much about their arrest or even being killed.

  Dare to take risks to get extra income, and also prepared for failure.

   It's just that Chen Jingsi didn't expect that this time he bet not only on himself, but also on his juniors.

  Talent, potential, ability, and even luck in the midst, Xu Zhi is the strongest junior he has seen in recent years.

   Everyone was gathering firewood with high flames. He and Lu Guoyi didn't mind going for a boost. Like Lu Shengan, they had a good relationship.

   Although backed by the Yan family, or even the Gu family, Xu Zhi's family background is almost zero, which is the best moment they can help.

  Icing on the cake is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow. If you wait for the other party to become famous, you can only be an ordinary friend.

   Boosting is naturally risky, and it is the destiny that boosts the success, but also the goodwill of many related forces behind the other party. The boost fails, causing Xu Zhi to fall. In Dongyue, they are destined to make a lot of evil.

  Naka Sulphur Cave corridor, they encountered a great risk.

  Although he turned the danger into danger, this situation still made him and Lu Guoyi feel terrified.

   deliberately calmed down the mood, but also picked a good day to set off.

   got rid of the spies under Jingmen Damu and everything went in a good direction. After entering the ruins, he still did not hide.

   This ruin has always been difficult to see how many creatures, Chen Jingsi did not expect either to have never touched, or to touch thousands at a time.

   In the square, densely packed species of various colors, like various demons dancing, are suspected of entering hell.

   All kinds of ugly monsters bent over and hunched over, shaking their heads and tentacles with their heads, noisy and screaming human head birds, extremely dangerous human head snakes, winged scorpion tail lions.

   There are also various Tauren, the main force of this city.

   is just a tauren who is good at running, so he has no resistance against him.

   Chen Jingsi opened his eyes slightly and looked at the tauren wearing a red magic robe in front of him. If he didn't guess wrong, it was the other party who forcibly released the words in his mind.

   His eyes even lightly looked at the thin and thin Tauren who was yelling at him next to him. It was this Tauren that made him suffer a big loss, but don’t think about it.

At this moment, the tauren's painful teeth grin, and the destructiveness of his inner air continues to spread on Gunner's body. The sword gas in several muscles is diffused. Although the sword wound has disappeared, his inner gas still stays tenaciously in the other body. , Like the maggots of the tarsal bone, constantly eating away at each other's body.

   "Marquez, don't ask those who are useless, let this outsider tell me how to treat my physical problems."

   Gunner spit at Chen Jingsi with an ugly face: "What curse did he cast on me, don't let Lao Tzu go to the New World, he will die in the city that never sleeps."

The combination of strength, speed, various killing martial skills, and the combination of magical aids constitute their ability as a warrior. If you don’t count against Xu Zhi’s short battle, Gunner is the first official fight with an outside practitioner. .

   is different in practice. Outsiders have the ability to combine magic and martial arts to make his head very big. Obviously it is just an extremely sharp weapon, but it has the effect of calling a magic sword.

Carrying Chen Jingsi's light red long sword, the smooth red lines on the sword body seem to be meridian, which makes the sword a little more angry, but it is only that, this sword is only sharp. Ability.

   And another silver-white long sword, the material is a bit bad, giving Gunnar a very fragile feeling.

   The cutting of the sword qi made Gunner's body feel a tingling and extremely itchy feeling, and he had to grab it with his hands.


  Gunna looked at his pierced skin silently, and hurriedly greeted Daxduo next to help heal the wound.

   "He is unwilling to cooperate, what can I do, this outsider asks no reply, you see, I bleed his head and bleed."

  Marquez said, except for beating, Gunner is not good at interrogation, and it is a difficult thing to get the secret from the outsider's mouth.

  As the strongest mage in the city that never sleeps, he was the first to come to interrogate Chen Jingsi.

   Spiritual tentacles directly into the other party's mind, to perform extremely brutal spiritual deterrence, reprimand, this is their Tauren Master is best at.

   But Chen Jingsi does not cooperate.

   Although the consciousness was blurred, the other party obviously did not make a subconscious compromise.

  'S spiritual strength is far less than him, but Chen Jingsi prefers to see the sea collapse and does not obey his deterrence. This ruthless character has not seen much in Marquez's life.

   "His willpower is very strong, and he has a certain obsession in his heart. It is not easy to succumb, but it is too easy to break, and forced interrogation will only lead to his direct death."

   Behind them, a thin caveman said lightly.

   "What good way can Master Jean?"

   Gunnar turned and looked at the caveman with a look of expectation.

   Standing behind Safiros, Xu Zhi was not far away from these big men, only a few tens of meters away from each other. When he saw the familiar Shakert, Xu Zhi also saw Jean who pitted him through.

  He was very anxious in his heart, besides what he saw, there was Saferos's comment on gloating.

   "I looked at the foreigners for only two days on this day. Oh, the stupid cow, Marquez, used violence and direct mental oppression. It's okay now. This poor worm can live a day and a half?"

  Chen Jingsi's physical condition, from time to time, worse news came, and Xu Zhi's brow furrowed.

   courageously rushed out, Xu Zhi felt that he would immediately become the second Chen Jingsi. With Gunner in, as long as he dared to show his head, he would be caught directly.

   went to find Shakert and in the place where these big brothers entered the district, no one dared to mess around.

  Even if there are tauren and cavemen, they are outside the circle.

  Followed by many big figures, only the chiefs, leaders, and leaders of the tribes, the only accident was that he was temporarily brought up by Safiros and became a small follower.

   For a while, he had little chance.

  Jean is very good at insight into people's hearts. Even if the language is different, he can perceive part of the information, but this is based on the normal communication. Looking at Chen Jingsi's physical condition, there is obviously no need for communication.

   "His mother, does Lao Tzu suffer such a crime, if I enter the new world, I will lose this strength, will this curse take my life."

   Gunner seems very irritable, even if the strength is reduced, work hard, there is always a three-point chance, but if you carry a strong curse in the past, it is not a chance to start.

  The aging of the body and the destruction of the curse, he does not need to think about any practice, and it is more cost-effective to lie in bed and wait for death.

   If that is the case, what is the need for him to go to the New World, nestled in the city that never sleeps, and can still live for tens of hundreds of years anyway.

   "Otherwise, you die now, I will bring you back to see the situation?"

   A black robe mage said quietly in the corner, Gunner's heart was even more uncomfortable.

   He lives well, and the ghost wants to die.

  Resurrection really comes at no cost. 14

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