Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1126: Mutual chance

   A little cold light flashed out. Kuangsha Literature Network

   turned into ten, one hundred and one thousand at once.

   Xu Zhi's eyes are full of Chen Jingsi's sword light.

   A sword and a thousand stars, this is naturally impossible. Even if Chen Jingsi's hands can be shaken to a rapid swing, the sword skill of that degree will obviously exceed the human limit.

   But this is Chen Jingsi's swordsmanship.

   is remarkable in terms of eye-catching. The sword is still the sword, but as long as it falls into his rhythm, the opponent's sword moves are easy to enlarge, and it is difficult to break free.

  Xu Zhi shook his head for a while before getting rid of Chen Jingsi's thousands of differentiated sword lights.

Relying on the artifact and the blood of the ancient gods, at the level of spiritual condensation, he is comparable to the strong of some guru realms, not to mention Chen Jingsi is sprinting the guru, even if he is a guru, he can get rid of this confusion of sword moves come out.

   The person is still that person, the sword is still that sword.

  Chen Jingsi dances his sword with the wind, the sword is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and there is no possibility of a move. It is entirely of interest.

   The guide hits the north, refers to the east to the west, and the swordsmanship that is so extreme that the letter comes, completely let him out of the move, or the way.

The whirlwind driven by the Qi training in the body became bigger and stronger, a whistle sounded, and a shadow of sword sound and a blue light appeared in his eyes, his shadow rose to the sky .

   Built around the city, between the cliffs of the never-ending city, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

  Like a red lotus in full bloom, the sword light flashes continuously.

It took a long time for Chen Jingsi, who had danced with swordsmanship, to gain momentum, and the shape kept falling down.

   "Life and death, entanglement, swords, and life and death are difficult to determine, is this kind of life and death entanglement sword technique, is my swordsmanship?"

   The light red long sword swings slightly, as an extremely strong swordsman. Obviously, now that he is a master swordsman, Chen Jingsi should not have this kind of hand shaking.

   But he couldn't restrain his heart.

   Decades of wishes come true, Rao is that he has enough self-cultivation, and also has a sense of unreality.

  In addition to his extremely deep accumulation, he did not prepare for the preparation of medicines, nor did he seek a suitable mental environment.

   The time at this time is at least four years away from the time he originally planned to sprint the master.

  He is far from fifty years old.

   Today, he is only forty-three years old, one year younger than Lu Shengan.

   genius also distinguishes levels, even if he is proud, he must admit that his qualifications and circumstances are indeed far inferior to Lu Shengan.

  Many calculations, even if everything is within a few years of the budget, he has only a 50 to 60% chance to sprint the master.

   But in just four years, he and Lu Shengan stood at the same starting line again.

  From playing a dead dog to becoming a master, becoming Dongyue's top Nabo, it's just one effort.

  Chen Jingsi's eyes swept through a crowd of strange-shaped relics, and then looked at the strange straightness of the wear.

  All this has been clear since he was slightly awake.

   sprint master, there is a reason for self-accumulation, and it is inseparable from the outside assist.

Everything started from Xu Zhi pouring his first bottle of potion. The powerful potency continued to repair and nourish the body. Even if any expansion damage caused by the sprinting of the master was continuously restored, it was far more than he wanted. The kind of guru is even stronger.

And another cup of liquid gave him enough capital to start sprinting the guru. The strange liquid in this ruin instantly made his spirit very condensed, and he directly took a high level. Something happened in his brain. Wonderful changes.

   This is an opportunity for the sky to fall, but the brain field injury has just recovered, and after a little calculation, Chen Jingsi has entered the stage of master sprint.

  Everything is like flowing clouds and flowing water. The realm of the guru is a lot easier than he imagined.

  Because this life and death experience is very close to the time of the sprint master, he has more or less gained some insights, and then applied it to the realm of the master.

   "The virtues of creation, the grace of renewal are not worth repaying, and when the master becomes a master, Chen Jiaqin will help the king."

Chen Jingsi did not ask how much the bottle of potion Xu Zhi poured into his mouth was worth, and how the follow-up creations were so dangerous that he could become a guru, and the Tuojia can dump the family, but as long as they can sprint successfully, No one will go to the family.

   Not many people dare to say that their sprint master will be successful. Even the top ten masters of Dongyue's combat power, there are several who can vow to ensure that their sprint master will be successful.

   This is a gamble.

   It's just that the foundation and the capital of each other are different, more or less.

Xu Zhi made him succeed in sprinting the master, Chen Jingsi was willing to give the entire Chen family to assist him. Like Gu Changying and Tuo Guhong, many graces were already difficult to calculate between each other, and they could not be divided clearly. Help, naturally help each other.

   "Don't make it, please come up soon, please come up soon, oh, brother Chen, don't do this."

   The three worshipers who were suddenly lifted by Chen Jingsi, Xu Zhi was a little flustered, his hands had not yet lifted Chen Jingsi, and the other party bowed down on these three.

   "Just call me Jingsi, or you can call your full name."

Cultivation is divided into orders, and the relationship at this time clearly breaks this order. Just like Tuo Guhong and others, Chen Jingsi did not regard Xu Zhi as a junior or a highly potential junior. relationship.

   "Come on, you are hurrying up, shall we just play with each other?"

  Chen Jingsi's stubborn temper came up, Xu Zhi was a little difficult to hold up, the two sides struggled hard once, three kneels were completed, and now his hands are still supported.

   "This is, hey, why are you so strong."

Chen Jingsi came back, and suddenly realized that Xu Zhiqiang now seems a bit, he is also a newcomer to the Guru Realm. Even if he does not rely on internal energy, the strength of his arms is extremely scary. Xu Zhi was only a little weaker, and these three worships were extremely difficult.

   "By using the power of an artifact in their world, their strength has temporarily improved a bit."

   "The power of their foreign objects is really terrible."

   Raised an expert-level cultivator to the level of the near master, and the name of the artifact is not false. These items are released. I am afraid that countless people will break their heads to grab.

   The force of a strong foreign object must not be cheap.

Chen Jingsi was worried that the expression had just flashed, so he heard Xu Zhi said there: "Don't worry about the price I paid, it just happened at the meeting. There is no problem with a little consumption. I can still borrow a light today and I just want to ask you seriously. Some."


   Expert-level and master-level practitioners fight.

   "I'm not sure how much power I am currently using the artifact, it may be close to the guru, and I want to take this opportunity to understand some of my own things."

Xu Zhilong's iron gun was traversed, and a breath of breath came, temporarily elevated to a very high level of spiritual condensation, so that he has more control over all control, and wants to understand what is understood, more depends on Try it out for yourself.

Chen Jingsi, who first entered the guru, may be the best opponent, and the difference between the two is not huge.

   directly fights against such an opponent, this leapfrog fight will inevitably exceed any previous combat experience.

   Chen Jingsi's eyes cleared, and he immediately understood what Xu Zhi wanted to do.

  He had a chance to master, Xu Zhi also had a chance.

  How much he can take depends on how much power he can put out in a while.

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