Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1127: Vigorous approach

  Enlightenment. Kuangsha Literature Network

   This has always been a relatively illusory word. Without thick product, there will be no thin hair. All enlightenment is based on having a very deep accumulation.

   has not accumulated, even if the opportunity comes, it is difficult to grasp.

  Chen Jingsi can seize the opportunity of the master, and Xu Zhi also wants to try his control of the martial art form.

   The powerful effect of the immortal potion exceeds Xu Zhi's imagination, and it can achieve the effect of the grand master's potion.

  Serve Chen Jingsi, Xu Zhi does not have much regret mentality.

One is not clear that the medicament has such a function, and the other is that this medicament has a time limit after all. Xu Zhi is not sure whether he can wait until the day of use, or he is seriously injured, or he knows the effect, and depends on the sprint of the drug effect. .

   More importantly, it is natural to treat Chen Jingsi.

  The long iron gun was horizontal, and the orange-colored inner air suddenly spread all over.

   The yellow luster brought by the thick soil Xuan Jing came with a solid feeling, which also made Xu Zhi concentrate at this time, more conscientiously paying attention to self-control.

   The brave dragon-shaped full armor made Chen Jingsi's eyelids jump straight and entered the ruins more than ten times. He had never seen such a shape with Xu Zhi.

  Two people can learn from each other regardless of these remains.

  In addition to the four immortals who are in a hurry, other immortals watch from a distance.

   entered the giant stone stairs of the earth's patron saint, the two leaped, dodge and dodge, or violently collided, the sword light was interspersed with stick waves, and from time to time a very harsh weapon intersect sounded.

   There are no more conflicts between the two sides. With Chen Jingsi reaching for a press, the internal energy hits several times, pushing out the internal energy released on Gunnar, this tauren is finally free.

   The immortals at this time are quite relaxed, the holy objects are recovered, and the three cups of blood of the ancient gods are enough to let the three tauren mages of the city never enter the strongest state, and it will be easier to open the portal.

   "Master Jean, you are not afraid that this kid will wear an artifact and run. He will not be inferior to us by his level of performance now."

  Days looked at the cavemen, the same guardians. They used to have a common language.

   "The artifact has the fate of an artifact. The dragon blood in his body is limited. It has been opened once before, and this time, he opened it for a longer time. It is difficult for him to have the opportunity to open the artifact again in the future, and it is difficult for the artifact to accompany him for a long time."

   "Maybe he also knows that the power of the artifact is an external force after all. How to turn this external force into his inner strength is the path of cultivation he wants to choose."

  The old God of Gene is here, the choice of artifacts, before he warned Xu Zhi once.

   Of course, after Xu Zhiming becomes clear afterwards, it is regretful that the intestines are all green.

  As of today, as the strength continues to rise, Xu Zhi also has his own understanding of the use of foreign objects, which can be used, but it must not be indulged.

  How to turn the help of foreign objects into your own strength is the most important thing.

   Of course, if Ji Enxu, he hoped to bring out the remains with the dragon king's magical power.

   Even if it is not integrated, this artifact also has a wonderful effect, how much can bring a hint of spirit, or cognitive effect.

   And the Red Dragon Sword has a good shape and a certain level of power. Although it is not as good as the Vulcan Sword, the Red Dragon Sword is also a very powerful relic sword, stronger than the light red long sword in Chen Jingsi's hands.

   can be considered an acquaintance now, and Jean is interesting enough that Xu Zhi can't do anything with someone's artifact and run.

  The other nine immortals of the other party are in the city that never sleeps. There are tens of thousands more people in the city. If you tear your face, death or injury may be inevitable.

  The dragon claw stretched and shrunk, the hidden dragon claw suddenly caught out, and hit Chen Jingsi by surprise.

   "Hello, Xu Zhi."

  Chen Jingsi groaned, and the sword fingers immediately went back.

   From the initial attempt, three-point force, five-point force, seven-point force, and now nine-point force, except for air combat, Chen Jingsi has almost played his very good level.

   Xu Zhi is not an enemy. He hasn't reached the point where he wants to exert his full strength or even explode. This level of strength is just right for Xu Zhi now, he can barely bear it, and he will not surpass his uncontrollable range.

  The strength of Xu Zhi's skyrocketing does not allow Xu Zhi to instantly possess master-level training, martial arts skills, and occult skills, not to mention certain levels of cultivation in Guru Realm.

   The gap still exists, but Xu Zhi relied on the assistance of the artifact, the level of continuous improvement, and let all this slowly become closer.

   The more mature martial arts play, the stronger the switching ability, and even rely on the power of the internal energy and the artifact to block Chen Jingsi's attack to some extent.

   This is a weak opponent who scores a few points, but if he does not give his full strength, Chen Jingsi feels that he will win more difficult.

   Of course, it doesn't matter if you win or lose now.

   The win and loss of the two players does not make any sense.

  How to let Xu Zhi get the most benefit in this increased time is the real purpose of the two people fighting.

   Relying on the dragon king's divine power, Xu Zhi had great expectations for the hidden dragon claw. This claw skill, he was no longer the level when he was wearing the dragon king's divine power.

  Advanced stick technique crazy devil stick method, Xu Zhi also pinned high hopes.

   As for the Bawang stick, in the face of opponents like Chen Jingsi, he still can't suppress it, and he can't play the momentum of Bawang. This stick technique can only be played through and can't be his main attack stick method at the moment.

However, the potential of the mid-level and low-level stick method has almost been exhausted. Xu Zhi is difficult to innovate on this stick technique and play a more powerful role. When responding, this stick method is also interspersed, only Do some of the above.

  Stepped out of the hairy legs, giving Xu Zhi's method a more ghostly ability.

   Switched from Changzhen Yanggong to Thick Earth Profound Scripture, and the total amount and quality of qi have been madly improved. For the scuffing, a very expensive light technique, the body can easily withstand it, bringing unimaginable benefits when fighting.

   The violent raid also made Chen Jingsi's sword-like swordsmanship stubborn.

From contacting martial arts, to ordinary use, to proficiency, and then entering the stage of proficiency, layer by level, the goal of Xu Zhi is like Chen Jingsi, who can do well in advanced martial arts and develop his own. Absolute skill.

   There is no better time than now, forcibly pulling up the spirit level, let him enter the level of the guru in some aspects.

   This state has a strong effect on the control, proficiency and even development of personal martial arts.

   Plus a master's feed.

When Xu Zhi It seems that Chen Jingsi has his own gains. When he first entered the guru, various inspirations and abilities were triggered accordingly. At this moment, he is almost like Xu Zhi and is in sentiment. Pinnacle.

  Many guru likes to go to retreat after promotion, this is the reason.

   An opponent with similar strength made Chen Jingsi more delighted.

  The sword sticks intersect, and their shadows burst out.

  Chen Jingsi's thoughts had just turned and he was going to chase him up. Suddenly Xu Zhi burst into a slam, and the stick figure fell like a mountain.

   potential, or the impact of creating spiritual oppression when the martial arts are released

   This is a stronger trend than him, in order to create this vision in his eyes.

  Chen Jingsi practiced Qi Qi quickly, his eyes opened sharply, just trying to eliminate the influence of this trend, Xu Zhi's long iron gun had already hit.


   He was also stricken with a sigh, and his long sword waved like a shower, and Qiongzhu scattered, hitting the new lotus.

   The clanking sound of the jingling weapons came, his inner air was dispelled by a stick, and there was a great pain, and the figure suddenly retreated more than ten meters.

   suddenly saw Xu Zhilong's iron gun stuck in the ground, and there was a burst of laughter in his heart.

  The realization of the mad devil stick method, he has entered a new stage since then, contacting the mountain form of the earth patron saint, he made a move to borrow the power.

   is not crazy, but demon, this may be a bit real.

  The patron saint of the earth hundreds of meters high, whose carved mountain form is a certain demon form of the spirit belief in the ruins.

  Crazy magic stick method, more or less, was mixed with a trace of magic by him.

  Study for several hours, this stick method, with the help of external force at this time, he finally became great.

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