Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1141: Tiger Tooth Sword

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The life of a cultivator is inevitable, and there are more or less several enemies. Kuangsha Literature Network

The conflict of interests and the conflict of acting styles also have troubles caused by unevenness.

Tuo Guhong is undoubtedly the last one, killing the small, there are big waiting.

Many past events of the past, recollecting again, or tracing the leakers will not help today.

Tuo Guhong glanced at the Bolivar reading the document slightly, his mind slowly immersed in the adjustment of breath.

In the battle against Yuanzong Bokong, he must have the best state before he can possibly kill this big problem.

"Can Brother Tuo fight Yuanzong Bokong?" Xu Zhi said.

"I don't know who will win, but Yuan Zong Bokong is the seventh master of Xiuliu Kingdom, Tuo Guhong is the 34th of Dongyue, and the other party is the late master."

Huangpu Duanrong's tone was heavy. Yuanzong Bokong had stabilized the seventh master of the West Liuguo for many years. The cultivation practice was also promoted to a point where it was difficult to advance. Tuo Guhong was only the early stage of the master. Although the space for advancement was huge, it was a loss. deficiency of time.

Both are at the level of the master, and there is no difference between the level and the cross-level. The dead fight meets the specifications.

Father and son, mentor and apprentice, partner, relatives, this relationship circle fits the category of candidates.

Yuan Zong Bokong launched the cultivator's death battle without problems.

The apprentices were misbehaving and were killed, and they were still in the wild area of ​​South Australia. This kind of embarrassing incident will not lead to public opinion or international disputes, which will lead to compensation or forced death dispute resolution.

This is not the same as the quality of Xu Zhi's participation in the death fight.

Yuan Zong Bokong's apprentice deserves to die, but this does not prevent him from revenge.

If they don’t meet each other and there is a difference in national boundaries, Yuan Zong Bokong can’t help Tuohong, but if they meet each other, especially in accordance with the rules of conduct, this is inevitable.

"If it's just private enmity, it's simpler. I'm afraid there are people in our country who are making trouble, and the West Liuguo side also took the opportunity to kill the seeds of a future grandmaster."

Huang Pu whispered, Tuo Guhong was very young when he became a master, and he was not forty years old. The light of the master stage pressed the Dongyue Zhuxiong for several years, and advanced to the master, only half a year, then the master The level of quality, simply defeated Jin Zhongze, the potential is strong, so many people are extremely wary.

"You have to know that there are so many people who can't do anything externally, and there is a good way to be in the nest."

Huang Pu Duan Rong felt that Tuo Guhong was accounted for by someone. This kind of conspiracy made Xu Zhi feel very heavy. Chen Jingsi only made up the amount of Dongyue's 150 masters. Back to the number of one hundred and forty-nine.

Xu Zhi is not clear about the number of Tuo Guhong's cards. The more rankings, the harder it is to move forward, especially in the top ten, all of which are ruthless characters.

It was his master Yan Xuankong, who usually looked at him with a smile, and when he killed someone, he called a hard-handed knife and didn’t have much time to blink.

Physical trainers have great advantages in physique, resistance to attack, etc., and those who can come up through other means are not weak.

Especially some practitioners who focus on lethality, especially those who exercise restraint.

If the attack ability is insufficient, there is no way to face the trainer, but if the attack is too harsh, the body that the trainer is proud of will form a joke.

Focusing on physical training, some methods of killing, Tuo Guhong are not as good as others. Under such a situation of attack, he will undoubtedly fall into the disadvantage.

When Bolivar read the documents aloud, from time to time, some aircraft landed on the tarmac of Tuojia.

Gu Changying, Yan Xuankong, Lu Shengan and other familiar faces appeared among the guests one after another.

"Right Father" "Master" "Master Lu"

Xu Zhi kept saying hello, and the people who came constantly clearly understood what was going on today.

If the red happy event done by Tuofu is an accident, it will become a funeral.

New life, old people die, this is not the result that Tuo Guhong wanted, this battle, he can't lose.

After the spirit adjustment was completed, he quietly looked at Yuan Zong Bokong, his eyes calm without a hint of color.

"When did it start?" Tuo Guhong said.

"I can do it at any time. If you have any leftover words, I can wait." Yuan Zong Bokong looked away.

"My words can be said after winning," Tuo Guhong said: "Your last words may have been prepared."

"Just kill you, why should I leave a last word."

The two have not yet entered the battle of death, and the battle of the mouth has already begun. When the rivalry is opposed, the other party's psychology is also counted. However, when hesitating and regretting, it is difficult to play the strongest level when fighting.

"Then it will be a contract, Man Yun, you come to write a contract, and I will kill."

Tuo Guhong turned his head and saw that Luo Manyun holding the baby nodded, put the child in the cradle, took the pen, faced a piece of thick paper, and wrote it in a hurry.

Her handwriting was extremely powerful. Xu Zhi just glanced at it, and suddenly heard Yan Xuankong shouting: "Yuanzong Bokong, whose sword is on your back, whose sword is it?"

The voice attracted everyone's eyes, and everyone looked at Yuanzong Bokong, only to see him smile: "The sword on my back is the sword that belongs to me."

"The Tiger Tooth Sword, Ashibone's Grand Master's soldier, does not belong to your Yuanzong Bokong."

"I can take it, I can use it, then it belongs to my weapon. What else does Master Yan have to say?"

Yan Xuankong was obviously very familiar with the Tiger Tooth Fright Sword, and he could see it only by the hilt and scabbard carried by Yuan Zong Bokong. His reminder gave Tuo Guhong a little more vigilance. His body could not carry Yan Xuan. The empty cicada and the empty sword are naturally difficult to resist the tiger tooth horror sword.

The Grand Master's soldiers, the strongest weapons of the practitioners.

For the masters, the use of this weapon is extremely exhausting, but if it can be played normally, its huge power will always confuse the user all the Xuankong will rely on a cicada The empty knife is suppressing Li Huaien, and the other party is depressed.

"How can he use the Grand Master's soldiers of the living."

Ahi Boen did not die. This tiger tooth horror sword was condensed by his continuous cultivation. The weapon and the user almost formed one body. The soldier of the Grand Master contained his own atmosphere, and he also had the inner energy that he precipitated. Therefore, it is necessary to completely get rid of the influence of Yelv Hongfei as Yan Xuankong got the Mingguang knife.

Ahiborn wanted to take it back to use again, and he needed to practice again. It would take decades of years to have the sense of adaptation now. How did he give up this sword?

"Yuanzong Bokong practiced the unfavorable mystery, the inner qi was invisible and colorless, and he could simulate almost all Qi training. It was not surprising that he could use the Tiger Tooth Sword."

Yan Xuankong said with a deep voice: "The Tiger Tooth Sword has the effect of shocking the soul when it is hacked. It is the easiest to cause the opponent to reveal flaws. He has at least the power of the three swords. Under the blow, he was dead."

"Since you Yuanzong Bokong can borrow a weapon, the little girl also learns a sample, a medicine, and a bargain."

Huang Pu took out a sealed bottle, and a white elixir in the bottle flashed from time to time. She waved to Tuo Guhong, and Xu Zhi saw Tuo Guhong came unwillingly.

"What kind of medicine did it break out? Will it die suddenly? My death fight is a bit cruel. You need to be clear about the side effects."

For the drug developed by Huangpu Duanrong, Tuo Guhong felt terrified. Obviously, he was usually pitted and left a little shadow.

But on such occasions, I thought I would not pit him.

It's medicine, he must ask.

Huang Pu pointed to Xu Zhi and himself, his mouth squirming, making Tuo Guhong's face flash a different color.

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