Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1142: Boost

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A soldier of the Grand Master had many accidents.

The pill made by Huang Pu Duanrong made Tuo Guhong look undoubtedly much better.

Yuan Zong Bokong hummed slightly, and said nothing.

Whether it is borrowed or given by others, this is a personal ability.

For the masters of physical training such as Tuohong, the effect of ordinary panacea is extremely low. At the level of the master level, it is difficult to increase the combat power by using the panacea in the death fight. The flaw is wide open.

In the low-level cultivator stage, many drugs can also affect the fighting balance. The higher the level, the harder it is.

Seeing what Tuo Guhong accepted frankly, Yuan Zong Bokong was still a little curious, what kind of panacea Huang Huang Purong took out.

"Return alive" Huang Pu said softly.

"I am tough" Tuo Guhong smiled, nodded toward Huangpu, and looked at Xu Zhidao again: "Thank you for your medicine."

Xu Zhi grinned reluctantly: "Waiting for your triumphant return."

"Lao Ting will win" Tuo Guhong laughed and turned to pat Xu Zhi's shoulder whispered: "I really want to come back, you should carry forward the thick earth mystery, you can find Man Yun for the follow-up exercises, she will put I am handing you the latest version of the correction."

At the time of the death fight, there is very little foreign object help.

Weapon counts as one kind, and immortality also counts as one kind.

Yuan Zongbokong can borrow, Tuoguhong can naturally borrow, but too few suitable for Tuohong.

Even if you hire a soldier of the Grand Master at this time, it will be difficult to match because of the inappropriateness of the two, causing more problems.

In the case of the Elixir, there are not many medicines that the guru can take. Even fewer can be used in the battle. In addition, Tuo Guhong becomes a master of physical training, and many medicines are basically invalid.

Huangpu Duanrong could still take out one, and Sun Wenyao grabbed his head for a while, only to feel that his medicines were not available.

Acquaintances will fight, and everyone will not be stingy with foreign objects in their hands.

Xu Zhizheng thought about what means could not affect Tuo Guhong's combat power, and could help Tuo Guhong, when he considered the guardian's robe, he suddenly heard a woman's high voice: "Yuanzong Bokong, you can borrow Tiger Tooth Sword, I don’t know what should you do if I wait to lend a second talent to fight?"

Xu Zhi looked intently, and saw a woman with an ordinary old woman's appearance standing up, speaking slowly and slowly.

"Zhuang Baiqiu"

Yuan Zong Bokong's sword frowned, looking at the woman slowly and said: "You are trying to intervene in the death fight between me and Master Tuo. Of course, I welcome you to do this. You and Tuo Guhong are neither relatives nor mentors and apprentices, but pure friends. If you ask your grandmaster and friends to help you in a combined fight, I am also very happy. Many people are willing to see you die."

Yuan Zong Bokong hummed at the end of his speech, and no longer glanced at Zhuang Baiqiu, making this old woman very popular.

"Yuanzong Bokong, you mean that friends can also intervene in this deadly battle. It's not as good as me to get together. How about you find a helper?"

"Yuan Xuankong" Yuan Zongbokong's eyes flashed sharply, and then sneered: "Why, if you can't fight, you want to make trouble, and you want to trample on the rules of the practitioners. I'm not as good as you, but someone beat you, if you dare to open Someone will be very interested in this sentence."

Before coming to Dongyue, Yuanzong Bokong had considered a lot of difficulties, and was prepared for various possibilities. It was slightly miscalculated that someone could provide Tuohong Hongdan medicine.

The guru is extremely fast during battles, and it is difficult to take medicine, wait for the medicine to take effect, or use it in battle.

I don't know if the white pill is a smoke bomb, or whether it can be used for real.

"Can't afford to fight, wouldn't I be able to afford Tuo Guhong, hehe."

Tuo Guhong's face was fierce, and when he was about to step forward, he saw Xu Zhi's finger on his forehead, and a voice sounded in his mind.

"Brother Tuo, I can come in handy for that day."

Removed the dragon king's divine power, the spiritual power of the ancient **** blood exploded, unable to form a spiritual tentacle, but with the permanent effect of the ancient god's blood, plus the spirit brought by many previous star axes and psychedelic towers With the help of physical contact, Xu Zhi can barely achieve basic spiritual communication.

"Your two hidden talents are locked in my body and assimilated, and can be used several times, but there is some conflict."

Tuo Guhong's voice is as soft as mosquitoes in his ears. When it comes to fighting cards, he naturally does not use verbal communication. He glances at Xu Zhi. He is obviously a little surprised by Xu Zhi's spiritual communication.

Lucky technique, body protection skin.

That was Xu Zhi's physical strengthening method two years ago. Compared with two years ago, he has more methods now.

"If I have other non-conflicts."

In Tuo Guhong's eyes, there was just a flash of joy, and it slowly dimmed.

"My death fight is different from what you customized at the time. The two will take equal rest before entering the field. It is difficult to say the length of time. It is necessary to ensure that each other is in the best state before they start. Then secretly Mysteries and talents cannot last that long."

Although it is unclear when Xu Zhi had other cards, it was always a difficult thing to want to drill the pitfalls of the cultivator's death fight. After countless years, the rules have almost been perfected to find out the problems.

From the earliest time when Luo Jiahui was in to Zhao Mu, then to Zhuang Baiqiu and Yan Xuankong, everyone has tried it from their respective angles. The only exception is Huang Pu's tolerance, which may have assists medicine.

Correspondingly, Yuan Zong Bokong possessed the Tiger Tooth Sword.

Xu Zhi has some silence. Among his many magics, the longest lasting time is Lucky and Mire Magic, both of which can affect for ten hours. Fortunately, Tuo Guhong has assimilated using means and can call it at any time.

However, the duration of other state magic is only ten minutes or even lower, and it cannot be inserted into the battle at all.

"Then do you want to wear a robe, I have a good robe, the protection ability is still very good, should be able to block two or three swords."

"It's not appropriate to wear this."

Tuo Guhong looked at a purple robe that Xu Zhi took out sometime. The style was like a female long skirt. There were nine stars under the collar. The clothes seemed strange, but they were not suitable for him.

Tuo Guhong thinks it is strange to wear a women's dress to fight. I'm afraid that as soon as I try hard, this cloth robe will have to be broken.

The Guardian's robe is indeed a bit embarrassing. It is okay to wear in the dream world. In the real world, it is obviously not in line with the modern dress style.

Tuo Guhong put on this protective robe, Yuan Zong Bokong was afraid that he would laugh to death.

Xu Zhi put away the guardian's robe.

"It seems that you are a wonderful thing found in the relics. Yuanzong Bokong's double swordsmanship is very fast. Although the protection of two or three swords is good, it is not enough. Not to mention my target goods, it is estimated that he will suffer hundreds of swords from him. "

"Double swordsmanship is fast, hundreds of swords."

After listening to Tuo Guhong's words, Xu Zhi's eyes lit up. In this way, the magic of compensation is quite suitable for returning to Yuanzong Bokong.

What can be done to allow the reward magic to be inserted into the battle. 2k reading network

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