Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1143: Full level compensation

   "Master, will Brother Tuo win?"

   The final battle between Yuanzong Bokong and Tuoguhong finally entered the preparatory stage. Kuangsha Literature Network

   The battlefield with a radius of 500 meters is the ring that the masters can play freely. In the venue, lime has been constantly spread to prevent cross-border problems.

   Tuo Guhong’s slight crossing may not be a problem. If Yuanzong Bokong dares to go out of bounds, many guru masters on the edge of the boundary will make him suffer.

   came to Dongyueguo, his own side was to occupy some geographical position.

   But still can't get rid of the disadvantages of Tuo Guhong, the Tiger Tooth Sword is a big killer that crushes the balance between the two.

   Life and death are only a moment, let alone Yuanzong Bokong can slash three swords, it is a sword, as long as the stroke is taken, Tuo Guhong will immediately enter the downwind.

   "Difficult, now we can only see how much trouble he caused to Yuanzong Bokong. If Tuoguhong died and Yuanzong Bokong was seriously injured, that would be the best ending."

Always in the top ten of Dongyue guru rankings, Yan Xuankong is clearly aware of the weight of the other party. Although the overall level of the guru rankings in Xiliu Kingdom is slightly lost to Dongyue, it can enter the top ten of Xiliu country, Yuanzong Bokong's strength It will not be inferior to him.

  Tuo Guhong had worked with him before. Conventional swords, or master weapons, Tuo Guhong could still manage to maintain, but once switched to cicada empty sword, Tuo Guhong would have to fight around.

   Tiger Tooth Sword is a weapon to change the level of victory and defeat of each other.

   Obviously, when it comes to personal fighting, there is no intention to restrict it at the time of the death fight. There is patience. There is no limit to getting the plasma gun. It is just another matter if it is convenient when fighting.

   seek revenge, avoid revenge, as long as the practitioner is still in this game, no one can escape.

   Rivers and lakes.

   The short two words used to be far away. Suddenly, Xu Zhi felt very close again.

   Enmity and hatred.

   This is the rivers and lakes.

   The reasons for planting will slowly bear fruit.

   "Master, without affecting the strength of Brother Tuo, I might be able to help him with the third force. You said, do I want to follow him."

  Xu Zhi stared at Tuo Guhong's back, and the past was always generous, giving him a solid feeling. At the moment, he was sitting at the front of the venue and appeared thin.

   Someone is strong, but someone is always stronger.

   Even the Grand Master has a level of strength. If it is limited to a range of death, it can be divided into birth and death.

   Yuanzong Bokong rushed to Tuofu, Tuoguhong could not escape, Tuoguhong ran away, and his family suffered.

  As Yuan Zong Bokong said, taking his life and breaking off his grudge with Tuo Guhong is not a violation of the cultivators' default rules. As for whether Tuo Guhong will revenge in the future, that is another matter.

   exchanged his newborn son for his stolen and stealing life, the kind of heroic thing Tuo Guhong can't do, and staying in the dead fight is his only choice.

   "Your little deflated calf, what can you do to help him with the third force? The grandmaster battlefield, you think it's a joke, your current level is even difficult to insert into the master battlefield," Yan Xuankong scolded.

It is rare that Yan Xuankong spoke and scolded him. Xu Zhi knew that this kind of top-level guru fighting, the aftermath of the battlefield would be uncomfortable. Although he would not be as seriously injured as Gongsun Kang, but Yuan As long as Zong Bokong wielded a long sword and the weapon touched him, he would die.

   The difference between the two ranks is too big, and it is no different from Xu Zhi playing a basic cultivator at this time. With a long stick, the other party is the end of the brain.

   "Oh, yes, what means did you come up with to help Tuo Guhong."

  Yuan Xuankong suddenly thought of some secret rumors. Tuo Guhong's promotion to Grand Master benefited from others. Thinking about Tuo Hong's inexplicable goodness to Xu Zhi, he was more intimate than his master.

   "Shall we do an experiment first?"

  Xu Zhi looked at the clock. At least half an hour before the war between Tuo Guhong and Yuanzong Bokong, the time was ample.

   Compensation will cause the enemy to take some damage when attacking the subject. The current anti-damage is 1.2, duration: ten minutes.

   This is Xu Zhi's personal experience, especially to restrain the velocity flow, and Liu Huoqing was the object of the first experiment.

   1.2 damage is very small, especially for the entire living body, evenly distributed to every part of the body, this kind of damage can not even be a little numb at first.

   No matter how small the life damage can't resist the accumulation of the amount, as long as Tuo Guhong can take hundreds of swords, this damage is enough to make Yuan Zong Bokong eat a small loss, revealing flaws, and turning the balance of the battle.

   The only trouble is how this compensation magic is given to Tuo Guhong. If he does not play, Tuo Guhong is a hundred meters away, which is not his casting distance.

   Without the advantages of natural magic, such as natural magic, the life magic series will have certain energy fluctuations. It is easy for Yuanzong Bokong to find the ghosts he did.

   If it was played, the aftermath of the battle, or Yuan Zong Bokong discovered the problem, Xu Zhi felt that his end would be miserable.

  I want to use the masters, this magic must be upgraded to level 10. In South Australia for a few days, the experience is quite rewarding, and the regeneration talent is at level 8, and there are tens of thousands of experience left.

   The original plan to achieve the goal of regenerating talent full level temporarily slowed down. Xu Zhi just a few moments before deciding to increase the reward magic first.

   The ability is put out first, as for how to help Tuo Guhong, perhaps Yan Xuankong and others will find a way.

   Compensation will cause the enemy to suffer some damage when attacking the subject. Currently, the anti-damage 2 is used by the operator to self-accumulate, and the cumulative anti-damage can be exploded, duration: ten minutes.

   The top-level compensation magic has more functions. For Xu Zhi, it may be used at a certain time, and the cumulative damage points will burst suddenly. This is a good ability, which can instantly bring good damage to the other party.

  As for whether it can accumulate to the maximum upper limit value and withstand 50 effective attacks, then it depends on the ability of self-supporting.

   One hundred points of total damage, even if it is spread across the body, is also a small ability is very easy for the other party to form a huge flaw.

   Xu Zhi is very satisfied with the effect of magic.

  Gu Changying was used to cooperate with the experiment, and the target of the attack was naturally Yan Xuankong.

   "Goddaddy, if you have a bad pain, stop your hand. By the way, it doesn't matter whether you start it or not, as long as it is a hostile blow."

   "Don't hit that heavy one, I'm standing here, it's very uncomfortable to poke your sword over."

   For taking damage, Yan Xuankong was not happy to take care of Changying's flying sword technique.

  The soldiers of the two masters are in hand. At this time, Gu Changying's attack degree is extremely high. Even if he is not careful, he will be very uncomfortable and will be injured.

   "The faster I strike, the more uncomfortable I am?" Gu Changying asked.

   "Yes," nodded Xu directly.

   A strange ability, quite a bit like a hedgehog, is not a talent, it seems to have the feeling of mystery.

  Yuan Xuankong and Gu Changying understood it, and I don’t know where Xu Zhi got this ability.

   Feeling that there seems to be a thin layer of energy in the body, Yan Xuankong wants to see how powerful Xu Zhi's ability is, and can help Tuo Guhong's death fight.

   His eyelids blinked and saw Gu Changying who had taken an iron sword stab it quickly. The long sword nodded his head, belly, hands and feet five times, and a full 25 swords were pointed out.

   Yan Xuankong's internal air protection just twisted a few times, and then he saw Gu Changying who stopped the attack a few meters away.

   A trace of blood overflowed from his tiger's mouth.

   The protection of internal air has not completely eliminated this injury.

   was just a quick and light attack, his tiger's mouth was cracked by a crack, and the breath in his body was occasionally aroused, and there was a slight flaw.

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