Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1144: Gamble

   A powerful talent, or a suitable secret technique, can obviously affect the fighting balance. Kuangsha Literature Network

  Just tested three or five times, Gu Changying's face turned white, and she stopped the iron sword in her hand.

   No need to do more tests, he had to take a break to adjust.

   "This ability is really good, better than Jin Bo's third hand."

Can be used on the guru, and can last for ten minutes. Yan Xuankong is full of praise for a while. This ability is used for physical trainers such as Tuo Guhong, or cultivators who focus on various defensive play styles. It should complement each other.

   "Tuo Guhong only had less than ten minutes of opportunity. When they were fighting, Xu Zhi could never release him a second time to assist him."

   "That time is enough. If Lao Tuo can't get the upper hand in ten minutes, that is his destiny."

   "Although Xu Zhi has proven his skills to Tuo Guhong, how can he survive this time? If Tuo Guhong loses, his life will be lost."

  After the test, the remaining question is how Xu Zhi assisted Tuo Guhong. This kind of weak chicken is inserted into high-level combat, but Yan Xuankong also has a headache. From time to time, he discusses with Gu Changying how to do it.

   "You really want to play to gamble your life."

   "Wish, wish or wish."

Xu Zhi hesitated for a moment, but thinking about how Tugu Guhong normally treats him well, his eyes glanced a little outside. It was the new baby of Tuo Guhong, who was born only two or three days, so young If it is a dead dad, it is really pitiful.

   If you can’t, you can help Tuo Guhong with a hole card in your hand. He is willing to take some risks, just as Tuo Guhong was willing to swallow Dadu Dan into small ruins to find him.

   "Master, will it be a deadly game, I really don't have much chance, I won't play, ha~, haha."

Xu Zhigan laughed twice, and said that if he had the courage, he would say no, but he faced a seventh-ranking guru in Xiuliu. That was the role of Gu Changying who wanted to declare his death, Yan Xuankong should attach great importance to it. How can he be ignorant and fearless.

   "Your little deflated calf, I thought you were not afraid of death, full of soy milk in the brain, and now it seems to be sober," Yan Xuankong scolded.

   "Xu Zhi, don't be impulsive. The godfather is useless. I really want to be cut by Yuan Zong Bokong's sword, and I can't be killed."

After Yan Xuankong scolded Gu Changying for nagging, Xu Zhi had to laugh a little: "It's not decided yet. You can't be a dead man. I see your opinion. If it comes on stage, I'll do it. I can’t go to school. I will do my best to take care of the children of the Tuo family.”

   "Then call back Lao Tuo to ask? This depends on his level. Can he prevent Yuanzong Bokong? Xu Zhi can't send it up and throw a helper and die" Gu Changying said.

   "His defense against Yuanzong Bokong is not a problem, but I am afraid that Yuanzong Bokong sees that the cat is tired and pulls out the tiger tooth horror sword.

  Yan Xuankong is obviously also in a difficult position. The Tiger Tooth Sword is a great weapon to break the balance of battle. Xu Zhi can obviously also affect the balance of battle.

  If you decide to play, how to join the war is also a problem.

   The Tiger Tooth Sword is dead, Xu Zhi is a living person, and it was a headache when he entered the war.

  If Xu Zhi went up, who would the other party find?

   If Tuo Guhong finally lost, wouldn't Xu Zhi lose his life.

   There is no stable game, and Xu Zhi is not a chess piece. He has a good relationship with Tuo Guhong, but he is also his disciple, Gu Changying's righteous son.

   Without the certainty of winning, they would not push Xu Zhi into that mortal place.

"Lao Gu can't avenge you, but Lao Tzu can, if Yuan Zong Bokong dares to kill you, he can't get out of Dongyue, I will fight with him to death and have a life and death" Yan Xuankong hummed: "His disciples are destined, and my disciples are destined. He can revenge, and I can revenge."

   Xu Zhi’s share is obviously a bit special. If that is the normal situation, which one has learned advanced Qi practice, which one’s heir’s disciple, but he is the teacher of Yan Xuankong.

   and Yan Xuankong, he has a nominally real teacher-apprenticeship, but with Tuo Guhong, there is a certain relationship between teacher and apprentice.

   can play to help Tuo Guhong, Yan Xuankong can also use this relationship to justly find Yuanzong Bokong revenge.

   "You will discuss revenge now, it is not appropriate," Xu Zhi said depressed.

  He didn't deliberately go to death on the court. In addition to giving Tuo Guhong a help, he also had a guardian's robe anyway, and he was able to get three cards.

From the guardian robe blessed by Mistreo, the maximum limit of life strike is 500 points of blood, which can prevent the attack of Basil Lei. To some extent, Xu Zhi feels that he can also resist Yuanzong Bokong three attacks. .

  I have seen the immortal in the ruins, there are also Chen Jingsi for comparison, and there are comparisons of many big men in the dream world. Xu Zhi also has a basic reference in his heart.

  If you really play, facing the aftermath of the battle, the armor, the inner air, the guardian's robe, etc. will definitely open together.

   The only requirement is that Tuo Guhong must win, and only if he wins, can he have hope for life.

   "So, things may not be as bad as we think."

   Hearing Yan Xuankong's words, Gu Changying's eyes suddenly lighted up and said a few words to Yan Xuankong. Yan Xuankong shook his head for a while and nodded from time to time.

   "It makes sense, it depends on whether Yuan Zong Bokong thinks there, hehe."

   Yan Xuankong sneered and patted Xu Zhi's shoulder before asking: "Tu'er, think about it carefully, do you have any last words to explain."


   "Master, I went to South Australia to earn more than 7 million. I'm really going to die. You and your uncle will share in half."

   "I also got a piece of Shenshi grinding disc, which can be divided into one-third. If you sell it, you can just ask Lu Guoyi for money."

  Xu Zhixu was a little bored. What did he mean by this master, he deflated his mouth, and smoothly distributed his visible heritage.

   "Make money More than 100,000 a day, you still have patience."

  Yan Xuankong looked at this disciple. Before he went to Nan'ao, this kid had only eight dollars left in black cumming, which means that now the card is very rich.

  Nan'ao is not familiar with the place of life, should the fortune be so fast.

  Think about his apprentice, Yan Xuankong felt that Qian Tong's surname should be crowned on Xu Zhi's head.

  What money goes to the money bucket, for so many years, one debt has not yet been paid off, and the fighting power is blinded.

  Xu Zhi also tossed a piece of **** stone, how could the piece of **** stone be so good, he only got a piece of **** stone when the Hushan cave was broken, and the previous information was that only the group of talents in South Australia had **** stone fragments.

   This is the Dongtian ruined. Why didn't there be any news from Nan'ao.

   Recently, my old son was still in trouble with Qingchuan Shenhuo. The cause is also said to be Xu Zhi. What kind of ability to kill and jump is completely incomprehensible. The two men scolded each other diligently and returned to several diplomatic communications in one day.

   There are a lot of things, but also a little mixed, Yan Xuankong feels that his head is a bit bad.

  He has never cared about the personal affairs of his disciples, but he really wanted to ask what happened.

   But now, Tuo Guhong's life needs more calculations.

  Regardless of whether he can be promoted to Grand Master, Tuo Guhong is likely to have the combat strength of Grand Master in the future. How can Yuan Zong Bokong be killed in the name of private enmity.

   They don't have the opportunity to intervene directly, but there is always a way to intervene. Xu Zhi is obviously an introduction.

   "Go to the death battlefield."

  Looking at the time, Yan Xuankong finally got cruel.

   has life and death, and people will win the sky, but he wants to see who's life is harder, and whether he can overcome this will.

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