Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1145: Spoil

   In the battlefield of death, only a few minutes, a battle of life and death between guru will begin. Kuangsha Literature Network

   "Yan Xuankong, you want to break the rules and interfere in this death fight?"

   Looking at Yan Xuankong who brought people across the border, Yuanzong Bokong Zhou flashed his sword gas back and forth for a while, making an unpleasant hissing sound.

   "Intervention is not enough, just want to add some weight to this fight."

  Yuan Xuankong dropped Xu Zhi, staring at Yuan Zong Bokong for a while with a sneer, and the cicada empty knife on his back from time to time issued a clear cry, seeming to be out of the sheath.

"Dongyue Inspection Department, the South Yunnan Province Fifth Hospital Inspection Xu Zhi has seen Yuanzong Bokong Grandmaster, the boy is apprentice Yanxuankong Grandmaster, Qi practice is inherited from Tuoguhong Master, if I participate in this combination of death fights, I can qualified."


Yuan Zong Bo Kong's eyes swept Xu Zhi at the edge of Yan Xuan Kong, and saw that Xu Zhi's orange light penetrated from outside, reaching over Tuo Guhong's body, and that orange light collided with Tuo Guhong's glazed treasure, I did not see any sense of repelling conflict.

  If they did not practice the unfavorable mystery of their family, this kid Qi Qige Cheng Tuo Gu Hong, this compatibility of Qi is not wrong.

   The name pulled by the other party is very loud, but the strength is extremely poor, at most, but the level of expert cultivation, in the young people may be considered a handsome, in their eyes and others is just a bean sprouts, just a knife.

   "Dare you enter this death fight?" Yuan Zongbo said.

   "The boy is ready for life and death, of course, dare to enter the battlefield of life and death."

   When Xu Zhi and Yuanzong Bokong talked, Yan Xuankong and Tuo Guhong on one side whispered quickly, the corners of their mouths wriggled continuously, and they kept sending voices into secret exchanges.


   Yuanzong Bokong sneered and added an expert cultivator to come in. It didn't make any sense. He even needed to transfer the fighting space when he was fighting against Tuo Guhong, and the kid could be killed by the aftermath of the battle.


   Yuanzong Bo shuddered, it was easy to kill, but what are the consequences of killing?

   The name that the other party just pulled out echoed in his ear.

  Inspector General Zhao Mu and Yan Xuankong are the two people standing behind the kid.

   Yuanzong Bokong's eyes swept over Yan Xuankong, and then looked at Zhao Mu, who was staring at that hundred meters away.

   could not help but scolded.

   This death fight, they really came to stir up the scene.

   killed Tuo Guhong, no one could say anything, but if the boy was put to death in a battle of death, it would be difficult for him to come up with this Dongyue Kingdom.

   One Zhao Mu and one Yan Xuankong will take the heaviest hand to get rid of him without hesitation.

  Mu Zhao may have just taken the side to borrow Dongyue's political system to suppress him, but Yan Xuankong and Yuanzong Bokong looked at the cicada sword that kept screaming behind each other.

  If he slaughtered the other's apprentice, Yan Xuankong would start a private vendetta like him.

  The relationship network entangles everything in it, and he can't escape this default unspoken rule, even the Xiuliu country will have no way.

   just like Tuo Guhong at the moment, can only face the challenge, after life and death, everything is settled.

   "The most annoying thing to eat a hundred meals, what kind of shit, what the **** got out of it."

   Yuanzong Bokong scolded, and his apprentice Yan Xuankong, but the master practice Qiqi came from Tuoguhong. What kind of ghosts are these? Who is there to accept students like this, Yan Xuankong, you have a sick head.

   Say a good teacher.

   This kind of relationship breaking is not very beneficial to practice, but it is very convenient to stir him up.

   Yuanzong Bokong is a bit embarrassed.

  Looking at the kid, he seems to be straight, not afraid of death at all.

  If it was not the violent Yan family's turmoil in the past two years, Yan Xuankong slaughtered Yingguo Grand Master Yagui once for this kid. Yuan Zong Bokong would not hear the deeds of Yan Xuankong's apprentice.

  There are so many masters in the world, and it’s quite a painstaking thing to remember which apprentice the master received.

   But this kid is Yan Xuankong's apprentice. There is nothing wrong with it. When thinking about revenge for his apprentice, he also paid attention to this aspect of the news. He also called Yan Xuankong well.

   This is not a cult team, but in fact, the other party is doing the squad.

   This is the card that Yan Xuankong dumped in retaliation for Tuo Guhong's death. It's a plan, he has to think about how to deal with it.

   Battle of death is naturally divided into life and death.

   This is his deadly battle with Tuo Guhong.

   is not a deadly battle with the apprentice Yan Xuankong.

   Yuanzong Bokong thought for a few seconds, and saw Tuoguohong's mouth squirming on the opposite side, shaking his head for a while, then bowing his head in contemplation, and finally nodded.

"The Qi practitioner is inherited from me. I have a relationship with him, half a teacher and a half brother. Since he is willing to accompany me into this dead fight, this is the requirement that I inserted in the last dead fight. What else can you add? "

   pointed to Xu Zhi, Tuo Guhong said coldly to Yuan Zong Bokong, battled the father and son soldiers, battled the mentor and disciple, and many blood relationship brothers.

   If the other party is mad, it is naturally a one-man response. You can also insert an assistant of the same level like him. As long as the rules are not broken, then everything is under the default.

  Single-player warfare became a dogfight, and Yuan Zongbo's face changed constantly.

  The battle of death was initiated by him, and the demands made by the other party were also within the default rules of the cultivator, then it would count. If he did not agree, the battle of death would not be established.

   struggled to enter Tieshan City, how could he give up this opportunity.

   "The area of ​​engagement is expanded to a radius of a thousand kilometers. Hey, Tuo Guhong, you have found a good shield, but he can only let you linger for a few minutes, it is difficult to protect you from this death battle field."

   Yuanzong Bokong refers to the surrounding area. If He Tuo Gu Hong fights, the range circle is naturally enough, even the smaller the better.

  If one person is added, he will have to expand the fighting area and control the aftermath of the battle to one side. As long as Tuo Guhong is slaughtered, the small one who is too lazy to take care of it will do the trick.

   "You and I enter, both enter from the opposite direction, without affecting each other."

   Yuanzong Bokong took a look at Tuo Guhong, which is only more than ten meters original plan was stepped into the venue, and the battle was instantly albino, but the plan was eventually unable to keep up with the changes.

   Now he just wants to be farther away from Tuo Guhong and pull away from each other, lest the aftermath will kill this small one directly at the beginning.


  Tuo Guhong nodded and said that the other party's words might be more beneficial to him and Xu Zhi. Yuan Zong Bokong, the calculations come and go, after all, it is too much.

  Yuan Xuankong played a clear card, which made the opponent have a bit of scruples.

   The rest will depend on how much Xu Zhi can help, and whether he can beat Yuanzong Bokong and win this deadly battle.

   "A few days ago, I also received a disciple. Since you added one person, I also added one person, Bolivar, you come."

   Yuanzong Bokong shouted at more than 100 meters away, and Bolivar hurried over.

   "Master, you call me."

"You listen, he called me a master. This is a new apprentice I just collected a few days ago, but it was not specially arranged." Yuan Zong Bokong laughed and said: "My apprentice is also an expert cultivator, corresponding to you, he can Eligible to insert."

   "As long as he wants, then it will be fine."

  Tuo Guhong nodded, since it wasn't a mess on the spot, it was counted.

   "That's good, Bolivar, you go to the battlefield with the master to play a game."

   "Wait, what, what's going on? What are you talking about?"

  Bolivar looked at Yuanzong Bokong with a stunned face. Whatever he did, he had to go to the battlefield of death.

  This is unscientific and non-cultivating. He is just a man who has been studying for three days.

   Did you make a mistake?

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