Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1146: Calculation

  Inexplicably went to the battlefield of death, Bolivar was obviously unwilling. Kuangsha Literature Network

  Have seen the pit master pit parents, have not seen such a pit apprentice, only three days apprentice, will be pushed to die, which is the sing out.

  Bolivar looked at Yuanzong Bokong and looked at Tuoguhong again.

   These two are like Lei Guan ear-level characters, what's the matter, this kind of master fight, he can still run up to help.

   "Master, although Bolivar is attentive, but he can't really take his power, you can slap me to death, what do you want me to do?" Bolivar tried hard to argue.

   "Rebel, let you fight, fight, there is so much nonsense" Yuan Zong Bokong cursed.

   is not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing the goods. The apprentices of other people are upset and sent to death. When he comes to his own apprentice, he is hesitant. Everything he has done as a master has been calculated.

   A cultivator who can break through self-cultivation barriers, Yuan Zong Bokong is still very fond of it. In addition, Bolivar also practiced double swordsmanship. Under the guidance, the other party's progress is still quite rapid, and the thought moved.

It is difficult to find a good teacher, and it is not easy to find a suitable apprentice.

   Checked the other party's information, Yuan Zongbo was completely empty, and accepted the other party as an introductory disciple. Only after this incident was completed, he prepared to spend more time thinking about the younger generation.

   "I'll deal with him, what do you call Xu on the other side."

   Yuanzong Bokong decided to explain it. His apprentice was afraid that he wanted to face Tuo Guhong.

   "That's Xu Zhi, Master, I can't beat it," Bolivar whispered: "We've fought hundreds of times and lost again."

   "You are useless."

   Yuanzong Bokong's heart hurts. His apprentice is afraid that he will be shot by the other's apprentice. As long as he has this kind of thought, when he is at the same level, he has almost no chance of winning the other side.

   "Contain him, restrain him well, don't let him make trouble, insert it into the master's battle, this can be done."

   Yuanzong Bokong whispered: "I don't need you to win him, and you don't need you to kill him. You will hold me back. Don't let this kid rush into the aftermath of my battle with Tuo Guhong."

   "I should be able to do this reluctantly."

  Bolivar breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed to have a chance to survive. He looked at Xu Zhi and hesitantly said: "Is Xu Zhi still capable of hitting you."

"Yeah, they have a great plan," Yuan Zong Bokong gritted his teeth. "They want to use this kid's life to change my life. As long as this kid dies in my hand, they will start a dead fight, so I can't leave. Dongyue."

   "It's really dangerous, Master, you are very thoughtful."

  Although Yuan Zong Bokong's thinking is not clear, Bolivar still flattered to the previous sentence.

   "So, your task is very arduous, you must haunt him, as long as the master kills Tuo Guhong, he will come over to help you out, stun this kid, our death fight can be considered over."

   Both sides have their own calculations. Bolivar thought about it a few times, but didn't want to understand the reason. Anyway, somehow, he must play.

  Teacher has always been a serious matter. Feelings, interests, and many will be bound together. One will be honored and the other will be damaged. Unless at this moment he betrays the teacher, Bolivar cannot refuse this request.

Master    went to beat him to death, he could not stand beside him and shout slogans to cheer.

   "Master, you can rest assured that I must be entangled in Xu Zhi, and I will not let him die."

   "Very good, you understand the meaning of the master well."

   Yuanzong Bokong finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the disciples were not successful, it would be nice to be able to help.

This is an unequal match, a messy mess, but it is indeed a dead fight. In Yuan Zong Bokong's eyes, this dead fight belongs only to him and Tuo Guhong, no need to insert another one Extra factors.

  Xu Zhi, dare to die, change his life, it is impossible for him to succeed.

   Yuanzong Bokong thought about everything, and his mind returned to calm.

   The war circle has expanded again. In addition to their retreat, many onlookers also retreated.

   Suddenly expanded the battle circle, and joined the new melee, some people are ignorant, and some people know well, but did not break.

  Zhao Mu touched the machete that was carried around his waist, his eyes constantly flashing dangerous look.

   Yuanzong Bokong's sudden death fight, obviously bī) anxious some people.

   He didn't want to know how Xu Zhi was willing to play. This battle of death involved a lot of people. As Xu Zhi's general supervisor, he also belonged to Zhan Bian, and even Luo Jiahui could use the name of protecting students to get up.

Among the people present, in addition to himself, Luo Jiahui belongs to Zhanbian, while Yan Xuankong belongs to directly related characters, and the one after Yan Xuankong.

   Luo Jiahui is a little weaker, but he wants to win Yuan Zong Bo Kong slightly. As for Yan Xuan Kong, with the cicada empty sword, there should be a slight ability to suppress Yuan Zong Bo Kong.

   As long as Yuan Zongbo made a mistake, the other party had to lie down and go back to Xiuliu.

  Putting a fish to death and breaking the net will not allow the other party to kill Tuo Guhong and easily return to the western country.

No matter what, Tuo Guhong was killed by Yuan Zong Bokong, and he couldn’t pick out half of the problems. Dongyue had to eat this death, but if Xu Zhi died, they would follow the rules and no one could find the problem. Xiliuguo also turned his back.

  Zhao Mu thought a little more under his heart, and the air in his body slammed, and a trace of pale knife gas rushed out of the forehead.

   Yuanzong Bokong is a strong dragon, just see if he can cross this river this time.

   Closed his eyes, a head hung up, sat straight on the ground, the breath was weak, and he looked a little bit shrug.

   thought has already flown to the dream world.

  When it really came to play, Xu Zhi was also fully armed himself, and he was able to do what he could do.

   is not only about keeping yourself safe, but also the magic that does not affect Tuohong and can help Tuohong.

  Xu Zhi's eyes looked at the spiritual armor, which is a protective magic that does not conflict with the body stone can be superimposed, but the level is not enough.

   Spirit Armor: The surgeon gives the surgeon spiritual protection, enhancing melee and long-range defense by 19% for 10 minutes.

Looking at the accumulated experience value, Xu Zhi did not hesitate to upgrade this magic to level 10, and the first-level magic to level 10, and there is no special effect, but the defense power is finally increased to 25%, a good protection increase At this moment, it is obviously possible to work harder.

  A lot of magic is useless for dead battles, and it can improve a little protection. Giant power is one of them.

This natural magic has not been greatly improved by Xu Zhi. The second-level and sixth-level level can strengthen the damage ability and also the life value. It is not much added. The ratio is 12%. The actual number is not much, but chat More than nothing.

   Xu Zhi collects a piece of parchment paper with dragon power. This is a super-order version of giant power. There is a better alternative to magic in front. Giant power rarely pays attention.


   Xu Zhi looked at the power of the giant and looked at another magic.

   Mire, second-order range of dead group magic.

   Casting distance is very far, as long as he can see, this magic is in the release range.

  With his spiritual strength, unless Yuanzong Bokong deliberately slows down, he has a little chance to lock the opponent. It is difficult to play single magic, but the range of magic is still long-range magic.

   As long as he didn't enter the battle state, he still had a chance to release successfully.

   For speed flow, it may be useful.

  Looking at the remaining experience, obviously only one more magic can be promoted.

   is to make up for yourself, a little, still bet on such an opportunity.

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