Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1150: Alive

For Yuanzong Bokong, everything seems to be an infinite loop.

After killing Tuo Guhong, Xu Zhi would strangle Bolivar, even if he didn't kill Xu Zhi later, the new apprentice would be gone.

Rescuing Bolivar, it seems that he can only rescue Xu Zhi with a single blow to kill this hostage.

But killing Xu Zhi, his own troubles are also coming. This one who eats a hundred meals is also followed by a Yan Xuankong, and many great practitioners of Dongyue Kingdom will definitely let him stay with "good words", Waiting for the injury to recover, and Yan Xuankong fair fight last time.

Yan Xuankong, who killed him, said it was better.

"Nima is an egg, this is nothing bad."

Yuan Zongbo hollowly scolded, if he did not call Bolivar to power, would it be better, thinking for a while, he was not sure about Xu Zhi’s death-seeking psychology, if this kid rushed into their battle aftermath, or Guhong deliberately led to Xu Zhi when he lost.

After thinking about it, Yuan Zong Bokong's head grew bigger.

"Bolivar, you look at it, the living is not as important as the life of the dead. What kind of master do you worship, wait to die and go to a better point."

"Shut up and shout, you little king and eight calves, do whatever it takes to make trouble."

Yuan Zong Bokong cursed at Xu Zhi, he just wanted to take revenge, this revenge is very tangled, very tired.

"Bolivar, your master scolded you and shut you up."

"I said a word."

Bolivar struggled, Yuan Zongbokong was obviously not scolding him.

"Are you really afraid of death?" Yuan Zong Bokong looked at Xu Zhi, trying to find a trace of uncertainty in the young man's face.

"Afraid" Xu Zhi pinched Bolivarian's neck and said with a strong smile: "Who can live, who wants to die, but you don't give us a way of life."

"He is born, I will be born" Xu Zhi's head moved to Tuo Guhong and then said: "Bolivar can also be born, and you will be fine."

"Heartbeat 164 times per minute, you are indeed afraid of death."

Yuan Zong Bokong stared at Xu Zhi's hand. In addition to pinching Bolivar's neck, the other party's alloy stick was still clamped on Bolivar's waist. As long as there was one, Bolivar could still escape death.

There are Xu Zhi's legs and knees, all facing the fatal point of Bolivar.

He had few opportunities, unless he cut off Xu Zhi's limbs in an instant, or directly controlled Xu Zhi, he could let his apprentice escape.

As long as Bolivar escapes, everything is over.

Xu Zhi's broken limbs can be taken back, and he can also get rid of Yan Xuankong's life and death revenge battle.

"You seem to want to try it."

One of Xu Zhi's knees was screamed by Bolivar, who was led by Huang to control his body.

Along with the crisp bone noise, Bolivar's leg bone was directly broken off by him.

"We are faster than anyone else."

Xu Zhi's eyes flashed sharply.

When confronted with Yuanzong Bokong, he still had anxiety in his heart and his heart was beating hard. The momentum of his opponent's guru was almost aimed at him alone. The soaring mental strength and gold head power were unbearable. This is just his most natural instinct.

However, with Yuan Zongbo's slight movements, Xu Zhi's mental strength has risen to a certain degree. Xu Zhi immediately discovered the clue. The life and death at this time have become a game between him and Yuan Zongbo.

Yuan Zong Bokong needs an opportunity, but how can he give this opportunity.

He was injured, Tuo Guhong died, and Yuanzong Bokong and Bolivar were safe. This result was just what Yuanzong Bokong needed, but not what he wanted.

"You, good boy, you started ruthlessly."

Yuanzong Bokong's binocular swords flashed. If the talented swordmand in his eyes could hurt people, he would have stabbed the boy with ten swords and eight swords, and was directly disabled.

"To die, then die together. I will not reason with you anymore, so I will ask you, this death fight, is your initiator ending or not?"

With a screaming Bolivar, Xu Zhi's hand shook a little and forced the palace directly to enter the final stage.

A guru, or one of the top ten guru in Seouliu, wants to find the flaws in his body. The longer it lasts, the easier it will be.

There are still many flaws in his body. It is only when Bolivar stands in front of him and is covered most of it, so that Yuan Zong Bokong is temporarily banned.

The air suddenly changed like stillness, leaving only the sound of breathing straight and thick, Tuo Guhong's muffled sound of struggling to get up, and Bolivar's scream.

The three-handed swords on Yuan Zong Bokong suddenly screamed, and the hissing sound of Li Xiao was endless.

Outside the venue, Yan Xuankong's cicada knife rose into the sky, and the knife's intention almost solidified into a line, reflecting each other with Zhao Mu's scimitar, making a clear sound. The two's knife did not point to Yuanzong Bokong, causing interference In the battlefield, the threat is real.

"Ready to stay."

Luo Jiahui roared, his colorful right hand kept gesturing, and the four guru figures flickered, occupying the four prescription seats in the southeast, northwest, and death of the battlefield. , Followed by more than thirty expert practitioners.

The practitioners who have been trained by the legion can take shape at the fastest speed in an emergency.

The clans of the Tuo family roared, and nearly two hundred people took their weapons, and each formed a group and ran for a while.

Unable to deal with the enemy, but even as long as it has a little impact on the direction of Yuanzong Bokong's escape, the three masters will catch up, making it difficult for Yuanzong Bokong to escape safely.

If Xu Zhi died, Yuan Zong Bokong and Yan Xuankong's death fight, they had to fight if they didn't want to fight.

Ye Gao is bold and dare to go deep into the hinterland, so he must be prepared to be shut down and beaten.


Yuan Zong Bo Kong's eyes filled with white swordsman looked at Xu Zhi for a few seconds, and slowly returned to clear and normal. With a slight sigh, Yuan Zong Bo empty said: "You won."


The spirit mentioned by Xu Zhi was just slightly relaxed, and his heart was immediately tense, three white lights shot in Yuanzong Bokong's hands.

In the blink of an eye, the purple light of the guardian robe on Xu Zhi's body flickered again and again.

Three swords.

Two double-winged swords, one tiger tooth horror sword.

There was no response to evade, let alone Yuan Zong Bokong's sudden blow, but also took advantage of his lingering slack.

Between each other, only the guardian's robe is passively excited.

When the weapon touches, it flickers like an electric flint, and the attack and the guard complete the confrontation instantly.

The three-handed sword just stabbed his left and right hands, right leg side, and was instantly affected by the strength of the guardian's robe, and flew out from the side of the body contact.

Without any hesitation, Xu Zhi's right hand grabbed Bolivar's neck.

There is a long stick in the left hand, and there is a fatal provocative leg.

Later realized, but these three are exactly where Yuanzong Bokong attacked.

The master attacked the expert cultivator, which was shameful, but this is a battlefield of life and death.

Sneak attack is normal.

The living are qualified to speak.


"I'm over"

"End of the Fight"

Three shouts came into Xu Zhi's ears and echoed throughout the battlefield of life and death.

Three Swords failed, Yuan Zong Bokong didn't know, but the last chance was gone.

There is nowhere else to choose. UU reading

He loses and must give up.


Suddenly recovered, Li felt a pain in his heart and coughed several times. Xu Zhi looked at Bolivar, who was sore with tears in his eyes, and he whispered: "Look, your master still hurts you."

"Xu Zhi, your uncle, I'm dead, I want medicine, the best painkiller, and Dongyueguo's strong body adhesive. You promised me, please give me at least two. , I will use one and prepare one."

"Yes, enough for you."

Xu Zhi was also so pained that his face was pale, and there was never anything that was not missed. The plan never caught up with the changes. In addition to compensation, many magic cards were not used. When touching Bolivar, the mental sound transmission ability was used. Now, and Bolívar sang this out.

"What if my master doesn't talk?"

When he was lifted out of the battlefield, Bolivar couldn't help himself. He wanted to know another result.

"You were killed by me, I was killed by your master, Big Brother Tuo was killed by your master, my master killed your master again, and then the four bodies were buried together happily, waiting for the next year, on our grave There will be a lot of green four-leaf clover, leaving a beautiful talk for future generations, then we will also rise after death..."

"It's easy to talk, I don't want to hear this result."

Bolivar hummed, turning his head to Yuanzong Bokong, covered with blood.

"Master, please cherish me, I am your living apprentice Bolivar."

"Shut up, if you eat something inside and out, it's a sin barrier. I'm so angry."

Yuan Zong Bokong looked at Bolivar and knew the cause and effect. He felt a lot of liver pain under his heart. He felt that this was also an uneasy kind, and he would be very worried in the future.

But alive, all alive, everything will be fine, at least better than dead.

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