Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1151: Goshawk flying

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In a death fight, everyone seems to be the winner.

But everyone has also become a loser.

Tuo Guhong was seriously injured, and Liu Li's gold body was broken up, almost deadly, but Huang Ping's Dangming Dan, which was developed by him, made him recover his life.

Yuan Zong Bokong was seriously injured and hundreds of swords were shot. The reflexive ability of compensation made him suffer a hard loss. If the sword was not drawn in time, he might even be killed by the reflexive ability.

Bolivar suffered a fracture, numbness in the crotch, and suffered a large loss. The strong adhesive usually used to be envied by Xu Li was the compensation for the strong limbs. The loss is not in vain.

Xu Zhi's internal trauma was injured by the ability to withdraw it. If the ordinary cultivator encounters this situation, he may need to take a rest for a day or two, with medical magic and regeneration talents. This crime is exempt from Xu Zhi.

Not to mention Bob's chaotic armor, what made Xu Zhi distressed was that the magical light on the guardian's robe faded, and the purple magical light robe almost turned white.

The three protections in the real world make this magic robe consume a lot, there is no free magic element to supplement, Yuanzong Bokong three swords fly out, this magic robe almost fell apart.

When Xu Zhi checked in the dream world, he discovered that his ability to guard three times a day had changed to two, but it was not much, but it was one less. This made his tears almost fall.

The gangsters can't do without this high-level magic weapon, and the dream world may be more useful. Look at this usage situation, and use it once or twice in reality. This guardian's robe is properly broken into slag.

"Break money and avoid disaster, break money and avoid disaster."

Xu Zhi muttered twice, extinguished the idea of ​​the big brother.

Brother Dao has never been a good thing. Recently, he has become addicted, from Nan'aoye District to the ruins. He came out of the ruins and fell in love with Li Duohuang. He didn't stop when he returned to Dongyue. Previous.

He ate a bit of dog meat with Jingmen Damu and drank a cup of blood of the ancient gods in the ruins, and also made the mad devil stick method great. But since he and Li Duohuang had fallen into trouble, things became abnormal. The problem caused has not yet been determined, and another treasure destroyer has arrived.

Is Li Duohuang too bad, or is he too bad, Xu Zhi did not understand this problem for a long time.

"I want the big brothers in the sky to dissipate together, and never harm me again."

Xu Zhicong's hands folded, he crossed himself again, and then worshipped in the east according to Dongyue's customs.

"What are you doing, hurry and come over, the Tuo family is thanking you, you are the key guest, and worshiping this rockery."

Yan Xuankong drilled out of the mansion, and he saw Xu Zhi bowing at the rockery, and his eyes swept the rockery. Yan Xuankong didn't find anything special. His apprentice was a brain watt, or his spirit did not recover. come.

"Do you want Master Zhuang Baiqiu to take a look? She is very good at spiritual ability."

Dongyue's best psychiatrist is in Tuofu, and Yan Xuankong feels no need to go to the hospital.

"I'm not sick, don't use it."

Xu Zhi shook his head again and again, he was just a little bit from the heart, and it wasn't that there was a problem with his head.

"Those with mental problems say so."

Yan Xuankong walked around the mansion with his arms around Xu Zhikong. He felt like he had said too much, and he corrected again: "You are a serious mental overdraft, and there may be great psychological pressure. Master Zhuang let you release it once. "

"You are an expert cultivator, and it has been so powerful to play against the master cultivator for so long. Lao Tzu was not as brave as you."

"Well, it was Yuan Zong Bokong's sword that was missed, or the skirt in your ruins blocked the disaster. During the demonstration, my attention was distracted, my eyes were a little bit flowery, and I didn't pay attention to your lips."

"Your luck is OK, so many ruined babies, unlike Jin Bai's unlucky bastard, went to the hospital for dinner."

Yan Xuankong muttered, mother-in-law like an old lady, Xu Zhi thought for a while, his master seemed to be not normal, and seemed a bit abnormal.

Mental stress is definitely due to mental stress, and the brain is broken, and you need to be treated.

Listening to Yan Xuankong nagging, Xu Zhi stepped back into the lobby of the banquet hall.

The banquet seemed a bit confusing. In this death fight, Tuofu even ran out of the family members who brought help. The children who were just a few days old were also left outside, and the meals were already turned off or burnt. It was impossible to open the banquet at half past one.

A medical hotbed was placed in the hall. Tuo Guhong, who had undergone Luo Jiahui's operation, lay on the bed with a tired face, and Luo Manyun took the children to the side.

In his side, relatives, many weighty people stand or sit.

What surprised Xu Zhi was that Yuan Zong Bokong was actually sitting on the side, and Bolivar was lying on a conventional rigid medical bed. This guy was injured and treated differently.

"They haven't left yet?"

Xu Zhiqi said that he would kill Tuo Guhong halfway to death and still sit here to greet the anger in the eyes of everyone. Yuan Zong Bokong really had excellent mental quality.

"Since there is no grievance, it is naturally a guest," Yan Xuankong replied: "As long as there are no dead people, Tuofu always has this mind."

"If I were, if I were, forget it. The place is big. It doesn't matter if you sit for a while and lie down for a while."

Xu Zhi thought for a while, Yuan Zong Bokong was also seriously injured. He was afraid to hide his face and hide in Tuofu. At least three points of injury was restored before he dared to move around.

"Xu Zhi is coming?"

"Come here, don't struggle if you don't get up."

Seeing that Tuo Guhong was still raising his head with his arm, Xu Zhi quickly rushed over and stood beside the medical hotbed.

"Your injury is a bit serious. I will learn some medical treatments and treat you well."

Thinking of his experience in mire magic, Xu Zhi wanted to vomit blood. He knew that it would be good to lose healing and medical magic. As long as medical magic is upgraded to level 10, there will be some ability to treat Tuohong.

Now the level of medical magic treatment Li Duohuang is too low.

"That might be a little late."

Tuo Guhong looked at Xu Zhi and thought about waiting for Xu Zhi to make achievements in the medical system, even if it is fast, it will have to go more than ten years later. I am afraid that this injury will not be delayed for so long, and then he recovered early .

"Oh," Tuo Guhong smiled palely: "I'm looking for you, I want you to give my son a name. You can see what the name is, the surname Tuo will do."

"Hey, the baby hasn't got a name yet," Xu Zhiqi said.

"This is waiting all day long, dizzy, and forgot about this matter, just the people around me have made comments, and now you are sent."

"I'm a nickname, I'm afraid I won't be able to call it a good name."

Xu Zhi waved again and again, watching Tuo Guhong staring at himself, his face looking forward to his eyes, and the eyes around him also stared, which made him a little bit confused.

"In the text of the ancient Master Shi Weifu, Shi Weiying Yang, I personally think that the word Ying Yang is good, you have a reference value."

Severely, Xu Zhi recites a small piece of ancient sage text, borrowing the wisdom of the ancients.

"Ying Yang, Cang Ying flying, that's better than the life of my lone bird," Tuo Gu murmured with a look of joy, "He will definitely fly higher than me, and he will be stronger, this name is good That’s it, it will be called Tuo Yingyang in the future."

Whether or not to be so casual, Xu Zhi is a little speechless. Is it true that more than a hundred people around are all named and abandoned, and none of them can satisfy Tuo Guhong.

"Tuo Yingyang, come and come to thank your righteous father for his name."

Xu Zhi just raised his head and saw Luo Manyun holding the child over, and gave Ying Ying a gift.

"Well, are all the people around you all that too?" Xu Zhi was a little naughty.

"No, you are the only one. Well, the name is also yours. You also worship it. The crystal lamp you gave is regarded as a gift from your righteous father to your son."

Tuo Guhong pointed to the crystal lamp hanging on the bed, Xu Zhi looked around, and saw that there were applauses all around, but Zhao Mu seemed a little unhappy, and his mouth was a while, but his voice was too low, he was directly Drowned in applause.

"I am his righteous father, Tuo Yingyang, is my son?"

It was not even twenty years old, but it was not long before he became an adult, and his girlfriend hadn’t found it yet. His son came first, and he was a little unbelieving. Xu pointed at Tuo Yingyang and confirmed with Tuo Guhong again.

"Yes," Tuo Guhong laughed.

"That's great. I have taken some precious medicine recently, so I can rest assured that I have a son," Xu Zhi said happily.

Yan Xuankong covered his face, he felt that Xu Zhi was not irritated lightly, and he should go to treat some psychological problems. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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