Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1152: White peony

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The appearance of Tuo Guhong's pendulum initially made Xu Zhi a little ignorant. Actually, there were too many big men in this banquet room. It was far from his place of arrogance and seemed a bit cautious.

Only now is it hindsight.

This is probably the best reward that Tuo Guhong can give.

I don’t care about the section, I don’t care that Xu Zhi is still young, the cultivation is not equal, and I don’t care about Xu Zhi’s family background like duckweed, even the background of the Yan family and Gu family.

Let Tuo Yingyang be the righteous son directly.

There is no relationship within the direct three generations, and the righteous parents of the newborn are obviously the most intimate way, which is better than saying brothers and brothers.

From the life-saving graciousness that helped Tuo Guhong's promotion to the grandmaster, to the now life-long friendship, Xu Zhi is practicing the thick soil mystery, and the entanglement among them has long been indistinguishable.

Xu Zhi turned around for a while before saying: "Then I will work harder in the future to become a big figure and let Ying Yang have a backer."

Obviously Zhao Mu wanted to be Tuo Yingyang's righteous father. After applause stopped, Xu Zhi reluctantly heard the boss whispering ‘actually robbed me of my righteous father’.

Compared to Xu Zhi, Tuo Yingyang can obviously have more weight and strength.

Zhao Mu, the Death Sword, the fifth master of Dongyueguo, has a ruthless heart for the outside, and is extremely short-sighted. If Tuo Yingyang chooses this as his uncle, Xu Zhi feels more secure and reliable than him. At best, he It's almost the same to be Tuo Yingyang's big brother.

With a heavy heart in his heart, Xu Zhi felt that his mental pressure was a bit heavy for a moment, and he might have to look for Master Zhuang Baiqiu to look around.

"You are a big man now, you have a big man relationship circle, and you have the means of a big man, cough."

Tuo Guhong laughed and coughed again, and his tears almost coughed out, making a heavy breathing sound.

The chest is pierced, and the lungs are directly pierced with a gap. In this way, his physical training master can exercise extreme control over every muscle inside and outside the body to talk and laugh after a serious injury.

Tuo Guhong looked at Xu Zhi, the young man was afraid that he still did not know the energy of his identity.

Making good relations with the guru can only be regarded as friendship, and the name can be countless. It can become a teacher-apprenticeship, a righteous father-son relationship, or, as now, Xu Zhi has become the righteous father of Tuo Yingyang, and the relationship with Tuofu is greater. This background relationship can be used directly and belongs to borrowing light.

Regardless of the light or the dark, the more complex relationship is obviously dreadful.

In the Yan family, or Gu family, Xu Zhi's identity can only be a junior. If he is not strong, there is no way to improve. Only as the years continue to pass, the newcomer will replace the elderly.

But in Tuojia, ascending to the position of an ordinary person, the meaning of the representative is further advanced.

Even if the strength is not equal, no one will treat Xu Zhi as a junior again.

When going to many cultivating families, he only needs to visit in the name of Tuojia, Xu Zhi can also avoid the nephew ceremony, and even needs the host of the other party to greet him.

This seemingly insignificant identity relationship can have enough weight in a society with normal ethics and morals.

This means a right to speak, the right to have equal dialogue with many great practitioners, and the other party will pay attention to what they say, not the juniors who make troubles for the juniors. The older generations are watching jokes and making troubles with these younger generations.

Officialdom, occasions of human relations, occasions of cultivation.

Relationship, status, strength.

If you want to eat, these conditions are indispensable.

The relationship between Yan and Gu's family and Tuojia's elevated status rank, the rest is Xu Zhi's strength.

Xu Zhi didn't have enough strength to cultivate hard power, but he had enough means to even get involved in the battle of masters.

Others are not clear, thinking that Xu Zhi is just a bargaining chip, doing the general tasks of the Death Squad, but Tuo Guhong is very aware of the ability imposed on his body. Eight hundred.

If it is not the first time, it seems a little rusty. With Yuanzong Bokong's death fight, he can achieve better results and even kill the other party.

In a dead fight, he failed, but Xu Zhi saved him back, and the defeat became a draw.

Hard to pull back from Yuanzong Bokong killing thoughts, this is a stronger method than his own ability.

If this is not a big man level, what is a big man.

The younger brother, turned into a younger brother, a word difference, the weight is completely different.

When Xu Zhi and Tuo Guhong chatted in a low voice, and chatted with Tuo Yingyang, Zhao Mu got up and sat next to Yuan Zong Bokong.

"You should know my intention" Zhao Mu said.

"I know, but I don't want to say it."

Yuan Zong Bokong opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Mu with a smile.

"You old turtle, hurry and make it clear that my knife is already hungry and unbearable," Zhao Mu said with white eyes: "Or you can go quickly, stay away from Tuofu, and see if there are any vehicles, the aircraft suddenly bursts, Or maybe somebody in black who is dead and unproven hacks you inexplicably."

"But if I said, can you believe it? What if the wrong person is killed."

How to find Tuo Guhong in Dongyue through layers of levels is obviously what Zhao Mu needs to know.

Today, I can find Tuo Guhong, and in the future, someone can find him Zhao Mu, or find other important figures of Dong Yue.

Once a private feud is launched, the law cannot stop it.

After all, there are a few people who can turn over Jedi Such things, when found together, will be eliminated together.

"If you kill the wrong person, I will naturally find you. Perhaps, I will kill you wrongly."

Zhao Mu said with a cold smile: "Don't think that you Xiuliu Kingdom can take advantage of how much, you are just the pawns of the people behind the scenes, no matter if you die or Tuo Guhong died, they will be very happy."

"This may be an experiment in which they show sweetness to people. They chose two people who have enough weight and can make a difference."

Yan Xuankong walked to Yuan Zongbokong, also joined this topic circle.

"Under normal circumstances, Tuo Guhong will inevitably die. This arrangement is in line with the rules, but has a strength difference. Yuan Zong Bokong should know what we mean."

"Practitioners will inevitably have grievances. The country is our greatest resting place. This boundary cannot be broken, and this red line cannot be trampled on."

"With this successful demonstration, they can arrange Xiliu to target Dongyue today, and tomorrow they will let the people of Northern Xinjiang look up to Xiliu in a fair and solemn manner."

"They will consume slowly, three years, five years, ten years, or even decades. As long as they continue, there will not be fewer and fewer conflicts, only more, and there will be fewer and fewer high-level practitioners. "

"Perhaps, one day, they will be able to wipe out the net and complete the subversion of the world."

Yan Xuankong and Zhao Mu glanced at each other, and there was a constant whispered exchange between the corners of their mouths.

"Yan Xuankong is a bit scary, but your intuition may be possible," Yuan Zongbokong said after a moment of contemplation: "I also don't like this mysterious and mysterious organization, and gave me the code of the person who arranged this trip. Female, about thirty-five years old."

"Light body technique is good, unmarried."

At the end, Yuan Zong Bokong added another sentence. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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