Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1153: Value peace

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In Tuofu, from the beginning of Yuanzong Bokong's death fight to the present, it was only five hours.

Check the dirt, chase the murders, remove the vain generations, travel the world inspection function.

Looking at the hundreds of people who were kneeling down with black cloths in front of him, Xu Zhicai felt for the first time the horror of the operation of the inspection machine.

It only took a few hours to review the relevant formalities of Yuanzong Bokong's entry into the southern Yunnan province, including his direct supervisor, and all the staff were present.

Independent of the judicial system, the power of the inspection department is so unimaginable that ordinary people do not need to notify, review, confirm, and have the right to refuse to arrest and kill on the spot.

When this machine is really up and running, few people dare to resist, and few people can successfully resist.

Zhao Mu, who was dressed in soapy clothes, sat quietly in the middle of the hall. Except for a few related persons and qualified personnel, the site of Tuofu had been severely blocked.

There was no trace of noise, and the silence in the air was terrible.

For a long time, Zhao Mu lightly laughed: "It seems that my colleagues are very happy to collect the money, but this person swallows the blood buns, and eventually it will ruin the stomach."

The black headgear was torn off, but the sealing tape was not torn off, and many people narrowed their eyes slightly to adapt to the sudden light.

Hearing the sound and looking up, I saw Zhao Mu sitting at the top.

As the head office of the inspection department, Zhao Mu mostly lives behind the scenes and gives orders.

For ordinary people, Zhao Mu is a big official, it is difficult to explain to what extent, for this character, it is more just some concepts, the other party has almost no communication with ordinary people in life, and occasionally can be seen on TV Once or twice, this serious and low-key figure disappeared from the screen after just a few words.

But for the people in the system, especially the high level, Zhao Mu is an acquaintance who can no longer be acquainted, plague, death, mourning star, this head can put a bunch of unlucky names on his head.

From Yan Xuankong's mouth, Xu Zhi learned that in his early years he did indeed have a gentle sword cultivator Yahao, but as he entered the inspection department system and was promoted to the inspection department, the elegance number gradually became a life-threatening knife. .

Zhao Mu's knife was not just swayed to the practitioners, but more to the objects that the inspection department really needed to inspect.

Seeing Zhao Mu, several senior officials of the General Administration took the lead to cry, and then several people who knew the situation whimpered. The venue was full of inexplicable tension for a time. , The body was trembling constantly, and the water between the forehead, legs and feet suddenly appeared.

A rotten and odorous smell came, and several people just wanted to stand up, and they were stepped on the ground by the inspector's staff behind them, their entire faces touching the ground, and they couldn't move anymore.

"I regret it all, whether I regret doing something that should not be done, or regret being caught by the inspectorate."

"Every year, there are so many people who cry to me and say that they regret it, but they didn't regret it at first, but they were happy when they took advantage of it, and I can remember the kind of face they eat human blood buns."

"Just like you are now," Zhao Mu snapped suddenly: "The exact same face is disgusting, pitiful, sad, and sighing."

"Think about why you came in. You only have one chance to explain and cherish the opportunity to answer this question." Zhao Mu sneered: "If you answered wrong, there is no public trial, you will die, time, two hours."

A few short sentences almost determined the fate of hundreds of people who fell on their knees.

Someone quickly fetched soundproof panels, camera installations, pens, paper, and the interrogation rooms of less than one square square meters in size quickly.

There are no interrogators and no interrogators. The people involved in the matter are ripped off the sealing tape one by one, pushing these small interrogation rooms to answer themselves.

"Your short-sighted boss is still qualified, and the treatment for Tuo Guhong is extraordinary. This is a black inspection order. At the highest level, master practitioners can be recruited to work."

"Looking at the pile of people, they are all good hands in criminal interrogation. If Tuo Guhong died, he would not have such a good temper, and would force the spiritual interrogation in accordance with the secret technique, and waste a bunch of people."

Yan Xuan's mouth twitched, and Xu Zhicai suddenly thought of Tuo Guhong's identity and inspected the post of Si Zhongfu.

In the system of the Dongyue Inspection Division, there are three government offices, nine government offices, and thirty-two young governments. In a province, the young government is the highest level, except that the southern Yunnan line omits the micro special, and the South Australia Cash Alliance There are many interests and disputes between countries. This province, Shangfu, Zhongfu, and Shaofu all have one, such as Kyoto, and other special regions.

"The military here wants to pull Tuo Guhong into the southern Yunnan military region and move to the same level. The two-star general has been entangled for a year or two. Tuo Guhong also intends to leave the vortex of the inspection department. "

"This kind of secret nails can get him once, then get him twice, without pulling out and strangling, it will make people sleep and sleep."

"Even if you are a guru, you can't help yourself in this vortex."

"You must pay attention in the future, if you encounter signs, you will be killed directly, without leaving any trouble."

Yan Xuankong took things seriously and educated Xu Zhi along the way, which made Xu Zhi a bit bitter. The signs he touched were relatively hard, and he was in a situation where he could be beaten to death.

In South Australia, if there was no backstage for the Yan family, it had long been studied by Qili Duolong and Qingchuan Shenhuo.

"What if I can't beat it?" Xu Zhi asked in a low voice.

The sound is very slight, but in this dull interrogation place, it can be listened to carefully by several people, at least the ear of Zhao Mu sitting straight is straight.

"Stupid, but you can't find your master, your righteous father, or your extension brother, Zhao Mu doesn't eat dry food anymore, besides, your master, as long as you are reasonable, these people They can all fight."

Intentionally pulling Zhao Mu in, Yan Xuankong's words did not use the secret art of sound transmission, and Zhao Mu nodded slightly when he heard it.

That's right, he didn't take Zhao Mu as an outsider.

"Oh, I see."

Xu Zhi nodded, he certainly wouldn't carry it alone when he had something, these big guys are all help.

"By the way, the old man and Nanao's desperate Lang Qingchuan Shenhuo are scolding each other recently, and they have to return to four or five diplomatic communications a day. I heard that it was caused by you?"

"Ah, I have a reason for that" Xu Zhi hesitated before asking: "This kind of thing seems to be a sign, do you want to help strangle it?"

Yan Xuankong was silent for a while, and Zhao Mu with her ears raised also languished.

"Putting peace is more valuable, you will be smarter in the future, but you can't beat peace."

Regarding education, Yan Xuankong felt that he was very struggling, and it was very difficult to educate Yan Jinbai. Is it difficult to educate Xu Zhi? This is a bit difficult. The ghost only knew how to get to Nanao for two months. Relationship.

From the perspective of Grand Master's personal strength, Qingchuan Shenhuo may be slightly better than Yan Xingxia, which is a hammer.

"Zhao Mu, you have another interrogation room, ah, let's match the recording and recording instruments."

"Come on, Xu Zhi, you get in and tell yourself what you are doing in South Australia. I have to tell the old man about it. He doesn't know anything now, he only cares about cursing and his face is ignorant."

Pinch seedlings, and peace is valuable.

Xu Zhi looked at the narrow interrogation space, squeezed a smile on his face, and began to explain things to the camera. Yan Xuankong's idea of ​​solving the problem was really real. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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