Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1154: Clues

There are many underground dark forces everywhere in Dongyue, as well as corruption.

As the Yan family occupied Hushan and Dengfeng in Hushan for verification, as long as it takes manpower, financial and material resources to continuously check, all the information is almost clearly available, but as long as it does not exceed a certain line, these forces will not be hit. .

Involving stakeholders, no one can escape.

As long as the interest still exists, a wave of people is eliminated, and soon a new wave of people enters and repeats.

As the yin and yang are harmonious, the light and dark alternate, this situation will not stop.

Knocking and beating, knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, keeps people awake and strives to maintain the normal continuity of society.

As long as the weeds in this field do not grow too far, it will affect the normal growth of the crops, and there are a few parasites.

However, if the weeds are too lush, you need to spray medicine, even if some crops are damaged, you can't take care of it.

Some are innocent, some are dereliction of duty, some are bribed, some are greedy, and some are being pulled into the water.

The incident of Tuo Guhong, involving hundreds of people at one time, must have been wronged, but Zhao Mu gave two hours.

The fate of many people will be frozen in a few hours.

Released innocent, sentenced to public trial, directly jailed without a public trial, gifted or secretly retried, resulting in mental problems and sent to a hospital for imprisonment. If a major case is involved, there may even be a death penalty.

Zhao Mu was right, if he got it wrong, he would die.

Before the arrest, no one knew why he was arrested. At the time of the interrogation, he had to work hard to recall the mistakes he made. There were many things to explain and many unexpected gains.

"How are you looking for traces?"

A total of more than two hundred hours of records were continuously screened by the personnel of the Inspection Department, and all the relevant incidents of Yuanzong Bokong's entry incident continued to appear on Zhao Mu's desk.

"There is no clue. Only 14 of the 117 people mentioned this matter, but they have a common place. The clues are messy and they can't find the head."

Zhao Mu lowered his head to reply to Tuo Guhong lying on the other side, constantly reviewing the words, deeds and expressions of the people in the video, judging the truth of what these people said.

Before the clues were concatenated, it was extremely difficult to accurately judge things. For a long time, he sneered: "Go to the point and let these people cry again."

He looked at the important case notes next to them. Those were all windfalls, some were handled internally, and some were handed over to the local police station to handle the case.

What I wanted to check didn't come out, but a few corrupt lines are clearly stated.

He still confessed himself to this kind of moth, and he would not let it go, and he would sort it out properly.

According to the system of the inspection department, Xu Zhi is probably the lowest official in this batch of cases. Several deputy officials, clerks, and criminal officers of the first and second houses, and the third house are all higher than him. Not to mention the regular staff of these positions.

Few people can be promoted all the way to their official positions and become inevitable.

Maybe he will be a colleague in the future. Xu Zhi kept his posture as low as possible with these people. From time to time, he found that these people were more stern than him, thinking a little, and already understood the role of the background in his heart.

Zhao Mu did not dare to blatantly caress, but Tuo Guhong's brother came down, Zhao Xinbo, the inspector of the first hospital in southern Yunnan Province, also met with a smile on his face, without raising any posture.

All of them are elites, and the ability to observe and observe is strong.

"I always think this method is a bit like hardship."

Luo Jiahui looked at several records with unknown words. The personnel positions involved in these records were very low, and he was constantly looking for problems in his work. This only shook the incident out.

After the arrest, they were blindfolded. They knew nothing about where they were taken or what they had made. They could only find negligence in their work, and Yuan Zong Bokong's entry incident was lifted.

"Which group of people will be scourge in the country, can it still scourge to the West Liuliu?" Huang Pu said with doubt.

"I wish this group of grandchildren migrated as a whole, and don't make trouble in the country." Zhao Mu narrowed her eyes, thinking about the possibilities in Luo Jiahui's words.

"The scourge of Dongyue for so long, they are willing to move, just afraid to use foreign forces to deal with the domestic."

Yan Xuankong's words probably smashed Zhao Mu's delusions. He snorted coldly and went away sullenly.

"If it's really hard work, we also know an organization member anyway, this is a zero breakthrough, maybe they can reveal their true face."

Xu Zhi played a round, which made Zhao Mu look a little better. The inspection department went up and down. The two successive investigations by the government office showed that there was no text at the end. Who mentioned bitterness, who was anxious about Zhao Mu.

A case is a abandoned child thrown out by others. The characters of the scraps are worthless at all. They either die or don’t know what to do. This is impossible to investigate.

"Yuanzong Bokong talked about Bai Shao's contact with them by using anonymous letters and burning them after reading, which is indeed a bit like the style of hardship," Luo Jiahui nodded.

"Perhaps their development in Xiliu has not been so smooth, they can only use anonymous letters," Zhao Xinbo said.

"The network review level of Xiuliu is very high, and it may be difficult to invade at a Their national style is so open, the reality is much more fun, who will like to spend time on the network."

"I think the domestic network control needs to be upgraded to a higher security level."

"Are you going to block the communication software to make us more fun?"

Several inspections quickly joined the topic, but the topic didn't last long, and the incident was directly pointed out, making it too simple for the group to confess, and the answer came out within a few minutes.

Even with a soundproof board, Xu Zhi heard a lot of crying, accompanied by the sound of his head bumping against the soundproof board.

"Someone regrets it."

"There are many people who regret it, I'm afraid it is, huh."

"Few people really regret doing the wrong thing. They regret that they broke the wrong direction."

"Record all those crying and hitting the board, and aggravate the sentence."

A record shows that this time, all records are related to the incident of Yuanzong Bokong's qualified entry into the province of southern Yunnan, whether it is informed, or only involved, or even some completely unconceptual, was submitted to one by one. .

"A materials reviewer, a VIP entry person in charge, two security personnel, and an administrative deputy are just five masterminds. For us, they are just ordinary people."

"It's just 2.4 million plus two one-night stand bribes, which raises the lever of two top-level masters to kill each other and cannot track anonymous online contacts."

Zhao Mu looked at the dull scene, and the materials were in front of him. As long as there was a comparison in the country, who did not need to think about it.

"But they eventually left their tails abroad, and it was a little unexpected. Baishao is really a good name."

Zhao Mu got up and left this place where he didn't need to stay any longer.

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