Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1160: Extinguishing

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This is clearly the case for the two waves, one side of the wall is the leader of Card and his men, and the other side is Xu Zhi and Orc Gruzac.

Card leader is waiting for the opportunity, Xu Zhi is waiting for this person to hurry away.

At the moment, Xu Zhi regretted it a little bit. Why did he come to this hole? It's no problem to get out of this hole in Gruzhak. It's more difficult to get back.

This hole was supposed to be designed by Gruzak for himself. Close to the side of the treasure house was enough for him to turn back and forth, and the two were a bit reluctant. If they want to squat down and crawl back, the two should stick tightly. .

Xu Zhi looked at his halberd, before he could stab Gruzak. If he drilled back into the hole, he wouldn't be allowed to stab himself.

I knew that I was hitting the autumn wind outside, stabbing a few thieves with good experience, or picking up a bow and arrow fire monster, killing the tauren, and rushing to the elemental world when I was injured.

Xu Zhi thought about that situation, and it seemed to be much better than now. He glanced at Gruzhak, wondering whether to kill the half-orc, and then drilled out.


Gruzak seems to have found Xu Zhi's careful thoughts. The sweat is constantly flowing, and he is begging Xu Zhi's face, and he is vigorously making various human and animal harmless gestures.

"Ajiba, are you nervous?"

"No, Lord Card."

"Then what are you doing?"


Gruzak's heavy breath seemed to make some sense outside, and Xu Zhi's hand covered it again. If this guy gasped again, he would be so suffocating.

The other side of the wall is one of the three leaders of the Labyrinth Labyrinth. How many people on the side are hard to know, what equipment and props are unclear, Xu Zhi hasn’t rashly demolished the wall, and then jumped out to kill the Quartet To the point.

"Forget it, if you're a little nervous, just go and look at it. If the opportunity comes, please come to Dojima and let me know."

"Okay, leader."

Agiba seemed to have gone away, leaving leader Card to pace back and forth.

The other party's footsteps were a bit anxious. Obviously, he couldn't restrain the tension in his heart, but this kind of clue was transferred to him.

"The gunpowder barrels of the goblins, hey, eight hundred gunpowder barrels will surely crush this lake heart island, and everyone will die on it."

"Most of the great druids of the Kingdom of Abercrombie died, and the kingdom of the elves would have no climate.

"It's useless to kill Basil Ray. I didn't expect it to be used after Basil Ray died."

"Lord, my credit can at least go to the human empire to seal a hereditary marquis, and will no longer be used as a robber and nest in this ghost place."

Card was obviously a little excited, whispering to himself, Gruzak might not have heard it clearly, but Xu Zhi, who had three ears, listened carefully, and there was a great shock in his heart.

The world’s gunpowder barrels are large, troublesome to ignite, have limited explosive power, are inconvenient to transport, and are prone to moisture. Many shortcomings make it difficult to shine in war.

Only some dwarves use it when collecting minerals, relying on huge gunpowder barrels to blast away the walls.

Card clearly adopted this approach.

The explosive power is not enough, the number is to come together, 800 gunpowder barrels, what kind of power will be exerted by the serial explosion of these gunpowder barrels.

In his heart, it was roughly possible to explode this lake heart island, so that the big druids who stepped in it could withstand the power of the explosion.

"It really escaped a disaster."

Xu Zhi whispered that if he had harvested experience on the battlefield above, he might have been set up with fireworks, which made it difficult to escape.

At this time, the state did not enter the battle, and it was the lower bound of the contract. Xu Zhigang returned to the elemental world and took a whistle to inform San Theo, and suddenly heard a running sound across the road.

"Boss, they fought together. The Hydra strangled with them and killed many people."

"Ignite, I will quickly go to the tunnel and leave this lake heart island."

The sound of crackling torches burning came, and Xu Zhixin choked, trying to return to the Elemental World to inform San Theo that it was clearly too late.

When fighting on the battlefield, even if the information is determined, it is extremely difficult to separate and retreat.


There was a retreating sound, accompanied by a burning sound, and a slight smirk of Card.

"Remove the wall, quickly remove the wall, the gunpowder barrel is burning across."

"Gunpowder barrel, what's the use of that stuff?"

Xu Zhilao explained so much to the half-orc, and took the war halberd handle to draw a stick from the opponent's head, and Gruzak no longer doubted.

"Uncle Green, what kind of race are you, with a grumpy temper, there are people over there."

Wiping away the tears from the pain, Gruzak groped for a while on the lower wall, as if he had touched a raised brick. He pumped hard and the wall was missing a piece.

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no one over there, hurry up and draw a brick."

Xu Zhi hummed twice, and did not know how long the lead of the gunpowder barrel was. If it was short, it would be a bit unlucky. He and Gruzak probably depended on the gunpowder barrel recently.

Just pumped Gruzhak a moment ago, and actually entered the fighting state.

Gruzak was right. He was grumpy, and Xu Zhi thought that he would have to change this problem later. This is not the way to escape himself back to the elemental world.

Of course, the solution to the problem is also very simple. Click Gruzak directly, and the battle will be successfully separated.

With a fixed number in Xu Zhi's heart, Gruzak had no fixed number in his heart, watching Xu Zhi tremble in his heart.

"Don't look at me as a cook. I usually kill cattle and sheep. I think those cattle and sheep are also your watch. Are you trying to stab me?"

"No, you are more concerned" Xu Zhi squeezed out a smile to deny it.

"Have you ever heard of the Arrow of Lord Basil Ray, I know that there are three hidden in this treasure house, and it is placed in a place that is not clear to Lord Card."

It seemed that in order to act more usefully, Gruzhak quickly spit out the information.

"I heard that, hurry up."

Xu Zhi said in a faceless way, I just listened to you just now. This half-orc knows more. Perhaps the people who divide the maze are all good at stealing and have their own small skills.

The arrow of fire is not clear. If there is a chance to get it, it will be clear.

As long as it is a formed treasure, it seems that nothing can escape the identification of the panel.

"Uncovered, a lot of smoke, cough cough cough."

Gruzak was kicked by Xu Zhi, and Xu Zhi followed him.

The space of this treasure house is about a hundred square meters in size. Various wooden barrels are densely arranged. Very thick and long leads are inserted in the barrels. They are entangled in a large bundle and scattered around the area.

The blazing blaze was not slow, and Xu Zhi glanced at Gruzhak.

"Does it pee? Hurry up and put out the fire."

"Who can't pee, uncle Green, wait, I'll release the water."

Gruzak was also terrified, and a gunpowder barrel was fearless. These hundreds of densely packed, he was afraid of being blown into a sauce, he could not escape, and now he untied his waistband and sprayed for a while.

Xu Zhi silently took the dagger to cut the extremely thick lead. By comparison, he was a bit slower.

"Uncle Green, you also pee."

"will not."

Xu Zhi sullenly said that this god-abandoned body doesn't even need to eat, and the ability to pee naturally can also be given up. The lower body seems to be just decorated and has never been used.

To a certain extent, he has something in common with undead creatures such as skeletons, ghosts, and liches.

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