Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1161: Gangster

   Little Green Pigeon's water-spraying magic wand is good if it is in your hand, and it can be sprayed three times anyway. Kuangsha Literature Network

  Mr. Xu thought sullenly, the dagger from the shadow of the thief cut through the messy lead of the gunpowder barrel.

   Ignite the fire, the flames are scattered, and it will be troublesome to finish.

   sharpness and attack are two different things, the fine cutting ability of the agile halberd is far inferior to the dagger.

  Gruzak on one side releases water more and more slowly, and the lower body water capacity of this half-orc is ultimately limited.

   "Uncle Green, why don't we run away to escape, this, if this detonates one, that is to blow up a large film, we are estimated to be finished."

   "You know the way out here."

  Xu Zhi looked at the storage rooms outside the space, and there were various corresponding passages in these places, which was extremely complicated.

   "Just recognize this one."

  Gruzhak refers to the passage leading to his kitchen, digging a hole to dig a hole, to his position and level has not yet the right to walk freely in this storage space, let alone know the route to escape.

   "That's not enough. Hurry up, step on with your feet, or smash with things. We all have to wipe out the leads of this gunpowder barrel. This may be related to the lives of thousands of people above."

   "Uncle Green, you are self-denying, very noble, I am so moved."

Gruzak wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his eyes secretly aimed at Xu Zhi’s agile war halberd. The touch was fake, and it was true that he didn’t dare to move. Once he fled, he would be like a lame. The green skin chased to death.

  Self-denial, does not exist.

   Xu Zhixun looked back to his normal state again, and now he can break the contract again. It really can't be destroyed, he won't wait to die here.

   "Zac, you have no water in your underground treasure."

   After vigorously cutting for a while, Xu Zhi put down the dagger, and he had an idea in his heart that it would be fried.

  The outer layer of the lead is wrapped with an old cowhide. It is extremely troublesome to cut off the burning part. The burning speed is not fast, but the cutting hand is tired. Looking at the burning scale, it seems that it cannot be completely removed when it explodes.

As for pulling the lead from the gunpowder barrel, Xu Zhi tried it, which was more troublesome than cutting. The position where the lead was connected to the gunpowder barrel was nailed with wood, and the lead card was rigorous, which required a lot of effort. The method currently used has been exhausted and panting.

   "Water, there should be, I smell the wine."

   As a cook, Gruzhak is still very sensitive to the taste, and the smell of charcoal and smoke from the protein is all around, and he can still smell the wine.

   "Alcoholic drinks are also acceptable."

   Without much choice, peeing can be accepted, not to mention drinking water, Xu Zhi looked at the half-orc and smelled it everywhere, then pushed open the door of a storage room more than ten meters away.

   "A lot of drinks, good bitter ale, I really want to drink."

  Gruzak's eyes were polished, tiǎn)tiǎn) lips, he was scolded by Xu Zhi a few words, and he honestly moved the wine barrel.

   The size of the wine barrel is not much different from the gunpowder barrel. Card may have used this method to get through the customs and accumulated so many gunpowder barrels.

   Xu Zhi pryed with the halberd, and the cork on the wine barrel opened.

   and Gruzac carried a bucket together, the wine overflowed, the fragrance of bitter ale diffused, and the lit lead in the storage room was quickly extinguished.

   "His mother, it's finally safe."

  Gruzak murmured, but just sprinkled four barrels of bitter ale back and forth, and the lead lit by the leader of Card was all put out.

   "Go, look at the arrow of fire you said."

Xu Zhi is still interested in treasures. He has a strong bow, but there are fewer good arrows. Now there is no danger of gunpowder barrels exploding, and the people with Card have left again. This treasure house should be considered safe. , While still under the control of Ji Yi, you can move around.

   "After finding the baby, you have to let me go. The leader Card did this kind of thing, and he must have transported the valuables away."

   "No problem, I am the most trustworthy."

   Xu took a straight shot. As a person who had seen hundreds of thousands of experiences, he harvested one more and one less. He was looking very open now, and he didn't have the urgency of the past.

  Will go to South Australia next year, find a remote alliance country and practice for another two months, everything will be there.

   What kind of Jingmen big eyes, what Qingchuan Shenhuo, the earth and the earth, these people can not touch.

   "Did you say our chief is really dead?"

The chieftain, listening to Gruzak’s words, Xu Zhi knew that the other party said that it was Basil Lei, the immortal was really dead, and the body was exploded into countless pieces. , This is what he saw with his own eyes.

   "Without the chief, we will be bullied everywhere."

  Gruzak's thread seems to be a little low, it is rare for these gangsters to have this thread.

   "You usually rob, don't you like to bully others, how come, it's so uncomfortable to get someone to come to your door."

After Xu Zhi followed Gruzak, he responded casually. It was difficult for Gruzak to find the exit road in this treasure house, but he still had an impression to find the place where the basil relics were hidden. After a series of investigations, he confirmed local.

   "We don't like to bully people at all, many people are driven out and homeless robbers."

   "Here in this area, livestock, planting, and can't feed so many people can only grab a little bit."

   "I don't know from what time, there are many people and monsters inexplicably in this world, occupying our original territory."

   "Our ancestors used to be better than before. We have cattle and sheep at home, and we have planted large and large corn fields. In autumn, we will eat a lot."

  Gruzhak used extremely barren words to describe the explanations given to them by the parents of the previous generation, and his eyes seemed to be unusually yearning for the previous life.

  If you have lived, probably no one would like to fall into the grass.

   Xu Zhi listened to a good Somehow more people, this is roughly from the old world.

   A while ago, he saw Jean and others enter the world through the portal.

More than 20,000 people in the city that never sleeps will inevitably have conflicts with the landing place.

   In order to survive, no one will give in, especially the old world people, they have no way out.

   Bleeding is inevitable.

   Even if it comes to the real world, it will be the same kind of ending.

   Remaining countries have maintained a high degree of vigilance against the relics. The Northern Xinjiang Empire is the most serious. As long as the intelligent relics are found, they will inevitably die.

  Xu Zhi reviewed the archives and materials. Over three hundred years ago, large relics passed the means to lead the army into the real Northern Empire.

   The powerful dynasty was beaten back and forth. During the years of fighting, countless creatures were charcoaled, and masters and generals continued to fall. Even the emperor was no exception.

   Xu Zhi's thoughts circulated, and he suddenly heard that Gruzak stopped in front of him, almost hitting his opponent's body, and then he recovered and put his mind in this treasure trove.

   "Here are three arrows of the chieftain's flames. I heard that the arrow is powerful, and it is full of fire to go out."

  Gruzak did not enter the treasure chest, but was in front of a wall. He knocked on a brick a little, and heard a sound of rumbling sound.

   "This is it. I used to see the leader when I stole alcohol."

  The brick moved hard, and a small space was revealed.

  A rectangular wooden box is placed horizontally in the wall.

   Basil Lei has always been very knowledgeable about the treasure trove. Xu Zhi feels that he is very close to the other party, but I don’t know if there are any other hidden treasure points.

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