Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1165: Faction conversion

   escorted the twenty-two captives. Xu Zhi and Gruzac did not appear to be glaring, and fell behind the exchange sequence. Kuangsha Literature Network

   And Ji Yi's muttering is more common among captives.

  The fierce beating of the invincible team before exchanging the captives made the elves have enough hardship, their hands and feet were difficult to move, and their mouths could still scold others.

   Elves' grace was thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun. Many elves only wanted to exhaust their barren vocabulary and curse the robbers in these labyrinths to the greatest extent.

  According to the war philosophy of this era, it was fierce when it was fought, and it was more peaceful when it was truce.

   Even the captives can receive certain preferential treatment, give food, temporarily imprison the shelter, it is difficult to appear in this situation, it is not surprising that the elves are depressed.

   This kind of scolding caused the elves who had come to exchange a wooden boat in the distance to slap. They didn't understand what was going on until they were very close.

   "Change one by one, be a little slippery, pay attention to your eyes."

   "We are all here for peace, don't play with caution."

   "Substitute well, substitute well, and let Nazba lead the boat."

   "Quickly, throw the rope ladder and change the captive."

The members of the invincible team began to scream, and the captives were exchanged between the big ship and the small boat. They had to throw a rope ladder down here.

   "Respect to our people, you **** robbers."

   The elves exchanged among the captive team was led by a strong man. The original clear blue eyes were covered with blood-red silk threads. Obviously, in the previous battle, the elf side suffered a big loss.

   Not only were the elves captured, but many more elves launched raids because of the sudden appearance of the Hydra and died under the water.

   These are all masters of arrows, and even a big druid has not completed the escape.

  The loss of masters at this level left the elves almost dumb. There was even a considerable controversy among the seniors.

   "Hey, we lived well in the Lai Fen maze, you guys came over, you should die."

  Vell cursed the last sentence, seeing the opponent's wooden boat starting to approach, the bandit gangster started to board the boat, and let him help him down.

   is very happy when hitting people, and it is a little more troublesome to exchange captives. At least, it must be safely sent to the other party's simple wooden boat.

  Xu Zhi and Gruzac lined up in the crowd, pushing Ji Yi walking slowly.

  Whether the gunpowder barrel is detonated or not, in short, the risk is now less than half. If you go back to the elves' garrison and let Ji Yi transform the fire arrow, it will be even better.

  Gruzak lamented the fact that he was about to become a captive. He had no idea about returning to Huxin Island. He put himself on the fire and roasted it, and sometime he flew into the sky.

   "It's time to show your acting strength, Gruzhak, can you survive on your own."

Xu Zhi whispered, this half-orc is still a head-spirit, he understands the truth that peace is expensive, he doesn't mind helping, but the guy Ji Ji beat is a bit ruthless, and he might be beaten back at the elf camp .

   "I will work hard," Gruzac replied.

   "What's the matter, you should make it clear."

   Ji Yi felt very bad. Seeing these two guys pulling themselves, I was so busy with the rope ladder that I was a little flustered.


   yelled, Gruzhak grabbed Ji, and he ran down from the boat.

   "I, ah~"

   "What the **** are you doing?"

   Xu Zhi and Ji Yi hummed in tandem, Xu Zhi was a little bit full of gas, and Ji Yi was a little flustered.

   Three people fell into the water one after another.

"what happened?"

   "You guys fell into the water when you got off the boat."

   "Oh, that's Dean Ji."

   "Useless waste, lying in a big trough."

   The elves who were about to take over were stunned, and Foll on the boat also scolded, and even the clever two cooks, why did they stumble.

   "Captain Foer, help, my leg injury has recurred."

   "Captain, I can't swim too."

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, who will save me...ahhhhhhh."

  Gruzhak reached out for a while, grabbed and patted the water, called a few times, took a deep breath, and sank into the water.

   Xu directly supported Ji Yi, the old man was still struggling, he was very good at water, but to catch such a waterless help, but also to carry a light agile war halberd, the burden is also quite large.

   "Lao Tzu is a fire monster, fire monster, do you know, the most afraid of water, who is good, hurry and go fishing."

  Fell pointed at himself for a while, and then looked at the gangsters around him. He was not good at swimming. He even hated the environment like water.

   Several gangsters looked at each other, just jumped off the boat, and listened to Xu Zhi calling hard there.

   "Captain Foer, I'm going to complete the task of exchanging captives. I will push the captives to this captive, ah~"

   His hands fluttered in a flurry, flying the right hand stretched by an elf, Xu Zhi pushed Ji Yi onto the wooden boat, took a deep breath, and then sank to the bottom of the water.

   "They are paddling, and the direction is completely reversed."

  The gangsters' eyes widened, and Gruzak and Xu Zhi danced with their hands and feet in various weird postures in the deep water, and the direction was on the shore of the elf.

   "Into the deep water, there is no way to save it. Hurry to hand a long pole, they seize the chance to survive."

   "The long pole is here, what about them?"

  Under the blue waves, a half-orc and a disappeared trace of the green skin, holding the spare long wooden pole on the sailboat, the gangsters continued to glance down, and finally retreated and retreated.

   "Without two cooks, who will cook the food in the future."

  Vell was so distressed that he shouted hard and got off the boat to pay attention to safety matters.

   The two cooks were gone, but fortunately the exchange of captives was still normal. There was no situation of dead captives. The transaction continued, and after the last few transactions, they could quickly row back.

   "Leader Nazba, hurry up and loosen leader Nazba."

As a heavyweight, the leader of Nazba was obviously the last one to get on the boat and broke free of the ropes. Nazba looked at the wooden boat scattered back and forth and snorted heavily. The lower body of the old fire monster was transformed into Flames, a burst of flames, just a few seconds, he began to float, quickly flew towards the lake heart island.

   "May be worse."

  Fell's heart jumped and urged the gangsters to turn the boat around. After thinking for a few seconds, he yelled.

   "You hurry to row a boat, I will wait for you on the island."

   The body vacated, and Fell also began to use the ability of the fire monster to fly fluttering to the lake island.

   "Smash me, there are three big druids in the pile of captives, and don't worry about dying."

   was only halfway through the flight, and Nazba yelled in the air.


   For Nazba’s judgment on the battlefield, Med Malik has always carried out without compromise. This old fire monster has a much better mind than him.

   Waving hands, the Cyclops raised their stones.

   Far away, Xu Zhi floated his head under the surface of the water, and saw that several boulders flew out of the lake heart island.

   Except for Nazba, Med Malik does not care about the lives of others.

  Ji Gang on the wooden boat took a sigh of relief and talked with the elves who came to meet him. He suddenly heard Nazba's voice and was shocked.

   As long as the Cyclops hits a boulder, the specially-built stone will be scattered. These simple wooden boats will definitely be smashed into pieces.

  Even if the boulders do not need to be hit, the turbulent waves may overturn their boats.

   "Row, row boat quickly."

   When Ji Yi shouted, he saw a huge stone falling in the sky, and his eyes were dead.

   It is very difficult for him to escape, no matter which route he chooses, even if his leg is broken.

  The force of a pull came from the body, Ji Yi did not resist, his eyes were black, and when he was clear, he fell into the water again.

   There seemed to be something to catch. Ji Yi, who fell into the water, grabbed him, and heard Xu Zhi screaming there.

   "Dead old man, you pinched my neck to death, cough."

   "Cough cough, Gruzhak, this old man is a big man, hurry and come over to save people and make contributions."

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