Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1166: precious

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Lying in the elven position, Xu Zhi sighed hard. Kuangsha Literature Network

It was safe, and Jiy, who pinched his neck, was also safe. Even the half-orc Gruzak fell to the elves' land and honestly received the elves' supervision.

Several griffins swooped to grab people, and then they were fished out.

Of course, as long as Ji Yi is taken away, Xu Zhi feels that the remaining distance of more than 40 to 50 meters is not a problem.

The exchange of captives, except for a few severely wounded elves who could not fish, died in the lake, and everything was fine.

It took so much effort for the elves to negotiate and slap the lazy tube. He just wanted three arrows of fire.

With this magic arrow and horn bow, he can play the level of violent chaos mage, creating a feeling of heifer standing upside down.

"Ji Yida, I got something, I took it for myself, and helped me convert the contract."

"Did you just call me the old man?"

Ji Yi stared at the big green skin in front of him. He had a feeling of upgrading from Mrs. Niu to Xiao Tian Tian. This green skin's attitude changed quickly.

"That's not a critical situation, oops, don't worry about that much, I just saved your life, please help."

When asking for help, Xu Zhi always values ​​peace, and if you want to be more peaceful, then you will be more peaceful.

Of course, he had to show credit from time to time to avoid Ji Yi remembering bad things and not remembering them.

"I can't do anything now, my leg hurts so bad, I drank a lot of water, and the thought of that lake water was used by Hydra for bathing, I was sick, my stomach hurts..."

Xu Zhi silently looked at the old man whispering, comforting Ji Yi was not his responsibility, he was not Ji Yi's boyfriend, calling was useless.

Besides, Ji Yi's wife Eladon is beside.

Ji Yi's performance is more to Eladonn.

"It's useless to command the Griffon Brigade by the gangsters. It's really useless. Don't say it's my man when I go out. I can't afford to lose this face."

Eladon pointed at Ji's head and counted for a while, then he wore a bandage to Ji Yi with a distressed look.

With a broken leg, even with the aid of healing magic, Ji Yi still had a pain for a while.

Xu Zhixun looked at his medical magic. The higher-level medical treatment obviously made Ji Yi's injury better and healed, but the old man could do nothing, and he would do nothing.

"You have to thank His Excellency, who saved your life."

After Ji Yi had finished, as the hostess, Eladonn turned to Xu Zhi again, thanking her again.

"Well, I thank you. By the way, sir, leave me a real name. San Theo has your real name. My wife also has it. I don't have it. It's not fair."

In addition to being a little late to respond, and summoning twenty-two geniuses to the lower bound, Xu Zhi is commendable in other respects.

The thieves used to send magic, almost equivalent to an orderly magician to assist.

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that both San Theo and Eladonn had Xu Zhi’s real name, but he didn’t. This feeling was very disappointing, making Ji Yi once thought that his wife was robbed by San Theo.

"no problem."

Xu Zhi nodded, and the big druids like Ji Yi left their real names much better. Don't look at his mixed wind and water. In fact, there are very few big druids who watch the jungle goblin.

He is very good. This is true.

But then cattle bī) also need others to know, summon a griffin and summon a jungle goblin, choose who is easy to make a choice.

"The old man is badly hurt, and his magic control is very poor. What kind of baby does squeak need to be transformed? Let me help."

Eladonn made a sound, and it reminded Xu Zhi that Ji Yi was not his kind of comparison, and the pain was so powerful that he could cast spells on the panel, and the injury greatly affected the combat effectiveness.

Today's Ji Yi, it may not be a problem to convert general items, and it may be difficult to convert high-level items.

Of course, there is no Ji Yi, the same is true of Eladonn. For the master Druid, there is not much difference in the magic level of Ji Yi and Eladonn.

After thinking about it, Xu Zhi took out the wooden box from his wet clothes.

Without inner air, drying clothes had to be handed over to the sun, and he had to go back to the elemental world to change his clothes when he waited for the contracted arrow of fire.

"It's not easy for you to grab something in the lower realm, you have to transform it before you can bring it back."

"Yeah, it's not easy."

Xu Zhi nodded for a while, and the risk was too high in the enemy base camp. Fortunately, the Laifen maze gangsters were miscellaneous troops. If it was the regular legion, the army barracks could not move forward.

In addition to this risk, he also had to withstand the explosion that the Card leader might have created.

I escaped, and now I have to find someone to transform the contract.

As a creature in the elemental world, while gaining some convenience, he is also restricted by numerous rules.

"This arrow is a bit special, but there is no arrow tip, and a golden flower bone is in front."

"Yes, yes, I took a look at this look at first glance. It's amazing."

Xu Zhi and Eladonn pull each other's skin, but Ji Yi's eyes groaning aside are getting bigger and bigger.

"You, you, where is your baby, this, this is not that, so what?"

Seeing the fire arrow, Ji Yi felt that his waist was not sore, and his leg was no longer hurt. One struggled to stand up, holding the fire arrow in the Xu Zhi wooden box with both hands for a while.

"What the hell, such a big person, I can't even understand the words, eh~"

Pinching the arrow of fire, Eladonn only felt that the magic in the body rolled out and covered it continuously. The arrow of the contract consumed a little beyond her expectation.

"What a complicated and magical route to build."

With a breath of air, Eladonn re-examined the arrow in his hand for the first time.

"It is the arrow of fire, the strongest magic arrow over the Xia Nong Kingdom, one arrow out, ten meters in radius, all burned with flames, which is unstoppable."

Looking at the Arrow of Ji Yi looked so complicated. He hadn't been to Shannon, but San Theo had been there, and San Theo had seen the power of the Arrow of Fire.

"Two, don't feel sorry, help me with the contract, I want to go back and change my clothes."

Xu Zhi said cautiously, what he was most afraid of was the situation like the previous cooperation with Doug Wuger, he was engaged in life and death, and the good things were all from the other party. He couldn't help each other.

In the face of high-end treasures, not everyone can suppress their hearts.

Especially when they summon creatures, even if they obtain treasures, the contractors naturally take it as their own harvest.

"Sirre, you are really lucky, you found this kind of treasure."

For a long time, Ji Yi said, and Eladon on the side was reminded by Ji Yi, obviously also knowing what it was.

"This magic arrow is the secret of the Xia Nong Kingdom. It is extremely powerful, and the whole kingdom is less than one hundred."

"There are so many" Xu Zhi's eyes glared, which is really good news.

"Many" Ji Yi said dissatisfiedly: "The number is already too small. This kind of magic arrow is very difficult to make with one branch. The most skilled craftsmen and enchanters have to cooperate for several years to build a successful one."

"In the archery world, the fire arrow has the title of an artifact, and is pursued by countless people, especially our elven kingdom. San Theo said that the elven king, Irutan, has only collected five. Think about its preciousness."

"You are fortunate that our husband and wife did not use archery, nor did the archery master come, otherwise, you three of the fire arrows, it is estimated that someone will tear the face."

If Ji was not angry, Xu Zhi was relieved and had a panel. He naturally knew the power of the fire arrow, otherwise he would not spend so much energy and take the risk to bring him back to the elves.

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