Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1168: Archer Oriental Mary

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Super treasures are also called artifacts.

These treasures have powers beyond the reach of ordinary people, and on some occasions even have the ability to reverse life and death, or the outcome of war.

Horned bow, the most powerful bow with the longest range.

Fire Arrow, the strongest magic arrow.

When the two are combined, the power is even greater.

It is normal for the druids to help with strength.

Even if the cost is huge, San Theo is willing to use this power, at least they need to try.

It didn't take long for a man with a giant horn bow, a quiver on his back, a red hood, and a red tights. There was almost no trace of space in the tent.

A bright red, red dazzling, which made San Theo look a little speechless.

This is the appearance of Dongfanghonghong, South Australia failed to use it, Xu Zhi did not expect to play a bit of heat in the dream world.

If you don't shuttle back to the elemental world in public, the ghost knows where this is coming from.

As many elves release the power of horn bows and fire arrows, Xu Zhi has a strong sense of self-protection.

Except for the three special contract callers in the tent, he did not want anyone to know that he possessed this super treasure.

This is not in the elemental realm. If it is lost in the lower realm, if you want to pick it up, there is basically no chance.


The sound of Xu Zhiweng's voice came, there was no trace of the original feeling, and it was very strange.

San Theo just nodded, and saw Xu Zhi groping continuously in the place of his nose, from time to time, twice.

"Just adjust the sound."

A soft female voice came, and San Theo nodded in satisfaction with the green skin opposite.

Gender reversal and giving people guidance in the wrong direction cannot be better.

A stout woman two meters tall is also considered a woman, no problem.

"What are you? Can you change your voice?" San Theo asked curiously.

"This is a voice changer, which can adjust the tone and tone of the speaker. If you want to change the male voice to the male voice, you can change the female voice."

Xu Zhi did science a little bit. Real-world people have heard of voice changers a little bit, but for people in this world, it is still a rare commodity. If you want to change the channel, you must rely on your natural voice, or continue Continuous practice is possible.

"This is really a magical treasure."

"You want to like me to bring you over next time."

It is difficult to buy such items through the conventional channels, but there are many voice changers in the black market, and there are various types. The purchasing power of the black market is opened. Xu Zhi wants the voice changer, which is just a matter of money.

The price is not too high, he didn't feel distressed at all.

"I don't have the fruit of the tree of life. I just asked several talents to get together the costs of Wujian."

"No, just for you."

"Send me, when were you so generous."

Sancio thinks about the spit that the green skin and he competed with before, flying one arrow for ten life tree fruits, and slowly cutting the price to eight arrows. Sancio felt that the spit he was talking about was almost dry. No more points were scored.

Today, a strange treasure is given away in a casual way.

Think of the honest Jack looking at the picture of the ancient unicorn three or five times a day. He still has a certain ability to bear the treasures that Xu Zhi took out. It should be a novelty.

"Can I have one, I want to try what it feels like to make a woman's voice."

Facing the voice changer, Ji Yi was tempted.

"no problem."

"Dead old man, you are so perverted, the older you are, the more serious you are." Eladonn scolded a few words, and then looked at Xu Zhilu with a smile: "If you have more, you will give me one. Chant, the wife is also curious about this, if it can make a man's voice, it should be very interesting."

"no problem."

Xu Zhi responded, one for free, and three for free. You just have fun.

There was a tall red figure in the camp of the elves.

Holding a giant bow and a golden arrow, this figure attracted the attention of many people.

Externally, this is a master boxer invited by San Theo, who has just come over.

"Where is she from?"

"It seems that such a tall woman is rarely seen in the human kingdom, is it a barbarian?"

Xu Zhi talked with San Theo several times in his speech, which smoothly led to another aspect of gender.

Compared with some elves guessing Xu Zhi, the two archery masters kept looking at the strong bow in Xu Zhi's hands.

"Horn bow."

"That's the arrow of fire."

Compared with the master archers, they saw clearly what Xu Zhi was holding at first glance, and exuded strong interest in their eyes.

"If the arrow of fire is matched with the bow of the elven king of Lord Irutan, it will shoot three arrows at a time, and the power exerted will make anyone tremble."

"Then you will use the arrow of fire."


A slight sigh came, and there was no trace of loss between the two in a whispered conversation.

The Wubao who possesses Chongbao is not only the one who suppresses the party. Although you are the archery master, they obviously have not reached that level. The envy is beyond words.

"Eastern Mary, you shot towards that side, shot the pile of Hydra, ah, my lovely Evrea."

"This is St. Escalade, the high priest of the Emerald City, the elder of the Holy Church, and Ivrea is his fairy dragon."

San Theo whispered a straight-faced elf to Xu Zhi, and Xu Zhi nodded. If it was correct, the fairy dragon had already been made into food, and he personally cut the dragon meat.

Such sad and irritating news, Xu Zhi felt that St. Escaldes never knew it would be better.

"Listening to the elder San Theo saying that you have eleven fruits of life tree, you can choose one arrow. If I miss, I will pay you another arrow."

Xu Zhi's soft female voice came to make St. Escaldes feel a little bit better.

If the island in the lake more than three hundred meters away relies on a common arrow and hits one of the scouts probed by the probe, Xu Zhi will find it very difficult, but the fire arrow does not need such a precise head to strike at all. With a range effect, things are need a rough head and tension.

"Dry the Hydra commander, it is it, it is it, kill it."

St. Escalade pointed at the giant snake head that appeared on the water, and his unreliable suggestion was quickly dissuaded by everyone.

No matter how powerful the arrow of fire is, it is impossible to shoot an Hydra commander with one arrow, at most it only hurts the other party.

Moreover, the body of the Hydra Commander is mostly under the water, and it is difficult for the Fire Arrow to achieve the maximum impact.

"The other side's Cyclops array and Medusa array are the main problems. If these two main long-range obstacles can be cleared, our flight strikes can continue without the hard work of dodge."

The city owner Geralt pointed at the opposing camp, and from the arrow tower he built, he could see a little tall figure of the one-eyed giant opposite him.

"Hydra are not important, they are locked in the waters, then they will be shut down for a lifetime, and when they lay down the lake heart island, intercepting the water cut off, they are not starving to death, they will also die of thirst in the Lai Fen maze."

Several strike positions were quickly arranged.

Xu Zhi glanced at his eyes, a blue magical light rose, and the precision magic that assisted the shooting was already on his body.

The horn bow was quickly pulled away, and magic kept pouring into the arrow of fire.

The magic was lingering on the golden arrow shaft, and the arrow of the flower and bone became extremely fiery red, and a little red awn became bigger and bigger.

Ten points of magic value input, Xu Zhi's hand holding the tail of the arrow was hot.

"go with"

The arrow of fire did not move, the flower bones on the arrow spread out, and a little red awn burst out.

If the meteor is over the sky, it takes only two or three seconds to fall into the Cyclops who give priority to shooting. Want to chat with more like-minded people about "Heroes Invincible Grand Master", WeChat pays attention to "reading literature", talk about life, and find friends~

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