Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1169: Pinch

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Like the effect of fireball magic, the grounded red awn burst instantly.

The Cyclops standing and waiting for the command instantly fell into wailing. Several Cyclops on fire jumped from the shooting platform and tumbling on the ground for a while.

The huge body rolled around and even overwhelmed a Medusa. He didn't hum. The slightly weak Medusa didn't breathe in a single breath and suddenly passed out.

There was a chaos in the lake island, and the gangsters were somehow hit by some other reason. The fairy dragon did not lift off, and the phoenix did not come to spit fire. The Cyclops suffered a huge blow.

The second arrow fell.

Repeated blows in the area, Cyclops buried in the sea of ​​fire, Cyclops could no longer bear it, escaped from the platform despite the loud scolding of nearby guards.

Two arrows, four cyclops died, and several cyclops were seriously injured.

Xu Zhi just glanced at the Cyclops with more than three hundred points of experience, and did not feel too much emotion.

The horn bow was quickly pulled away again, hitting the azimuth in five places, and now he only shot two arrows.

Next is the distribution area of ​​Medusa.

Red Mans flashed.

The third arrow.

"Someone shoots an arrow at us."

The leader Nazba took off, took a look at it from afar, and his body quickly fell. It could shoot such an archer at such a distance, and the threat to the mage was huge.

Chaos is a mage, except for a few magic, most of the attack magic is the longest distance of 100 meters, far from the archer's powerful range.

"It's the kind of bow and arrow of the chieftain."

Mad Malik yelled that as the leader who followed Basil Ray the longest, he was familiar with Basil Ray's methods.

The leader Nazba said a few words, and he already knew the source.

"Scattered, all are about to spread out, enter the bunker, block the door."

Seeing the fourth red blast burst out, Nazba shouted. He was unclear when this blow would last. He was panicked and could only hope that the elves would not launch a general attack at this time.

An opponent who can hit them and can't hit the other party, if they can continue to strike, the war with the elves can also be declared over.

"Do you want to retreat into the underground passage first?" Mad Malik shouted.


Nazba yelled, and the underground passages that Madmarik said were their backhands, but he didn't expect it to be used so quickly.

Obviously, the elves suffered a big loss, which was worse than them before.

Cyclops can hardly form a strike pattern again, but Hydra still exists.

No matter how bad it is, we must consume the living strength of the elves.

The city owner Geralt knew how to deal with the Hydra, and Nazba naturally understood that if they evacuated, this kind of power was huge, but the slow-moving behemoth would be caught in the urn, and death was the only end.

With the complicated terrain of the Labyrinth, these giant beasts are difficult to escape.

"Let those hydra snakes sprint and launch suicide attacks," Nazba shouted at Madmalik.

"it is good"

Mad Malik responded and took out a trumpet from his waist.

The deep horn blew loudly.


Xu Zhi extended his fingers and continued to draw the bow.

The fifth arrow.

Continuous blows have obviously brought great results. Xu Zhi is still very happy about the extra income from experience.

The Lai Fen maze gangsters were clearly in chaos, even roaring with the Hydra, and began to float forward.

As long as these monsters enter the range of the elves, or enter the land, the elf side can clearly hit these hydra.

The bowstring slammed slightly, and the red flame seeds shot out.

"One hundred percent hit, my task is completed."

Xu Zhi said with a smile, without any loss, without any loss, forty fruits of life tree were handed in. This kind of income is simply great.

This makes him extremely happy.

It is difficult to have the opportunity to gather so many elder elder elders to collect the fruit of the life tree. In addition to the ability to pick, it is clear that it also needs status.

This qualification is firmly held by the elven sacred church.

Except for a few elders who still have some private goods, it is clear that the elders of these sacred churches, and the high priests in various cities, were mostly stripped by Xu Zhi.

Wanting to regain the fruit of the tree of life, Xu Zhi felt that he had to wait for San Theo for a long time. After all, this fruit is not one per year, and the growth period is very long.

These elders, including San Theo, had a sad look on their faces.

But compared to the effect brought by the fire arrows, they are still quite satisfied, at least value for money.

The Phoenix and Griffon regiments have taken off, and the wolves, unicorns, and elves have lined up separately, waiting for Geralt to wield his sword and attack again.


Geralt dragged his voice, and suddenly a louder voice came.

This is a trembling sound.

The dull bang made the scalp numb.

Geralt glanced over and saw that the lake heart island shook a few times, and then various buildings collapsed.

A huge blaze of flames seemed to be in full bloom, like a volcanic eruption in the heart of the lake.

Countless boulders, civil engineering, construction fragments, and limbs fly into the sky.

The Huxin Island is collapsing, the building is collapsing, and the sound of crying and shouting is heard. This is a disaster that is far more frightening than the fire arrow shooting.

The 800 gunpowder barrels buried in the underground treasure were eventually detonated.

Nazba stared at the lake heart island that instantly became a ruined wall. As a fire monster, he was not afraid of flames and responded quickly. The rapid evacuation was only part of the impact of the explosion, and did not enter. Seriously injured state.

This sudden blow made his head stunned. The most terrifying thing was that he had just let people hide under various bunkers.

At this moment, these bunkers became a nightmare for the hiders.

After the building was smashed, they almost escaped.

Including Med Malik, this huge orc was holding a giant axe, whose face was blown up beyond recognition, and was crushed by a boulder, lying on the ground and twitching constantly.

"It's over, our labyrinth is over."

Nazba's heart was like ice, and the attack of the fire arrow could not have caused this The elves did not have this kind of patience, the reason could only come from within them.

A figure flashed over his mind.

"Card, it must be Card."

He gritted his teeth and said the name. Only Card, who is usually responsible for the distribution of the maze, could do this kind of thing, placing so many explosives under the island where they lived.

"What good are you doing all this."

Nazba's eyes turned crimson, his roar rose, his legs turned into flames, and the person floated in an instant.

Card’s purpose is difficult to understand, but at this time, he must start to escape, the lake heart island is broken and the passage cannot enter, he can only escape from the air.

The huge explosion shocked more than just the gangsters who divided the maze.

The elf side was also surprised. Many elves looked at Xu Zhi and felt that the last arrow was too fierce.

Where Nima is archery, hundreds of cyclops throwing boulders may have this power.

"Go, grab Nazba, the old fire monster."

San Theo whistled, and the Lord Phoenix, hovering high in the sky, made a clear cry, chasing him towards Nazba.

When legionary warfare evolved into individual warfare, individual strong differences began to emerge.

It is not difficult for the Phoenix lord to chase an injured chaotic magic master.

"Withdraw 30 meters, prepare for quicksand magic, prepare for bow drawing, shoot at the target, Hydra."

The loud explosions, the boulders falling in the sky, and the orders previously issued by Med Malik, the Hydras were in chaos and swam wildly.

Looking at the approaching Hydra, Geralt issued a shooting order without hesitation.

An ordinary arrow caught in the palm.

Xu Zhi also began to draw bows simultaneously, and he was very interested in picking up leaks.

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