Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1289: Southland

"The world's first is really lonely, and now even the soy sauce audience is gone."

The spirited Yan Jinbai was still standing on the table in the lobby on the first floor. He didn't sleep all night, his face was lonely and cold.

When falling into a mental delusion, a trace of emotion in my mind will be put to infinity, either waking up, or waiting for the powerful medicine at the beginning to pass, and the mind slowly recovers completely.

Yan Jinbai is not sick and has no sequelae. When he is tired, he goes back to sleep. It is no different from having a big dream when he is awake. Then he will be a little tired.

Xu Zhi wanted to go crazy like Yan Jinbai and divert his attention so that he would not suffer the pain from his body.

He was kicked out of the dream world when he was promoted, and the rest of the time was boiled by will.

When Tuo Guhong was leaving, he persuaded Xu Zhiyin to endure for three to five years and enter the ranks of top geniuses, so as not to give too much vigilance.

Tuo Guhong's opinion is given, and the rest is to take care of Chang Ying and Yan Xuankong's suggestions.

In response to the newsletter, Gu Changying and Yan Xuankong seemed to have some confusion, and it was a bit natural. Of course, with the headaches of both parties, it seemed that they were in private agreement.

In terms of talent, Xu Zhi felt that he might not be as good as Wang Zhongwang, Yan Jinbai and others, but could not bear to bear the extra bonuses of the outside world.

He is now the pig blowing on the tuyere. In addition to his own efforts, there are many places that rely on borrowing to continue to go up and walk far in front of others.

In addition to regenerative talents to maintain the continuous improvement of Qi practice, others need to exercise on their own.

Even including spirituality, Xu Zhi has a quick way to improve the spirit, but can't bear the scarcity of the star axis and the psychedelic tower, it is difficult to meet often in the ruins and cave days.

According to Xu Zhi's speculative standard calculation, the spiritual needs of entering the guru may be around 35 o'clock.

From the ruins to the cave sky, from the psychedelic tower to the astral axis, to the blood of the ancient gods, plus their own tempering and the stimulation of natural potions, the spiritual ability is likely to be more than twenty, and there is a certain distance from the guru realm. But they are not far apart.

Xu Zhi thought a little and let go of his thoughts again.

Having just advanced into the realm of masters, he went to think about the realm of masters, afraid that he would think a little bit more.

"Hi Jinbo, how are you doing?"

"Mortal, you should call me Jin Bai, the best in the world."

"It's so comfortable to see, and when Tianming goes to Dean Huangpu to get two, it will harm others."

Xu Zhi played a small abacus and looked at the dimly visible light outside the window. In addition to the ancient bags, Bazonglou did not need to take this powerful and stimulating drug. Others have been promoted to the expert stage, more or less in need.

Like Xu Zhi, the meridian that strengthens the meridians, the fascia, the skin, and the internal organs are all missing.

In most cases, people rely on energy fluids, nutrient fluids, medicinal meals, and medicinal baths to move forward steadily. In fact, this is also the best treatment that many practitioners can get.

In this stage of cultivator, they still don't need to go to the point of using big medicines. At most, they use talented potions and potions filled with inner gas when they impact training levels.

Of course, taking big drugs is no problem.

As long as the body can bear it and the money can be accepted, anyone will be desperate.

Just like Xu Zhi eating a small mouthful of copper whale dan oil, he only needs to control the amount of control, and the benefits will be exciting.

"Brother Jin Bai and Brother Xu Zhi, do you have breakfast now?"

Gu Baobao, who got up at three in the morning, was also responsible for everyone's breakfast. Seeing Xu Zhi sitting on the third floor, he hurried up and said hello.


Xu Zhi raised his leg, his body jumped, and slowly fell on the third floor.

"Mortal, I am the first in the world, don't grab my territory, beware I beat you."

Seeing that the ancient bag came with a large portion of medicated rice porridge, Yan Jinbai was very unwilling to be occupied by the table that was used to step on the foot and sullenly jumped down.

"The world's first is to eat breakfast, ah, Brother Xu Zhi, you are so handsome to fly."

Three servings of medicated rice porridge were put on the table, looking at the two people who bowed their heads to eat and drink, Yan Jinbai felt that Gu Baobao was very reasonable.

The world's first is to eat and drink.

He was shaking his head and shaking his brain for a while while he was drinking medicated porridge with an unusually reserved mouthful.

A sober light flashed occasionally in his eyes, and the chaos went down instantly.

The three of them ate and ate breakfast, and the door outside the villa rang a little. Then they saw Yan Xuankong and Gu Changying stepping in.

"Unpretentious, I dare to break into my first mansion in the world, come here, call me out."

Yan Jinbai just finished talking, and was grabbed by Yan Xuankong's claws, where he couldn't move, only the left.

"A defeated man, what a hero is a cicada."

"Hulu Pingyang was bullied by dogs, ah, I didn't think I would suffer this kind of humiliation when I am old. If you want to kill, kill, if you frown, you lose."


There was a round of applause from the bow opening. After a while, Yan Jinbai called out, ‘Grandpa, why are you hitting me?’, covering his headache, he was sober.

"It really is a master class, your child runs too fast."

Gu Changying perceived Xu Zhi's body, and the familiar air frame was completely unfamiliar. The violent internal air inside Xu Zhi made him admire from time to time.

"In reason and unexpectedly, I thought Xu Zhi's entry into the master class was a matter of two or three years later" Yan Xuankong frowned.

"The speed of his thick soil Xuan Jing cultivation exceeds our calculations" Gu Changying also nodded.

"It used to be a lot of money, now you are a lot of medicine, can you still share Jin Bai to eat one."

Yan Xuankong looked at Yan Jinbai, who was gradually lost in confusion, and continued to slap in the face, before releasing his internal energy to help digest Qingjing Pills.

"It's just good luck. Dean Huangpu has developed several, and we had some luck."

Xu Zhiqian laughed twice, he would not admit that his head was slightly hyperactive, and his physical pain was uncomfortable. He wanted to look at the end of other people taking big drugs.

"She almost maimed herself before, and the drugs she developed are more or less doped with some special take it easy."

"Master Tuo said that this medicine is effective for him, we are afraid to ask for a copy first."

One is whether Master Xu Zhijin spread the news, and the other is the Qing Jing Wan of Huangpu Durong. The two who learned the information deliberately rushed over thousands of miles away.

Xu Zhi looked at the map given by Yan Xuankong, as well as a lot of text annotations, after reading for a long time, he said: "Master, you want me to go to Nanyang."

"If you don't stay in the military area, you can only wait for graduation next year to go to Nanyang and stay with your brother for a few years. After a few years, you will enter the ``Famous Teacher Hall'' of Yunling University."

"We can escape the bright gun, but it is difficult to guard against the dark arrows. You have been stared at by hardship, and you have to prevent them from being malicious."

"Although the land of Nanyang is chaotic, it is a treasure land for us Dongyue masters. There is no suitable relic, and it is not bad to go to the land of these surviving families."

"The terrain over there has subtle changes almost every day, which also means that every moment is different, and the opportunities are always there, there is no order."

"This is the topographical exploration map drawn by Huang Putu when he was in Nanyang, and it should have some reference."

Huang Putu roamed the Nanyang and nodded his head. He suddenly understood why Huang Putu disappeared for several years.

"Don't show the ability to fly, pay attention to hiding, only those who can hide can live.

"Tuo Guhong is thick and fleshy and can carry it. I heard that Nando's Piduohuanghuang was calculated by people. After years of hiding from Tibet in the east, the cultivation practice almost stopped."

"Don't be a meteor."

Piduo Huanhuang was secretly calculated, and Xu Zhi remembered that the other party failed to absorb the ice crystal Liuyan. There was nothing hidden in it.

Anyway, in his feelings, the lady was alive and well, not dead.

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