Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1290: Come home

The jungle goblin's body has been promoted for a long time.

Perhaps it is because he absorbed four elements of the monarch magic book at one time, or it may be that the rank is higher and it takes a longer time.

Not only two weeks have passed, more than two months have passed.

Maybe Bob will be a little anxious, but Xu Zhi is also right, and he has to continue how he lives.

The news of the promotion to the master class was directly suppressed, and Huangpu Duanrong was recently famous.

The big medicine developed was not certified yet, but was grabbed by several guru who got the information. Tuo Guhong, Yan Xuankong, Gu Changying and others took the lead.

The news also slowly spread out, Dongyue's master circle was so large, only 150 people.

Qingjing Maru was a bit of a curiosity for a while.

First, it is effective for the master.

Secondly, it is a new drug, and many gurus do not yet have resistance to this new drug.

The third is the human tendency, even the master is no exception, seeing good medicine will swarm up to buy.

Two peels are used as the main ingredients, and a number of medicines can be used to make a Qingjing pill. In addition to the eight in the first phase, the 14 in the second phase are also released in time.

Like the much-needed Longhu Dadan, this hype of Qingjingwan new medicine reached a peak in the small circle of high-level practitioners.

"Twenty-eight million, I want to develop medical science."

The seven Green Peel Dans received by Huangpu Duanrong have been auctioned, and the high price Xu Zhi sang.

Xu Zhi's seven are for himself and eight people, merchants and the Li family to pay cash, which has somewhat reduced the cash urgency, the remaining three are owed.

Nowadays, Ba Zong Lou is also lively, the gates are locked, except for an ancient bag for cooking, everyone is not in a normal state, and it has almost become a gathering place for neuropathy.

"It's so hard, father and mother, I finally got ahead."

Wang Zhongwang, who was extremely difficult to swallow the medicine, was swallowed by the mouth. The bitter powder made him almost in doubt.

As long as his spirit fell into his emotions, Wang Zhongwang would cry on a pillar in the practice field, thinking about his past sufferings. After several days in a row, his eyes cried into a little white rabbit.

"Xu Zhi, take me to the waves, take me to fly, hahaha, I want to fly, I want to be a master."

Shang Qianqiu was sometimes very happy. He took a piece of red silk and made it swing. Sometimes when emotions came, he would be sad. His head was put on the red silk to perform a self-hanging southeast branch.

Her thinking was quite complicated, and even Xu Zhi didn't understand it. If no one was in charge, Shang Qianqiu would not be able to take this kind of drug with strong mental stimulation afterwards.

If it wasn't for the discovery, Xu Zhi felt that this little girl's skin was likely to succeed in suicide.

"I'm not the first, it's always possible to be the second, the third, ah, the third is not allowed, the fourth is always allowed..."

Li Chuyang fell into a strange counting mood. When he was the highest, Xu Zhi heard that he counted up to 22,325, and stopped talking until he was called by Gu Baobao to eat.

Gu Yuxi's situation is sometimes sober, sometimes confused, and when it is sober, it is called pain, and when it is confused, it will also babble.

It’s roughly ‘bullying us and fighting you’.

Xu Zhi felt that Gu Yuxi was yin and yang and the amount of Twin Lotus was insufficient, and he had no significant effect.

Facing the toxicity of the same kind of agent is two different results, Xu Zhi felt that his physique should be regarded as not poisonous.

After taking the Qingjing Pill once, Yan Jinbai did not appear to be the first time that Lao Tzu was the first in the world for the second time. When he was full of energy every day, he played deeply with his chin, thinking about why he was the first in the world.

For Xu Zhi, the pain at this time is much lighter than the first time. The ever-changing and more robust meridians bring a more powerful Qi training effect.

He also stabilized slowly at the master level.

"Hey, anyone? Hey, Xu Zhi, and Yan Jinbai, are you at home?"

On the third floor was bathed with a ray of light near winter, Xu Zhi turned his head, his head stretched out the window, only to see a few familiar figures.

Zangyou, Zangling, Zhong Shuiyun and Shi Huanxiang, who have met on one side, are the two.

"What's the matter, we are all sick, and we can't see anyone now."

Xu Zhi looked at the shaking Shang Qianqiu in the hall, and Wang Zhongwang who was crying and running, Gu Yuxi with an excited face, the thoughtful Yan Jinbai, Li Chuyang shaking his head and counting, and running to help from time to time The ancient bags are really inconvenient now.

At least another three or five days before everyone's medical effects can buffer the past.

"Everyone is sick. Cultivators will still get sick?" Zang You's eyes widened.

"Have you taken that new medicine?"

The Tibetan spirit also tweeted. In Yunling City, it took advantage of the first month of this near-water tower, and it was difficult for Tibetan vegetarians to know the information.

Xu Zhi knew that the other party had visited Huangpu Duanrong several times, and each time he returned without success. Actually, Huangpu Duanrong had few Qingjing Pills in his hand, and more people with great prospects had made reservations.

The party that has a good relationship with Huang Putu naturally takes the lead. For example, Tibetan Su Xin belongs to the neutral faction. In this competition, he loses a lot, and will be rejected by euphemism, and he has no place to lose his temper.

"I bought a try and taste" Xu Zhi smiled and said: "I'm in pain all the time, and sometimes I talk nonsense, so I can only say hello to you."

Xu Zhi pushed the access to Qingjing Pill lightly and backed away from the Yan family. It wouldn’t be too strange for them to own Qingjing Pill.

"Brother Xu, can you help me and buy a Qingjing pill for my family, my father really wants one."

"If you have a chance, you can."

Xu Zhi smiled and didn't directly reject the other There are still some stocks of the fruit of the life tree. As long as Huangpu has the capacity to cooperate, Qingjing Maru will have it in the future.

Now it's time for Zangyouzangling to mention that Tang Sifang didn't ask for medicine in person. Xu Zhi will not be too active in selling medicines and save the price.

"That's great."

Zang You and Zang Ling gave each other a high-five, feeling that they had heard good news.

After the two little girls had finished speaking, Zhong Shuiyun and Shi Huanxiang followed.

"Xu Zhi, are you guys in the inspection department crazy? There are several inspections in the past six months to set us up," Zhong Shuiyun hummed.

"Yeah, we thought at first that we were attractive, and the men who had seen it took the initiative to chase it." Shi Huanxiang said with a bitter face, "The air is happy, these people are playing with us. "

"I called Xiaotiantian yesterday, and told her to be careful next to Huanxiang the next day."

"Cough cough cough."

Xu Zhi heard a cough.

In the end, which one of the inspection divisions was the one who took the lead, and actually investigated the two at once. It was so close, and it was not surprising to roll over.

The staff of the Inspection Division cross-examined each other, and were still high-level female practitioners of the survey. Even if they changed their face, the performance was natural, and it was easy to cause doubt for a long time.

Zhong Shuiyun and Shi Huanxiang had seen Xu Zhi and Yan Jinbai, and they knew that they had positions in the inspection department and lived in Yunling City together.

"Why don't you and Yan Jinbai come to investigate us, although you are younger, if you are close to the relationship and investigate us, then we also recognize it."

"Yeah, yeah, my sister is saying goodbye to everything, and she can cope with all kinds of postures. Maybe we have a bit of fate."

The words of the two made Xu Zhi blush slightly.

Unexpectedly, the investigator came to the door.

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