Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1296: Troubled autumn

Under the fairy tree, there are four jungle fairy villages, half sheep village, two wolf dens, and a poisonous bee grass nest.

In addition to this, there is no other group of creatures.

Occasionally, some creatures who come to the door, such as the praying mantis that Xu Zhi has hacked to death twice, and there are also wild wolves and elemental creatures that chaoticly enter the fairy tree range when the element tides.

Xu Zhi became the leader, and the four jungle fairy villages were headed by Dongfang Village.

Half Goat Village and the jungle fairy village have always been friendly relations, while the wolf den was suppressed, eating small creatures around, quite honest.

As for the poisonous bee grasses, they seem to be a bit invincible. There is a place for rooting to absorb nutrients, and there are some wasps playing together, they are very happy.

The four major villages have also transplanted some poisonous bees grass to enjoy the protective capabilities brought by these plants.

Xu Zhi looked at the green light curtain that was going farther away. This time, the mother tree didn't know what kind of biological community would be shrouded.

Leprechaun trees produce jungle goblins, but the body does not have the power to attack and kill, and it needs to rely on jungle goblins to protect its own safety.

The more prosperous the group of jungle goblins, the more confident it will be.

The spread of the light curtain will increase the area occupied, the stronger the rooted area and the affected area, and the stronger the body and the greater the number of fertile jungle goblins.

There are many small trees growing under the fairy tree, and some small creatures gather. The place covered by the green light curtain will gain a guarded strength, and the ecological environment will be different from that before.

But not every biological group likes this change.

Lord, a person who holds power and owns land in an area.

Some creatures that don't like the environment under the fairy tree will migrate away, or new biomes may migrate in.

It is more likely that some creatures will rebel because of the change in the nature of the territory.

Compared with the previous state of ease and peace, the fairy tree under this time seems to be strange and strange, and it is difficult to predict what will happen in the future.

"I don't have much time to guard here every day. You need to take care of everything in the village."

The jungle elf community is now Xu Zhi's single-person enhancement, and many green skins have not kept up.

Even the village chief Badanmu, who had been taught by Somra, has now only entered the level of the jungle fairy Yinying.

Badanmu's silver level is quite different from Xu Zhi's previous combat strength.

Relying on various traps and defensive measures, the jungle goblins have more than enough to defend the city, but the offensive is not enough. The current jungle goblin community is still weak and does not have the strength to control a wider range of territory.

"A troubled autumn."

Somra was just thinking a little, he also understood the problems faced by the jungle goblins.

"Come and see, the squeaky king is transformed again."

Seeing Xu Zhi go out, Maggie screamed.

The green skin, attracted by the strange shape of the fairy tree, turned back and looked straight at Xu Zhi.

"Wow, creaking has really changed. Can our jungle goblin be promoted to this state?"

"It's shorter than before."

"Not as powerful as before."

"It looks so much softer, it seems a bit similar to the humans in the lower realm."

The green skins gathered together, and the noisy sound made Xu Zhi a little dazed.

Yeah, his form changed again.

Xu Zhixun looked at his arms and thighs, feeling no change.

Grabbing Maggie, who is only one meter two tall, took the opposite amount and found that Xu Zhi was really short.

Seven or eight centimeters, even ten centimeters.

The height of the original two meters was shrinking.

This change in shape made Xu Zhi a little cry.

At first it was the appearance of the jungle goblin, which slowly transformed into the form of an elf, and then to the form of a green barbarian. Now, it seems to be approaching the form of humans.

Like the village head Badan Mu, there is not much to do, but the body grows to 1.8 meters and becomes a big green skin.

Tanan's design of the jungle goblin's body probably referred to his previous life form.

Xu Zhi took out a mirror and looked at the appearance in the mirror. He was still very satisfied with this change.

At the very least, it looks like a man, not beautiful or ugly, and conforms to the aesthetic concept of normal people.

It is far better than the image of the vicious green-skinned barbarian.

If you don't wear the green clothes and small round hats of the jungle goblins' signature style, you can look at it normally. Xu Zhi's shape is quite like a hybrid of humans and elves.

"Don't care about this kind of detail, I am me, just like me before" Xu Zhi smiled.

"Squeaky King, you are shorter, can you eat sweets?"

Maggie looked at the warehouse half-covering the door behind her room, and her mouth dripped suddenly.

"This is really a good reason. Come on, eat it. Children don't take so much. If you eat too much sugar, your teeth will break."

A bunch of ‘Xiaobaimian’ cottage brand sweets were taken out, and the jungle goblins suddenly jumped up, no longer having to discuss Xu Zhi’s appearance.

Squeak is still that squeak, the richest jungle goblin in Dongfang Village.

After appeasing many busy jungle goblins, Xu Zhi was free to walk in front of the portal.

On the faintly shining portal, many contracts are in the grey unacceptable state. There is no contract hanging in the contract column.

Xu Zhigang wanted to leave.

Bob's agency contract suddenly appeared on the Bob's agency contract: I am always waiting, waiting, day and night, night and night, etc. In the tormented state, ah ah ah, quickly come down to help the old man.

Contract: Gold ticket X1.

Since copying the house at Cardonis, Bob’s contract items have been much more pleasing. Instead of using a gold coin, it is directly a gold ticket worth 100,000 gold coins.

Of course, this golden ticket has nothing to do with Xu Zhi. No matter what his contract task is completed, it is a failure, and the golden ticket will return to Bob.

The old man is still stingy.

Xu Zhi armed himself to the strongest and promised to carry the horn bow and the fire arrow on his back.

Taking advantage of this old man, he still has the professional ethics to abide by.

Xu Zhigang wanted to go to the lower realm, and suddenly saw Hexis's contract light up.

Hexis’s contract: Lord Squeak, you seem to be stronger again. Recently, a thief came to my castle. I’ll come to see me when I have time to play. I caught a stupid scoundrel. That guy contributed. A good hammer is not waste.

Contract object: Hexis self-portrait X1.

Cricket, hammer.

Xu Zhi took a breath, did Bob's group finally couldn't help but start at Hexis?

Very few people dare to find Hexis in trouble.

Looking at Hexis's meaning, it was Doug Wugg who was caught and Frosthammer was taken away.

There is still a gap between the new immortal and the old immortal. If Doug Wuge misses, Xu Zhi is not surprised.

But this barbarian has the ability to resurrect, and Xu Zhi does not need to worry about him.

After looking at Hexis's contract, Xu Zhi grabbed Bob's contract in his hand and passed it directly.

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