Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1297: Void Magic Arena

Stepping out, Xu Zhi laughed.

When the time is too long, the embarrassment must be covered with laughter.

"Hahaha, Lord Bob, I miss you."

"Hahaha, squeaky lord, you are afraid that I am dead."

The old man looked at Xu Zhi in the lower bound of the contract and responded angrily.

He glanced directly at the slightly exaggerated angular bow on Xu Zhi's back, and then looked at the three special arrows of fire, and he was relieved.

When he swept to Xu Zhi's face, his comfortable heart just shook violently.

"Are you transformed, or have you taken that step?"

The appearance of the rude barbarian has gradually faded, leaving Xu Zhi's face with a more peaceful appearance, and it looks a lot more comfortable.

If there is no real name, familiar tone, armor all over the body, the promised horn bow and fire arrow and other characteristics, Bob did not hesitate to change the previous green skin.

"you guess."

Xu Zhi said with a smile, he likes to see Bob's stunned little look. It is rare that this knowledgeable old Master has a moment of shock.

"It's terrible, Lord Chee has become a fairy lord."

After thinking about the inability to call the real name in the past three months, when the contract was just concluded, it needed more magic than before, and Bob realized afterwards.

Between the two realms, Hexis can slightly perceive that his strength has changed, and Bob will react when he sees the real talent.

Compared with Hexis's attainments in natural magic, Bob is a bit worse.

"Crazy, the world is crazy, the jungle goblin is out of the lord," Agrienaire exclaimed.

"I think that compared to the fact that His Excellency Elita has become an immortal, the situation of His Excellency is acceptable."

Kotzes looked at the people around him, feeling more and more weak.

The priests of Jiaodidi have become immortal, and the green skin that used to be strong in the past can be understood even further.

"No, no, although there are few cases of priests achieving immortality, but they can be found anyway. Jungle goblins have become lords. This is the first time I heard. My God, I have to take a good look at the lord-type jungle goblin."

Agrinel was obviously shocked, not much better than Bob.

The better they are at natural magic, the more they understand the scarcity of lord-type creatures, and this is a low-level creature lord. It is extremely difficult to grow to this stage.

"Hello, Elita, congratulations."

Xu Zhi waved at Elita with a smirk not far away.

Proficient in life magic and death magic, with plague, corresponding medical magic, high-level shield of heaven, and the dark priest suit taken straight, with the status of dark stealth and top guardian angel.

Elita's magic system has been formed, can defend, can output, and has the ability to escape in the dark.

If luck is good enough, Elita’s immortality is no accident.

The duo duo in the team are immortally promoted, which will make people more or less unbalanced. One Doug Wuger is enough, but I haven't expected to get an Elita.

Agrinel felt the madness of the world, and Bob thought day and night, wishing that he was the one who achieved immortality.

"Ah, thank you for congratulations. Does your squeak lack money?"

Seeing Xu Zhi, Elita recovered from her foolishness.

"No shortage now."

Xu Zhi shook his head. His gold coins are now useless.

"Look for me when you are short of money. I can transfer a lot of money to you."

Probably too happy. The rich woman is very bold today. Of course, Elita has always been very proud of money. After all, the funds embezzled are not earned by her own hands, and they are not distressed at all.

"No problem, hey, Doug, did you lose the hammer?"

Probably because of the celebration of Elita’s promotion to immortality, the barbarian drank a little drunk and hummed on the table as a three-piece suit for promotion to immortality, helmet, breastplate, warhammer, all dressed in Doug On Wuger, there is nothing less.

Who was the thief caught by Hexis?

Being able to be praised by Hexis is a good hammer, but I am afraid that Vernon is very reliable.

"This hammer is my life, how can I lose it."

The barbarian hummed back and forth, and finally fell asleep with overwhelming power.

"Sir, you are ready? I can't wait to rush into the void."

There are two immortal grand prizes around, and the other three have no sense of mental stimulation.

Including Agrienier, who has always been calm, has also lost some of his usual heart.

As for Bob, who was determined to fight for the last Yu Guang in his twilight years, let alone that.

The life span is thousands of years, and there is not much time to lose. You can only find Hexis desperately and dedicate the last trace of strength.

"I can enter at any time," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "You just have everything ready."

The magic system has been formed, and the melee has been strengthened to the greatest extent. As for the long-range, having a horn bow and a fire arrow, this is not his weakness.

Xu Zhi watched the old man continue to conclude the calling contract, and the old acquaintances appeared one by one.

Griffon silly bird.

The wind element winds the sheep.

In the summoning sequence of Bob, there is one more element of silver-grade earth.

The little druids of the Forest and Grassland Academy encountered silver-grade earth elements during the Luojia Mountain This elemental creature is quite resistant, and is still known for its good temper.

Xu Zhi looked at the earth element and felt Xu Zhi's gaze. The earth element buzzed a few times and seemed to say hello.

"This is silly, very thick, and gives people the power of security. The friendship I have earned in the last three months has been a good one," Bob said proudly.

"Your friendship is too dangerous."

Xu Zhi shook his head and covered the ugly mask on his face. This element of silver-grade earth was considered to have fallen for eight lifetimes. It took only three months for him to know Bob and he had to do this desperate work.

The silly bird is responsible for mobility, and the wind kisses the sheep. The output of Xu Zhizhu, if there is no accident, this guy is used to protect Bob from the dangerous shield.

The four summoning places were all used up. Bob drank a magic potion, and added a preemptive attack magic to himself, which made him think about the Void Stone.

A green light, a blue light, a red light, and another black light and white light appeared around Bob.

Nature, lawfulness, chaos, death, life.

The five-in-one way guides the void stone. The pure magic has just covered the void stone, and the black void stone trembles slightly.

Xu Zhi just clenched the agile war halberd, and a huge gravitational force fell on his body. Just like when he penetrated from the elemental world to the lower realm, his body instantly poured into the transmission channel.

There is darkness between heaven and earth.

Only the five-colored magic light on Bob's body shimmered a little.

"Determine the type of applicant and enter the magic arena."

"Determine the applicant's strength and choose the targeted creature, the fairy dragon."

"Void Stone can generate the number of fairy dragon projections: eight."

"Randomly generate fairy dragon strengths: Normal, Elite, Normal, Yinying, Normal, Normal, Yinying, Lord."

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