Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1312: Reward

() In the Oriental Village, Xu Zhi stands on one side, and the water element leads Da Vinci to stand on one side.

The remaining party is a white tiger leader shivering.

The little green skins took out sharp knives and kept cutting on the head of the giant Domekira tiger. Every time they cut, the heart of the white tiger trembles once.

This is far from killing chickens and monkeys.

A few moments ago the majestic white tiger lord has been reduced to a tiger corpse.

This is a nightmare for the White Tiger commander who is forced to attend the meeting.

In the past, when he bit his prey, the mouth full of blood only felt the entrance sweet, and now I feel uncomfortable when I visit this execution scene. I only see that the past is full of blood, and a heart is pounding up and down.

The fur will be peeled off by the green skins to sew the armor, the tiger meat will be used for feeding, some hard bones will be polished into bone blades, and the unused tiger bones will be stacked under the tiger's head as the East Village The displayed loot deterred the strange life in the village.

"White Tiger Forrest, how are you feeling?"

"It feels bad."

Facing Xu Zhi's deliberate question, Bai Hu commanded the answer very helplessly.

When retreating, he ran a little slower, and he was caught to see this kind of thing.

Xu Zhi said that it was a fair of fairy elves, and he specially invited it to visit. It visited a hammer, and saw from the beginning to the end how the white tiger former lord Domekira giant tiger.

This is a feast of fairy collars, but not a feast of white tigers.

"Where is not good, you are welcome to correct me."

The sound of Tiger's roar during Xu Zhi's communication was very low. This low voice made A-Gump feel yin-yellow, as if facing the sullen old lord.

"My twelve companions are the jungle elves who are best at peeling bones and bones. If you feel that the skin is not very good, we can find a few live white tigers to improve our craft."

"It's really good to peel it, you don't need to find it again."

White Tiger A-Gump shook his body and shook his head violently.

Where can I find a few more white tigers now, and the rest are killed, and only one of them lives in Dongfang Village.

Ordinary jungle goblins are not terrible, including the village chief of the green skin, which is still just a little more powerful food level. Pay attention to the hunting method and kill the other party. The white tiger A-Gump's inner tremor is the green skin of the armor in front of him.

The opponent has a different fighting style than the elemental creatures.

Simple and violent.

The giant bows, rockets, sledgehammers, and pieces placed next to each other are terrible guys.

For elemental creatures, more is to exert the inner power of the body, and very few creatures use the power of foreign objects.

One is the lack of suitable foreign objects, and the second is that the elemental world does not have the conditions to maintain these foreign objects.

Even if the body adapts, once there is damage, it will face an embarrassing situation without subsequent supplements.

Instead of looking for foreign objects in three or four places, it is better to temper the body with one heart, such as tiger teeth, tiger claws, tiger tail...

A-Gump thought about the strong and powerful parts of his body, and finally found that sadly, even if he tempered no matter how strong, he would step into the lord one day in the future, and he would still be the dead soul under the green lord in front of him.

It has evolved into the giant Domekira Tiger, and its level will not be much stronger than that of the former lord.

In front of him, the white tiger, who was stunned, was the white tiger that Xu Zhi and others specially ‘invited’ to visit. When the other party cast a psychological shadow, Xu Zhi would let the other party go back.

The Green Forest is very far apart, covering an area of ​​500 to 800 miles, and the white tigers live in a huge range. It is very difficult to destroy the white tigers in this area.

The lords were killed by him, the relationship between the two parties entered an extremely bad state.

As carnivorous creatures, the white tigers and jungle goblins naturally exist different ways of survival. Constant hunting and continuous physical strengthening, the white tiger community has a much greater chance of emerging stronger organisms.

Twenty-four white tigers ruled under the giant Domei Qiraji tiger, but this time it was only nearly half.

This is the number Xu Zhi had to worry about. He could not always guard in Dongfang Village, and no one could wake him up when there was a crisis in Dongfang Village.

Like a promotion, it is difficult to reach the dream world directly for months, let alone the need to guard.

The inconvenience of time, the availability of only a few people's strength, Dongfang Village currently has a huge flaw.

As it is the case today, if it were not for him to be in Dongfang Village, even if Somra existed, there would be no less difficult battles.

He was also thankful for the good luck of this time, and he just kept the Thunder Warhammer for Hexis, so that when the Domeqira giant tiger burst into the East Village, he could quickly kill the other party.

To make the white tiger community full of scruples about the fairy collar, even if the lord appears in the future, he will not dare to infringe on it. Xu Zhi feels that the demonstration is necessary.

In order to create enough psychological shadows, he also directly killed two silver-class white tigers in front of A-Gump with a lightning hammer.

"Since you don't need to find it anymore, then go back."

Xu Zhi looked at the trembling white tiger A-Gump and lightly ordered the eviction.

"Tell me what you saw and heard, and tell your companions. If I find that you are not attentive, I will go to Green Forest to find you."

"I will definitely do it well, and make it clear."

White Tiger A-Gump stretched out his legs and had some numb limbs, and a long bubble of tiger urine rolled down.

There was an awful smell, and it shivered violently, then looked back at Xu Zhi's nose, and stiffly retracted it halfway, jumping out of Dongfang Village with his hind legs.

"Will they come again?"

In the face of the sprint of hundreds of white tigers, the village head Badan Mu still has a lingering fear.

In Dongfang Village, there are more than 60 green skins in total.

According to the actual combat strength, except for Xu Zhi and foreign aid, the green skins are about seven or eight to deal with a white tiger. This is a quantity that can easily bring despair.

If it was before, Badanmu thought he could hide, and he could run away as quickly as possible. Only when he fled to a tree high enough would he have a chance to survive.

Dongfang Village's first ability to climb trees is not in vain. The jungle fairy village has been destroyed and built repeatedly. It has been down to countless generations before it has the scale it is today.

Badanmu had seen the previous sufferings, but even when he was young, he had never seen so many white tigers rushing to Dongfang Village.

This is a completely different creature from the wolves that I often faced before.

The white tigers far exceeded their ability to respond, which made him very uncomfortable and insisted until the white tigers left.

"At least for a period of time they will be a little They dare not make a new lord without a new lord" Xu Zhi smiled and said: "Hang all the tiger's heads out, and the head of the giant Domeqirah tiger hangs in the middle One point, let them see the provocative end well."

"Da Vinci, you see our family's toilet water is pretty cute, or would you leave ten capable water elements to teach you how?"

Temporarily resolved the matter of the Green Forest White Tigers, Xu Zhi turned his attention to the water element to lead Da Vinci, which made the other party feel bad.

Xu Zhi, who is the mentor for the small water element, is obviously fancy with the combat power of the water element. Here, he is boldly guarding.

He will not give it away, after all, Da Vinci is also a provocation this time.

The previous example is here.

"You said you didn't take the initiative to change the original order in the territory," Da Vinci whispered softly, looking at Xu Zhi's disgruntled face, and his voice grew louder again: "Can serve the lord lord, contribute one It’s their strength, that’s their blessing, and it’s no problem at all.” 富品中文

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