Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1313: Formal communication

The Fairy Collar connects the water elements to the east, and to the west is the Green Forest where the white tigers are located.

As for the South, there seem to be some elements of the wind. These elemental elves do not have much requirements for the gathering place. Wandering around, the fairy tree loves to take root and takes root. They are too lazy to take care of this kind of thing.

Far away in the north is a jungle with a very wide range. There are many insects and ants. The white tigers do not like the environment over there. It is difficult to know who is ruling.

I learned a lot of information about the terrain from the mouth of the water element Da Vinci and the white tiger A-Gump, so that Xu Zhi, who rarely goes out, has a rough bottom.

Ten new water elements have been added to Dongfang Village, taking guardianship to a higher level.

This is the amount that Dongfang Village can temporarily bear, and there will be no situation where the main weak and the strong are strong. Even if Xu Zhi is absent, Somra can control these water elements well and prevent the other party from acting against the water.

These elemental creatures do not need to consume food, they only need to soak in the river for two hours every day, they have enough energy to exercise, and they are quite well nourished.

The pond that was built for the little water man was obviously not enough. Badanmu wondered whether to bring the water from the nearby river.

The better the quality of the stream water, the happier these water elements will be, and there is even the possibility of slowly improving their strength.

Give the water element a suitable living environment, this is something that must be done.

The excavation project is not small, if Xu Zhi can provide some tools, it will not be so troublesome to complete, and the excavation may be successful in a few months.

In addition to participating in the design and providing some tools, the big and small things of the village belonged to the supervisor of Badan. After getting along for several years, Xu Zhi was quite at ease with the old green skin.

Each model has its own strengths and works well. This model is quite good.

For three consecutive days, Dongfang Village was in the process of cleaning up the mess.

Recover various traps and create defensive facilities.

Some old things have been eliminated, and some new factors have been added.

In order to prevent some of the adverse effects that may be brought in the near future, Xu Zhi also customized a lot of large-scale steel horses made of steel from the real world.

These steels are extremely difficult to push down, and their sharp points can easily pierce the skins of many creatures, making them look daunting.

Iron and steel products are very easy to use in the early stage, but they will decay very quickly with the passage of time and belong to emergency facilities.

In Yunling City or Hua'an City, it is not difficult for Xu Zhi to do these things.

Only a few months later, they will go out to the South Ocean. When there is some inconvenience, Dongfang Village will continue smoothly and profitably. Everything can only rely on local development.

After busy busy with many things in Dongfang Village, some time that I want to procrastinate also smoothly passed.

Xu Zhi then turned to the portal.

On the portal, Bob's contract for Xu Zhi's battle was suspended high, and Agrienaire issued a contract with the same word at the same time.

Not dead, the people in this team are still alive.

After waiting for three days, Xu Zhi thought that the conflict between Bob's team and Hexis came to an end.

"It's really slow," Xu Zhi murmured.

The contract promised by Bob is quite good, a second-order slow magic parchment, and a fourth-order group slow parchment.

Of course, it is a kind of promise similar to a loan note, there is no real thing.

The old man wanted to portray these two kinds of magic parchment and had to rush back to the imperial city of Casa.

Promoted to immortality, the teacher's confidence is quite sufficient, the pledge in the contract vowed that he must be the winning party, and the promised items will be completed.

Now he is quite confident that if he deals with other people, even the immortal, Xu Zhi nods and rushes down.

After all, these two kinds of magic are extremely important and can be released in battle. Their role is far stronger than that of non-combat state magic.

If there is a combination of slow magic, it is difficult for a creature like Domeqila Giant Tiger to jump into the Oriental Village.

But it was Hexis, and Xu Zhi didn't completely lose his mind.

It took only three days after I took the hammer from others, and I still suffered from the other party's benefits. I immediately went to others, and I couldn't do it directly.

Besides, Thunderbolt storage and release devices were installed in the castle of Hexis. One thousand and twenty-four lightning bolts were enough to make people doubt their lives.

With Demon Ada, Hexis wanted to escape easily.

The identity of the immortal is confidence, and the revenge after the resurrection will be fierce.

From the perspective of daily contact, Hexis is just a scientific immortal who is prone to paranoia.

As long as you like it, tinker with some inexplicable things, and regardless of whether the other party can accept it, there is little concern about the possible consequences.

If the mind is sober, the other party will regain their thoughtfulness and get the results they want most by calculating the gains and losses.

Knowing more about Hexis, Xu Zhi became more and more unaware of the head-on conflict with Hexis.

His Majesty Ruiou is a person who has suffered a loss. The revenge has not yet been completed. Some things are waiting for the outbreak of the node. If Hexis is serious, all things will be messed up.

With three adorable new immortals and two special talents who passively join the action, Xu Zhi doesn't think Bob and others can get the benefits.

This targeted action must be played by Bob himself.

Xu Zhi glanced at the contents of the two contracts and ignored the two agency contracts.

Xu Zhi had a headache because His Majesty Ruiou's call appeared in the agency contract, and the existing contract had to pass.

The contract of Mistreo’s agency: I heard that you squeaked your promotion to the lord, and promoted the promotion of the immortal, and the defeat of the fairy dragon lord in the void. This kind of thing once made me doubt my life. .

Contract: "Mysterio's Little Insights on Magic"

Compared to previous contract words, Mistreo's tone is much more relaxed.

This is the respect brought by strength, and it is far more polite than the benefits brought by Xu Zhi's cross-border inversion of various technological products.

In a society where swords and magic are the mainstream, without strong power, the status of merchants is not too high.

This is almost exactly the same as Dongyue's market.

It is not difficult to understand Mistreo's attitude change.

Seems to understand Xu Zhi's hobbies, the other party also took a book he wrote in magic to indicate friendship.

This is an extremely formal exchange.

As an emperor, Mistreo should be in control, the enveloping envelop, and the start is unambiguous.

Come with considerable sincerity.

Bob, this reporter, is the small report very detailed?

Prior to this, Bob made a mess for Xu Zhi, so that he could no longer pretend to be miserable before Rui Ou, but now he is afraid of being more vigilant.

For the development of the current situation, Xu Zhi had a little preparation in mind.

Since then, it has become increasingly difficult to earn cheap.

If you want to get what you need, the cost will be greater.

The cheapness in front of you is not earning nothing, and the books written by His Majesty Leo may add some magical experience.

Even if it is of little value to Xu Zhi, for Somra, the high-level master of this kind, such as His Majesty Ruiou, has great reference.

Xu Zhi looked at the three contracts on the contract column of the special agency ~ ~ and chose His Majesty Ruiou without hesitation.

The body stepped in through the portal, and a sultry wind blew over.

The place was not in the palace. Mysterio was surrounded by a little light, standing alone on a dark hillside.

Not far away, it was smoky and fiery, and seemed to be the vent of an active volcano.

Probably the eruption is in its late stages, and now there is only a little red magma flowing slowly.

"Your Majesty, where are you traveling from here?"

His Majesty Rui Ou occasionally went out to collect wind, for example, when he ran to the deep sea to catch a mermaid the year before, it was not surprising to go out.

Xu Zhi looks at the crater, there is something to catch in this place.

Running in such a ghost place in the middle of the night, Majesty Leo could enter the hysteria period of Alzheimer's again. Fu Pin Chinese

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