Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1314: Window of Sage

"You're here."

Mistreo near the volcano turned around, and the faint light of luminosity shone on his slightly pale face, which seemed a little strange in the dark night.

Rarely Mysterio held the staff in his hand. The other party seemed to be preparing for a certain battle. Xu Zhi responded to the previous sentence and looked around. He didn't see any powerful creatures.

"This is south of Devonshire, a place called Rodworth."

"Rodvo? Haven't heard of it. Is this place unique?"

Devonshire is very clear. Bob and others are wandering in this area. Rodworth may belong to a small district name of Devonshire.

"Characteristics, there are still some. You look at the volcanic eruption around here, which is quite bad."

Mistreo replied, his eyes vigorously glancing back into the dark night sky.

"No, there is a lot of dust and smoke in this place. It's very disgusting. It seems to have a smell of sulfur. The black dragon seems to like sulfur very much. Is your majesty here to catch the black dragon?"

Unless there were some creatures flying in the sky, it was impossible to catch anything in this place. Xu Zhi followed the direction of Mistreo's observation for a little while, and then returned his gaze.

"I didn't come out to play on this trip, I just asked some old guys to do something. It was a coincidence that you came."

Mistreo carefully looked at the newly promoted jungle goblin in front of him. The round hat and green dress are still the daily dress of the jungle goblin. It is not much different from the specifications he wore when he saw him in the lower realm.

But the height and face shape of the opponent have changed a lot, and there is a clear difference from the previous one.

At least the appearance is pleasing now.

According to the division's information, this green leather is good at melee, long-range, and magic. It is not much different from the excellent humans in the lower realm, and it goes very far in personal development.

Despite investing in Xu Zhi once or twice, Mistreo still feels that he has gone blind.

The time was too fast, just a few years later, the other party was promoted from obscurity to the level of the current lord.

Although the biological rank is lower, this green skin grows a lot.

From the extremely weak chicken to the strong, this is almost a talent for intelligent humans.

The resources held in the opponent's hands are even more staggering, and the ghost knows how this green leather got the horn bow, and the extremely valuable fire arrow of the Xia Nong Kingdom.

If he is facing an archery master who carries a horn bow, he is also terrified.

"Since Your Majesty has something, I won't disturb you."

Xu Zhi was quite interested, but just chatted a little. Since Mistreo was doing something right, he was inconvenienced to stay with each other in this place for a long time.

"Come all here, then stay here, and let's have two drinks after the end of the business, congratulations on your promotion to the lord" Mistrior laughed: "It's just today that an amazing magic prop is going to be used. You can also stop by. Look."

Amazing magic props.

To be so praised by Mistreo, the effect may be relatively unique.

This caused Xu Zhi's curiosity.

"That's right, why didn't you go to the teacher's help?" Mistreo asked casually.

When coming to Mistreo, Xu Zhi didn't expect that the other party would ask about helping Bob. The information of the two people was synchronized.

"I just saw His Majesty's contract, and of course I will come to His Majesty's side the first time," Xu Zhi smiled.

"Your slippery head has always been unprofitable and early, but dissatisfied with Bob's contract."

"No, Master Bob can take out good things every time, absolutely fancy."

Xu Zhi covered his head, and when His Majesty Ruiou mentioned this, he definitely had some information.

"A few days ago, I had a fight with the teacher. I was tired and panicked. I just ran back to the elemental realm. A white tiger lord led the army again and fought for a long time. Now I am physically and mentally exhausted and I don't want to fight at all."

Xu Zhilian waved his hands repeatedly, with a three-point sincerity in his words: "I never expected to be so troublesome to be a new lord. There are many creatures who are not convinced around me. If I am injured in the process of assisting His Excellency Bob, my situation will be Extremely dangerous."

It is true that Lord White Tiger is here, and physical and mental fatigue is fake for a long time, but half-truths are mixed with nothing wrong.

Even if the mermaid is in this place, it will be no problem to verify it.

No matter how good the contract is, it is also based on the ability to live and take it for sure.

According to Xu Zhi, he faced not only the risks brought by Hexis, but also the strange situation of the elemental world.

This can't be overwhelming.

"I have communicated with several natural magic masters. The elemental world upholds the law of the jungle of natural selection, survival of the fittest, and weak meat and strong food. There is no reason for the lower realm. You will kill those who are not convinced, and all will be killed."

His majesty's eyes shone brightly, and his face was full of air.

"Any unsatisfactory factor in the territory may become a knife that pierces you when you are weak. Only when they kill you will have a shadow, and you can no longer think of dealing with you, you can be completely stabilized."

"Your Majesty said yes."

No emperor had no blood on his hands and ruled Casa for thousands of years. Mysterio knew exactly what was the best way to deal with it.

Even Mist Palma's fierce hand was extremely simple. At that time, because someone secretly prevented the Cardinal from coming over to heal him, he directly destroyed several forces that secretly attacked the ghosts.

This involves some members of the royal family, but Mistreo above the temple did not say anything.

They were almost killed. If he came to seek him to do justice, such an heir would be more appropriate to die.

The lower realm is a place where reason and fist are talked about. Mister Barma is both complete and takes up the commanding heights of reason. There are also hard enough fists to do things that will not be blamed.

Xu Zhi is a very optimistic elemental creature from Mistelio. He has great potential, strong ability, and ability to communicate. Now he has become a lord, which makes him more satisfied.

It is difficult for the other party to carry out formal high-level aristocratic education in the lower realm.

"Speaking of your elemental world, there may still be some secret places in the ancient You can go and explore, like the Spring of Youth, that is what I want..."

Mistreo just wanted to say a few more words, and suddenly saw a little white light flash in the dark night sky in the distance.

A ruby ​​shaped like an eyeball was pulled out.

After reading a few words, Xu Zhi saw that the ruby ​​was floating, and there was a white glow around the gem.

"This is the window of the sage."

Seeing Xu Zhi's doubts, Mysterio explained slightly.

"The window of the sage is remotely connected to a treasure called the eye of the sage. Anyone who looks at the eye of the sage will see our eyes through the window of the sage."

"Every darkness will show no trace under the eyes of the sage, and it will show traces. Of course, for us, its biggest role is to trace the immortal light and find the hiding place after the resurrection of the immortal." Fu Pin Chinese

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