Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1317: Real opponent

() The line of action of the Bob Quintet is extremely complicated.

Xu Zhi watched Agrienale continue to lead the way ahead, circling the rugged mountain roads of Longdao.

This curvy way of walking, not following the normal route, bypassed the patrolling of many big-eared monsters on the periphery of Dragon Island, and even the vampires buried under several levels were useless.

As for scared beasts, fighting may be a good hand, so you don’t have to think about patrolling with your brain.

"These people are so careful. I entered the Dragon Island directly without any attention from the guards at the beginning." Waiting a little impatiently, Meng Ge said.

"But you also lie down directly."

Bollinger replied in a deep voice, as his promising next-generation successor, Meng Ge's performance this time made him extremely disappointed.

After killing Hexis, the Thunderbolt Warhammer can be recovered, and even spend a lot of manpower and material resources to make another one.

But the successor is different. If there is insufficient mentality, any bold decision after taking over the country will cause countless troubles.

Meng Ge, who had red cheeks, just wanted to refute a few words, and then he stopped stiffly.

He was a crime of non-war, and the ghost knew that there was something inexplicable in Hexis Castle.

The natural love for the Thunderbolt Warhammer made Mengge have a great curiosity about the lightning storage and release device that generates electricity.

It's done in a touch, who knows.

He swore that he had touched it for the first time, and he was shocked to know that the personnel was unknown and how he was thrown out.

He can't be the only fool in the world. Meng Ge looked at the group of five in the window of the sage. If the five of them also touched, Bollinger might understand a little more.

This can't blame him.

Everything is the fault of the strange machine.

"Your Majesty, are you so sure that you, Bob, will kill Hexius?"

If you want to stay on the sidelines, then Bob also has the ability to flee Hexis.

If you want to trace the immortal light after Hexius' death, you must have the other party to die before you have a chance.

There is an airy report from the third ear on Xu Zhi's head. Xu Zhi feels that these new and immortal people are difficult to please, and it is likely to be a bad mold.

If Hexis closed the castle and rested, His Majesty Leo, who was far away from the volcanic rocks, and others would have to blow the breeze all night.

"Compared to Hexis's strength, they are a little bit worse and can only fight for the first time." Rio said with a smile: "We really have to do it."

"As long as they enter the battle, it is difficult for Hexis to divide his mind and perceive that we rush into Rodvor. As long as he is surrounded by him, with the power of five of us, he will be able to form a lore. "

"I wonder if the wise man will find out where Hexis was resurrected, and when we kill him again, Hexis will have to be reborn if he has the ability to survive."

The window of the sage is obviously used to pay attention to the actions of Bob and others. In the gaze of the sage, these people have no feeling at all.

Xu Zhi even saw the small castle of Hexis in the eyes of the sage. Without the third ear's message transmission, Hexis might not even notice.

Several oil lamps swayed in the castle, and the light was dim as if they were breathing patients.

Xu Zhi did not see the figures of Hexis and Demon Ada, and learned the information of His Majesty Ruiou and others. Xu Zhi could not guess how Hexis responded to this situation.

The quintet chose a trip time in the middle of the night deliberately. What I thought was to play a sneak attack in the middle of the night.

Xu Zhi faintly felt that he had pitted a group of five.

This sneak attack can't be stolen. Don't be hit by Hexis even if you are lucky.

As the quintet moved closer to Hexis' castle, Xu Zhi couldn't bear to look directly.

"You don't have to worry about Master Bob, he is now an immortal, and even if he can't respond, he survives without any problems."

One point was worried about the quartet being pitted, and nine points was worried that the broken thing in his head would be pierced.

Xu Zhi's psychology is very unique today, full of various contradictions.

In Mysterio's view, this was Green Skin's annoyance that he could not help in the war, and he also explained Xu Zhi.

"That's what I said, I thought about it more" Xu Zhi replied slightly embarrassedly.

Except for Agrinaire and Kotzes, everyone else has the ability to resurrect immortality, and it doesn't matter if you are killed.

Among them, Agri Nair has a very unique ability to escape, and the nature of her teammates to keep herself safe makes it difficult for her to encounter great danger.

As for Kotzes, the young man is very flexible, and his on-the-spot skills are extremely strong. The body of the conflict of ice and fire has caused him great trouble, and now he has the extremely powerful magic of ice and fire to release power.

Among this small group, Kotzes is even stronger than Bob in terms of output.

As for the ability to escape, it depends on whether you can survive.

Under the watch of His Majesty Ruiou, if this guy performs well and has the merit of taking this shot, entering the board of the Casa Mage Association, the future will be quite good.

Of course, it is the same gaze, and the murky dark priest Elita may be more unlucky.

It is awkward for the former saint of apostasy to meet the current Pope of the Bright Holy See.

Among the five people behind the scenes, Pope Lien's expression was the coldest.

If he could clean up Elita, the pope would not be soft.

More than two hundred meters away from Hexis Castle, the quintet stopped, Agrienaire waved his hand, and his body suddenly escaped into darkness.

"I don't know which room that Heck lives in? By the way, you can't use a magic trick to blow up his castle into ashes and kill Heck by the way?"

Doug Wuge looked at the three professional magic practitioners in the team.

"I can't do it, I don't have any magic power like that," Kotzes hummed at Bob. "No one taught me Doomsday."

"Lao Tzu won't, let alone, you think someone teaches you, you dare to put the kind of magic that belongs to you, without lighting the immortality, don't expect to use this magic."

After hearing Bob’s reply, Kotzes looked at the three immortals around him, and he said, ‘Discrimination, I’m not immortal’, and one person went sullenly.

"Keke, don't be anxious. You are still young. As long as you have confidence and perseverance, you will be able to step into immortality in the future," Elita comforted.

"I don't want to drink chicken soup at all, it's poisonous."

Kotzes murmured, and saw the appearance of Agrinel at the gate of the castle, his expression slightly surprised.

"Hexis is not in the castle, there is no one here," Agrienaire doubted. "I clearly saw him drinking tea in this castle a few days What, he is not there? Bob said with a shock: "The agent didn't see Hexis leave Long Island."

"Is he afraid of us, he hid himself," Doug Wuge questioned.

The small castle was not big. After five people entered the castle, they ran for a while and searched all the rooms. They finally gathered at the door of the castle and looked at each other.

No one was there, what were they doing in the middle of the night.

"Why don't you take a good look at the upper part of the castle? I've been sitting here waiting for you."

The sealed observatory on the top floor of the castle slowly opened, and Hexis sat in front of the demon A, looking at the intruders coming in the middle of the night with a smile on his face.

These are the five pawns, but his opponents are not the only ones in front of them.

The real opponents have always been the people behind the scenes. Fu Pin Chinese

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