Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1318: Big fist makes sense

() originally wanted to attack Hexis to take the initiative.

Unexpectedly, he was taken aback by Hexis.

The other party has long been waiting here.

What's the matter with this, do you not sleep in the middle of the night, just sit there and wait for someone?

Do you want to be so smart?

"Do you have the ability to predict?" Kotzes couldn't help voicing.

The light on the castle was faint, and the figures of Hexis and Demon Ada seemed to be the devil in the dark.

Except for Agrinaire who had seen Hexis from a long distance before reconnaissance, the other people had only seen from the portraits. This was the first time he saw a real person.

With a mess of colorful paintings on his face, it is difficult to see the true appearance. The clothes wrapped all over are also mixed with different colors and styles, like a hodgepodge.

The aesthetics of Hexis's dress are hard to say.

The oss to be dealt with in this plan is quite like a circus clown actor.

This is the first impression of the group of five.

But the shadow of the tree, the name of the person.

It was repeatedly reminded by Bob that the other party was the best among the immortals. The emotions of the five people were quite a little nervous. They did not dare to have any carelessness and quickly set up a battle formation.

Agrinel and Bob waved again and again, and some emergency contract calls were continuously released.

Including Doug Wurg, he thought about it and recruited a jungle goblin, but the green skin had just arrived in the lower realm. After losing his lucky trick, he immediately returned to the elemental realm and ran quite fast.


Hexis snorted, and from Xu Zhi he knew the people behind him.

This includes ignorant wise men, the other party is a very well-known prophetic prophet in the Western Continent, respected in many countries, even Hexis is no exception.

Now that I learned that I was being targeted by an unknown sage, this respect disappeared without a trace.

For the prophet who is proficient in prophecy, he has only fear in his heart.

If it is really calculated step by step by the other party, he thinks it will be quite difficult to get out of this vortex.

Before he met each other, he could not show any emotion to learn the information.

Whoever counts who can count who can count, who will not know the true winner until the last minute.

A tree can bear thousands of different flowers. In the long river of fate, there are countless possibilities and countless branches.

I don’t know what the wise man sees is only one of the trends, does not mean that he will necessarily be like this.

"Huh, it seems that I am like the protagonist in China, and I must resist this **** fate."

Hexis murmured low, and only he could hear clearly.

"Hexis, you're so wicked. For the continent, just catch it."

Being ambushed by Hexis, the mood of the fellow friends seemed a little nervous, and it took a little time to adjust. Bob looked at it and decided to take a gun and delay the time a little bit.

"I live in Dragon Island every day, what can I do evil, and how can I blame the mainland, you **** little thieves, break into my castle without saying, and wantonly ruin my reputation" Hexis does not turn away.

Hearing everyone's comments on Xu Zhi's third ear, Hexis felt he had something to say.

But whether these people listen to the explanation is another matter.

At least Hexis felt there was nothing wrong with his behavior.

Compared with the wars that some rulers of the kingdom launched at every turn, tens of thousands of people died, his behavior is already a moral model standard.

"You want to conduct biological experiments, cultivate ghosts and ghosts, and cause volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods in Rodovo. The creatures in this area have been blamed by you to survive nowhere, how many people are displaced..."

"Fuck your mother's shit, I live alone on this site of Lao Tzu. At most, some adventurers will pick up medicine. How can people be displaced?"

Without waiting for Bob's long speech, Hexis launched a counterattack on the language.

"Does it allow you to study gold in Casa, to make Titans and puppet dragons, other people's research is a crime."

"That's not the same. We're studying constructs, which is different from your research on tampering with biological ontology," Bob shook his head.

"Why don't you go to the Xia Nung Holy See, they imitate the holy angels of the ancient times and make people into biological weapons like angels, this is to tamper with the human body" Hexis with a sarcasm "You should go to Feng Tajin Baron, he held a sacrifice of death and almost slaughtered the remaining civilians of Crimson, which is called a scourge."

Hexis’s resentment was obviously quite big, and he felt that he belonged to people sitting at home, and the disaster came from heaven and was inexplicably targeted.

Casa, Shannon, Northland, Apollo, O'Reilly.

The five nations are all aiming at it. If the open card is unveiled, it is almost impossible for the western continent to have his place. If he wants to escape, he can only run to Krison, let the old skull with an indiscernible temper help him. Put.

It is inevitable to shed skin and blood, but it is better than being beaten to death.

"But your ghosts and gods make up..."

"You guys can guarantee that no one's organization has a scumbag, let alone a small organization like me, in those big countries where you are located, there is no corruption, violence, abuse of power, and fish bottom."

The dispute between the quintet of Hexis and Bob, Bob and others have been retreating, which is difficult to refute.

Mistreo glanced at the people in the window of the sage and shook his head before saying: "Hexis has not found his biggest problem so far, whether it is biological transformation, creation of an organization, or even camping is not the original sin. , His original sin lies in having great strength, but he does not know how to control it."

"The Bright Holy See makes angels, that's the greatest glory of fanatic believers. It upholds the principle of voluntariness, and the angels of manufacture are also under control, as is our Casa."

"Any organization has black spots. Hexis does not understand how to operate but relies on the powerful power brought by the demon summoning technique to develop the line. The organization has a bad heart and tries to take a faster way to obtain power and repeatedly kill evil. And nobody stopped it."

"A powerful immortal who does not have the ability to control will always bring disaster. A casual decision can lead to many contradictions and make the souls burn."

"I just feel that Hexis is acting unsteadily and is abusing his power. I don't know that the wise man sees in the long course of destiny but it is his wanton manufacturing that ultimately destroys the world."

Mistelio talked eloquently. He was in a different position than Bob, and what he saw was different from what Bob saw.

He didn't believe in the prophecies of the unknown wise men, but he didn't want to have this possibility.

No one wants to try the feeling of world destruction.

After all, the example of the destruction of the old world is before us, just over a thousand years, some immortal people have experienced it, this kind of thing has to be guarded against.

"Must strangle" Pope Lean nodded.


Spartan hummed, and his body shook. Under the gaze of the sage's eyes, his body still formed a faint shadow. If he didn't pay attention, he would easily ignore the past.

"It is indeed better to die."

Bollinger squeezed the battle axe in his couldn't help thinking of his hammer.

"It's okay to imprison it," Irutan looked at the four men and said: "Of course, I respect your decisions."

Before the castle, in the face of the increasingly tense fighting atmosphere, Doug Wuge obviously could not hold back, lifted the Frost Warhammer, and directly opened the power of the Tigers suit.

"It's useless to talk so much, it's better to fight first and then to speak fair, whoever has a big fist will be justified."

"Well said, the truth is out of the fist."

Hexis patted the body of Demon Ada, covering him, and the wand he was holding began to recite spells, and a little black light diffused out.

"You can act."

Watching Hexius enter the battle state, Mysterio's flying magic possession, the human has already flew forward like a bird. Fu Pin Chinese

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