Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1319: Mobilize

() The situation of gang fight Hexis is expected to be shocked, but Xu Zhi doesn't want to visit at all.

The two sides were quick to see the cards. If Hexis could not fight for a while, what should I do to ask him for help, and where could he defeat the top continent of the western continent?

What if Hexis holds back the big move and involves him in?

Of course, in the face of this group of top kings, Hexis's biggest possibility is that he was directly killed and successfully transformed into an immortal light to resurrect.

In either case, Xu Zhi would feel very worried.

Of course, Xu Zhi felt that his biggest trouble was the third ear, which was not found by His Majesty Ruiou. If they met the other four, would these people find out.

Somra has said that the popes, prophets, emperors, and these people would be scary to draw out.

In the unlikely event that someone finds him in trouble and stabs the basket, the end may be extremely unbearable.

As an undiscovered traitor, he is very stressed.

Hiding, hiding, not hiding, left is not right, I already know that it is best to squat in the elemental world.

"Why did I respond to Her Majesty’s contract at that time, I would not be in the lower bound if I didn’t respond to the contract, I would not appear in Rodvor if I didn’t, and I wouldn’t have to see the Five Emperors killing Hexey. I don’t have to worry about my ears if the Five Emperors don’t kill Hexis. I don’t have to worry about my life...

Xu Zhi broke through his thoughts. Hearing the urge of Mistreo ahead, he stopped thinking carefully and ran forward.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is present, and you give me a flying magic, is that not a waste of magic."

"My magic power is recovering quickly, and I can't use the man to fly for two days and two nights. Besides, this journey to Rodworth is just a little drizzle."

Mistreo is very generous and pats on a flying magic.

Xu Zhigang wanted to pull away a little distance to make Mystereo's flying magic invalid. Unexpectedly, the other party urged him over, so he had to leave.

"You are so powerful, like I feel that the magic value will never be enough, and it will not be used."

Running to catch up with Mistreo, Xu Zhi handed it off.

"That's because you don't have the corresponding high-level mage equipment. If you are like a superb treasure like us, your magic value can last for a long time."

Mistreo smiled and said: "We are proficient in lawful magic. If you choose a treasure of the legal system, you can choose the magic recovery power, increase the upper limit of the magic value, and reduce the treasure consumed by the lawful magic. This is conducive to enhancing our magical continuity. The ability to control."

"You are right."

Xu Zhi nodded quickly. The emperor naturally can choose carefully. Like him, what is the use of it? Nothing. Every treasure is carefully calculated, and it basically needs to be used until the treasure expires.

"Like your current collocation is actually very good. It will cause a lot of trouble to many people under long-range shooting. If you develop a bit in archery, you may be able to enter our ranks."

Mistreo glanced at the green leather beside him, and the other party attacked the commoner, but he received specific information from Bob, and it was no problem to comment.

If the archery guru is paired with such artifacts as the horn bow, he has to pay attention to it.

"It was just a little drizzle, and I took good luck to catch two babies. How dare you compare with your majesty, and you can have the skill of your majesty one or two in your life, I am very satisfied."

In front of the bigwigs, Xu Zhi's posture has always been very low. His Majesty Rui Ou is now known to be thin, and it is useless to cover up, only to be more humble, at least not to cause the other party to be too vigilant.

"Twelfth" Mistreu laughed: "You can kill the fairy dragon lord projection with your cooperation, you are almost half of my skill now, maybe you can still kill Hexis To contribute to the process."

"Hahaha, your majesty really looks at me too much."

Xu Zhi made a haha, the topic was quite bad, and the discussion came to him. Things can not be in this direction. If it is not stopped, the follow-up will inevitably face more embarrassing things. There must be a turning point here.

"I heard in the Rain City that Hexis raised a lot of demons. Can they hold it up, Lord Bob?"

The ready-made topic is in front of us, Xu Zhi successfully dumped the pot to Hexis and Bob, let the other share a little attention.

"We had an agreement with Bob Division, as long as possible to fight to delay the time, their current strength is difficult to win, but there is no problem to delay the time."

"It's also strange to say that Hexis had raised sixteen demons, and I don't know where they were scattered. There is only one big demonic left in the Rodevo region, which is not a problem."

If it is unclear about Hexius’s lightning experiment, it is a mystery about the direction of the other fifteen demons. Mistreo also did not find out where to go, but as long as the battle situation is not affected, these demons will disappear. He didn't think much.

"Maybe I can't stand this kind of ice and snow environment. I heard that the devil likes hot spots a little bit."

Xu Zhi looked at the snow-covered mountains beneath his feet. This place seemed to be the place where he bid farewell to Mongo, so it is not far from Hexis Castle.

Flying in a straight line is far faster than walking around a detour, but there are only more than ten miles of mountain roads, and the leap is not too slow. It only takes two or three minutes.

"It is possible that the devil is not a loyal race originally, and it makes sense to leave in the face of environmental changes."

Mistreot raised the staff, chanted a spell in his mouth, and gathered a little bit of magical light to gather himself. He was obviously preparing to fight.

In the window of the sage, Pope Ryan rode on the golden griffin, the speed was not slow, and the longan gem on the top of the golden staff radiated bursts of light from time to time.

Spartz's figure was like a thick black smoke, rolling towards the castle. In the dark, his state would be unpredictable.

At least it is a sneaking ability of the master level, and even the addition of certain treasures is likely to be higher.

Irutan riding a reindeer has begun to draw bows and The golden flower blades at the front of the fire arrow are expanded to the maximum. One bow and three arrows, his wave of attack is not low.

Both Bollinger and Mongo hurried on their legs, struggling with their tomahawks and traversing the mountains and the mountains very fast.

At the time of the war, Xu Zhi originally wanted to fill himself with a shield of heaven, looked at Pope Lien, and put his mind down again.

This magic has a very high status in the light of the Holy See. To practice, it must go through extremely strict selection, registration and other processes to be qualified. If it is released in front of Lien, it will only be remembered.

"Hey, look at Hexis quickly. His condition seems a bit abnormal."

The ignorant wise man who has not spoken for a long time suddenly said, specializing in tracking the immortal light of Hexis, he does not need to participate in the battle.

Under the gaze of the sage's eyes, he saw clearly the battle quotes of Hexis.

Corresponding pictures were released simultaneously. Fu Pin Chinese

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