Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1320: Hexis was killed

() Hexis played extremely scary, carrying the big devil, sitting calmly on top of the castle, as if winning the ticket.

Raising your hand after starting the battle is a group curse in death magic, which makes everyone curse and weak.

Dispelling spells, confrontation, and magical interruptions, the battle instantly ignited.

Bob has done well to pay the price of his life.

But the opponent's mightyness did not last more than a minute. After the attack, only two magics were released and he began to cough, leaving behind the guardian of the great demon and fled.

Fighting is far easier than Bob and others had imagined.

Bob even had the illusion that he was too strong to hold the Navas suit and was promoted to immortality.

Obviously, he gave Hexis a spiritual poisonous magic, how to destroy the other party like this.

"It may have caused a certain disease of the other party. Their big figures who are proficient in death magic are very fond of research. If they are not careful, they may be able to recruit themselves."

Elita, who was in charge of logistics and medical treatment, seemed to be a bit idle. Before that, she also carried a dark cloak and was ready to escape at any time. After seeing what Hexis looked like, she was finally relieved.

Although the sneak attack was unsuccessful, it was better to meet each other when he got sick.

"That's right, he is probably sick."

Bob nodded, and Elita was as proficient in death magic as he had a certain say in this series of magic.

Many necromancers killed themselves when they were practicing plague magic. If Hexis practiced some special death magic that led to this state, it would be said in the past.

Doug Wug followed closely behind Hexis, constantly chasing, the Frost Warhammer smashed, and the opponent was extremely embarrassed.

In order to prevent accidents, Kotzes followed, using lawful and chaotic magic to block Hexis from time to time, and sometimes assisted Doug Wuge a little to make the opponent more powerful.

Now everyone is more distracted to deal with the great demon of Hexis.

Demon Lord, even Devil Lord.

The demon guarding Hexisian is extremely powerful.

It was just a blow that killed the Griffon summoned by Agrienaire, so powerful that it was difficult to fight normally.

If faced by a single player, it is difficult for everyone to fight against such high-level creatures.

But many to one, there is a chance to win.

As long as he does not face the Black Dragon and can successfully enter the battle, Agrienaire holding the bard suit is the single strongest control candidate.

The top peace song that comes with the treasure can resist the death of the melee creatures, and can't resist it.

After the death of the three-headed summoning creatures, Agrenel-Datura struck the demon's body and successfully controlled the big demon of Hexis.

As if there were no head flies, the big devil was flushed and his head was running wildly around the castle with his head down.

The strong and powerful arms of the past can no longer be raised, and there are more spells on the body, weakness, weeping, slowness, cursing, poisoning, disintegrating rays...

From time to time, it is also faced with the impact of Holy Words and Singing.

It was difficult to fight back by the group. If the big devil is justified, for everyone watching in the eyes of the sage, Hexis’ performance is almost in the name of his strong man.

After living for so many years, everyone has never seen a top immortal who is in his prime age coughed and run around to escape.

I do not know the cloth sage vaguely feel a little wrong.

This Hexis is too weak.

But the other party is indeed Hexis. This is not fake, no matter the dress, posture, or even the combat capabilities that Hexis initially released, the other party must be Hexis undoubtedly, not a fake.

"His mother, the three-axe cargo of Hexis. If I found him earlier, the two hammers would be killed. Don't bend around and do so many things," Meng Ge said.

"Close your beak."

Bollinger replied angrily, looking at Hexis in the window of the sage, this opponent's combat power was indeed slag, which was not in line with the performance of the strong.

The thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse, and even if a top-notch strong man is down, there is no possibility that the price will fall to such a point that he will be bullied by a novice immortal.

"The immortal power entwined on his body seems to be very thin, could it be that he was engaged in some terrible biological experiments, which made his body weak."

"Bobber and other people's sneak attack in the middle of the night still has a certain effect. You should pay attention to the magic weapon carried by Hexis. It is terrible. He obviously has no time to change the combat equipment. This staff is very casual."

"It's not difficult to remove the combat outfit from the immortal space."

"Perhaps he put the high-level magic weapons that take up too much space outside, and it will be too late to wear it. After all, no one wears those combat suits all day."

"Do you think he has a big conspiracy?" Mysterio doubted.

The situation of Hexis is very abnormal, so everyone should not think too much. In the current situation, if they need their help, the five-member group headed by Bob Division can directly get Hexis.

More than 500 meters away from the castle, everyone stopped.

Mistreo pioneered the conspiracy theory.

"We were covered by the eyes of the sage and the window of the sage, and then sneaked in while Hexis was at war, he should have difficulty perceiving us to come."

Irutan frowned, conspiracy what he disliked the most.

"In the face of the five door-to-door challengers, he should have no need to design a conspiracy," Bollinger shook his head.

"In case he has a way to learn the information we have come," Pope Lien laughed.

"He's nested on Dragon Island, how can he expect him to be a member of the ghost and spirit organization?"

"We didn't carry any guards this time, and almost didn't disturb anyone."

The discussion of everyone made Xu Zhi feel nervous for a while, and Hexis didn't just learn of the information you came.

Xu Zhi also feels that Hexis’s state is not right today. Last time he made an immortal potion, and the immortal power was extracted to make his body weak. But time has passed for several months. If the immortal power recovers slowly, it should have recovered most of it. , It is impossible to take a break after a minute of fighting.

What is it playing today? I was very happy not to play electroshock three days ago. Xu Zhi felt that Hexis was in a good state.

"Polinger, will it be your nephew's factor, leaking the news of our arrival and affecting Hexis' judgment," Pope Lean doubted.

Mengge blocked the gun smoothly, Xu Zhi relieved.

"Mengge couldn't possibly reveal the news. He didn't know that I would come to Rodworth. If it affects the judgment, I can only say that Hexis has the ability to make accurate predictions. Otherwise, it's impossible to get such a good time."

Bollinger shook his head. If he was under the influence of his nephew, he would naturally admit it, but it was difficult for him to be involved.

"Go to death, Hexis, hahaha."

In the window of the sage, Hexis had just escaped from the castle and was hit with a hammer by the follower Doug Wugg.

The Frost Warhammer effect finally worked.

Hexis's feet remained elevated, but he was no longer able to put it down.

The body was frozen in an instant, and even a thin layer of ice was enveloped outside.

"Remember to be a good person after resurrection, otherwise I will kill you again."

Doug Wuger leapt forward, and the Frost Warhammer slammed down on the head of Hexis without mercy.

A cloud of blood mist exploded ~ ~ and then frozen into ice mist again, and the blood foam fell.

Hexis' head was almost smashed by a hammer, his skull was broken into pieces, his eyes burst out, his death was terrible, and Xu Zhi couldn't help but look cold.

A little spiritual light flew out, and the corpse withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually turned into white bone, melted into bone powder, and slowly became nothingness. The spiritual light slightly circled and turned into a stream of light.

"His immortal light flew out."

"Hexis was really killed."

"It's impossible for him to take his life as a play and put on a conspiracy, which is probably because we are more concerned."

"The sage's prediction is really accurate. I think the barbarian fits the frost tiger roaring."

"After the immortal resurrection, it will fall into a temporary state of weakness. The sage will quickly set a place. We beheaded this scorpion. Anyway, we also completed the goal of this gathering." Fupin Chinese

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