Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1321: Accept the trial of power art

What immortal people are afraid of is not superficial strength, but the other party's ability to resurrect.

Once the beheading is endless, it will face endless revenge.

Whether it is light or dark, it is unpredictable.

Beheading Hexis easily, Doug Wugg couldn't help staring at the immortal light when he laughed, watching the other party's final direction.

Remember to be a good person after resurrection, otherwise I will kill you again, he has no chance to give Hexis a good person, as long as he can kill again, he will not hesitate to start.

Both sides have torn their skins, leaving this kind of future trouble not to be killed, next time they may suffer themselves.

The immortal light encapsulates the soul of Hexis, and also has powerful medical power, which can live and die.

A drop of blood, a piece of live meat, and even fragments of body bones after a brief death.

As long as the mark of immortality is made in advance, you can rely on this little factor to resurrect yourself directly.

Rebirth in place is not empty talk. Basil Lei had done this kind of thing with his strength.

Of course, after the resurrection of Basil Ray is not very good, so far I do not know where the reincarnation went.

Hexis's immortal light circled his bones and flew away as a streamer.

The other party obviously gave up the plan of resurrection on the spot.


A big wail that was demonstrably controlled by Agrienaire for a long time, the countless flames ignited on his body.

Without the control of Hexis, the contract with the demon is no longer stable, just a few seconds of effort. A dark space behind it emerges, forcing it into it.


"Hahaha, Hexis died, Hexis died."

"It's a lot easier than expected, Your Excellency Bob, your commission is completed."

"Great, the great demon is dead, godfather, let's go back to Casa to celebrate."

No one was hurt and no one was killed. This situation made Bob very suspicious of life, and things should not be in this direction.

This is not in accordance with the situation agreed by His Majesty Ruiou, saying that the struggle will be delayed and they will kill everyone. What is the situation?

It is like a godsend, or they are the nemesis hit by Hexis.

Bob didn't want to understand for a while, Hexis shouldn't be so weak, but the other party was the leader of the ghost and god, the big boss.

The identity of the other's immortal is also correct, and he can't see the light of immortality. This has been resurrected, and immortality is certain.

"Don't take it lightly, go down and look around to see if Hexis is resurrected nearby, although he is weak, if he attacked us, it would be bad."

It was just the first kill, and now it was still far away from the celebration. Bob whispered a few words, calming down the persuasion of the hot-headed people.


"The immortal light of Hexis is not far away, and his resurrection point must be set near this castle. Please look for it quickly."

The speed of the immortal light escapes extremely fast, but it fails to escape the gaze of the sage's eyes.

In order to arrange this scene in Rodworth, they planned for a long time.

Secretly, on the bright side, those who attacked the first wave of attack, followed by killing, and there are treasures dedicated to tracking.

I don’t know how to know the wise man for a moment, and finally I am sure. For everyone, this is probably the best information.

Everything can be finalized near Hexis Castle.

With the exception of Bob, when the people of the five nations appeared in the venue, the expression of the other people was extremely surprised.

"His Majesty"

"You don't have to pay much courtesy, first find Hexis' hiding place, his resurrection point is set near the castle."

Mistriouti kept looking at the situation around the castle with his staff.

For example, Doug Wurg also had to salute Pollinger, while Agriline belonged to the Kingdom of Aberro, and nodded slightly at Irutan. Several people also looked at Xu Zhi who was following Ruiou, his eyes slightly. Say hello.

Elita looked at Pope Lien with fear and fear, the dark cloak pulled, and the figure suddenly escaped into the darkness.

"Well, Spartz can't completely hide his body under the eyes of the sage, not to mention your role with the help of treasures, I will clean up you later."

In the surrounding darkness, there is no trace of Elita, only a faint black light in the eyes of the sage, that is the master sneaking state that Elita entered with the help of the dark cloak.

His words made Doug Wooger feel displeased for a long time, staring at the opponent for a long time, and finally turned around and left.

"Several big figures came on the scene, and our little character really has to leave."

Ai Grenelle smiled faintly, glanced at the opposite Spartz with vigilance. The old assassin had so many disciples and grandchildren.

Despite Bob's needle thread, she revealed the incident, but she still had a trace of palpitations in her heart, but she made a little plan and escaped from the darkness.

"Daddy, look."

Kotzes was obviously dissatisfied with Lien’s remarks, but the words were weak and he could only look at Bob.

"Don't worry, Lord Elita is now an immortal, and no one dares to target her easily."

Bob looked at Lien and threw a message out of it.

"Immortal, she."

Lien stopped communicating with the Golden Griffon, looked at the black light that was constantly running out of the Window of the Sage, and finally forcibly held back the killing heart, giving up the thought of letting the Griffon King pursue.

It is impossible for Bob to lie in front of so many people.

If Elita can achieve immortality, I am afraid that it was the death magic that he chose to practice until he was completely out of the control of the Holy See. The other party has undoubtedly become extremely difficult now, and he has not prepared for the whole, and hastily targeted an immortal. , It is easy to cause uncontrollable events.

"The heretics who practice the magic of death will be condemned by the God of Light in the future."

Lien said the last time, and suddenly the castle in front of him quickly lit up.

In the darkness, a violent light burst out.

Like a sun rising quickly.

The shining person could not open his eyes.


"Where is this great light?"

"Is there hundreds of people releasing bright light?"

The body after Hexis' resurrection had not yet been found, and the accident suddenly came.

The castle is full of light, and the hollow glass windows seem to hide the strongest sunlight in the world, which makes people feel very uneasy.

"It must have been a hacking by Hexis, go check it out according to the he must be near the light source" Irutan hurriedly.

"This is going well. I'm almost blind. I can't tell where it lights up," Bollinger muttered.

"Nasty light."

There are hardly any shadows to help. After more than ten seconds, the land of the Dragon Island has formed a world of white light, and Spartz in the darkness has to interrupt his stealth and show his body.

From the moment the light was on, Xu Zhi felt bad.

Hexis really used a 50,000-watt light bulb as a weapon, which is a joke for people in the real world, but it is extremely useful in a world with different levels of technology.

No one knew why there was such a great light suddenly.

Just as Mengge didn't know the lightning energy storage release device, he felt stunned by electric shock just by touching it.

"Thunderbolt energy storage release device, 1024?"

Xu Zhixin burst out, just wanted to return to the elemental world to ensure safety before entering the fighting state, but the small thought in his mind instantly became excited.

Suddenly he wanted to see how Hexis hacked people with lightning.

All of these people who are hacking are still big figures. This situation may be rare for a few years.

For the gloating incident, he seems to have been more enthusiastic recently.

As long as his head was not smashed like Hexis, he was acceptable to some extent to see this lively, anyway, everyone can still be resurrected, and die.

"Go to some old bad embryos of Nima, and accept the trial of power art."

He is very familiar with Hexis's castle. Xu Zhi just narrowed his eyes to find a corner cat, and then heard the sound of Hexis echoing everywhere in the castle.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, white to a pure world with a little more purple light.

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